And one person did. Someone who cared enough to chop out certain fights and only upload their best logs. I think you might be braindead or something. Like you’re just repeating yourself over and over and thinking it like amplifies the bs you’re spewing.
GDKPs are all seeded with gold buyers and you can’t refute it and got upset so you try to attack purple healing parses because ‘that’s not good enough healing’. Wtf are you even arguing?
You’re seething so hard over this that you went and looked up healing logs I didn’t even know about from a time when I had no gear. Something that is then compared to the best logs which are naxx geared players on a 4 year old server optimising their runs. Surely you realise how pathetic you’re being?
Maybe if I repeat what you’re saying it’ll come through to them but idk. With a name like “Drinknblink” and an attitude like that it’s no surprise that these people come into this thread disingenuous to defend GDKP’s. People who do GDKP’s would come into here with a genuine question of. “Why are they bad?” And get a genuine answer but I’m 100% convinced this is a turbo cope on how “WELL WE AREN’T BAD FOR THE GAME” OR It’s some weird deceptive trick to lie to people so they can get more buyers to be paypigs and give them gold that was from bots.
Because by that logic, then tackle all incentives and remove all gold.
But you aren’t saying that. You’re hyperfixating on one, and ignoring all the rest, and are refusing to apply that same logic to the rest.
So instead, we can focus on the actual issue which is RMT, but you don’t want to, because people buying gold for consumables or whatever you are willing to look past.
It’s hypocritical and disingenuous. The two correct routes is to remove gold or remove RMT, but you’re choosing this very specific path because you personally don’t like gdkps and are willing to make any argument that is not the other two presented, because those two don’t remove gdkps.
And that’s where you’re wrong. While Blizz is not willing to help you in the event you are scammed, a player on sod can go to LK or retail, buy a token, get the gold, then find someone to trade that gold with for more sod gold.
External trades of gold across eras is allowed, despite not being supported.
And it’s still moot overall, because people also just outright buy gold for sod anyways, so instead of focusing on this point of buying gold, you focus on the token part because you’re not interested in, what was it:
you just want gdkps banned.
But you shameless enough to continue using all other aspects of RMT, as long as you can convince yourself to close your eyes hard enough, hypocrite.
wow tokens = gold buying. Im sorry you’re too stupid to see that.
But you do, all the time in trades, auctions, and more. You just don’t see it.
Literally you this entire time. Case and point, instead of talking about gdkps, you’re still trying to change the subject to sod specifically, as if they are the only ones with gdkps.
Jesus christ you stupid mong.
Im not finding it to quote it, I already stated, anything that involves gold, involves RMT, which includes gdkps. You didn’t make me realize anything. You’re just making me repeat what I already said because you’re too stupid to get it the first time.
So your excuse was they uploaded all your logs but chopped out Cthun for most of them??
Don’t worry lil bro you aren’t the first person I have exposed on the forums and you won’t be the last, Hellremeber your buddy Shadows he was also 1 of the people.
I did diffinf found out who he was and linked his logs, he was so embarrassed he went in later and set his logs to private, maybe you should do the same
But I can still look them up and see how you did every raid just like him because someone in his raid logs also.
GDKPs are all fueled by botted gold which is bought by players and used to bid on items. Me having purple parsing on healing logs is so irrelevant. Like you have to be trolling, I hope so. No way someone thinks that matters.
Gulp. I guess I’m bad at the game. At least I’m not mean and disingenuous. I’m blocking you you’re clearing being a troll and just absolutely rude. You shouldn’t act this way when someone has an opinion or having fun in a thread.
Oh interesting so you traded WOTLK gold for botted SOD gold. Thanks for exposing yourself too. It was about time your detective work swung back around.
Your point, insomuch as I can tell, doesn’t hold water. If people are freely acquiring RMT gold, a world without GDKP’s just means that initial ZG Bijous and Coins go for very high prices and stay at very high prices until sufficient people are willing to flood the AH and drop the price. Further, the whales don’t circulate their gold (RMT or otherwise) in the absence of GDKP. They simply buy the next set of whatever is needed for the meta and then bow out of the economy wholesale. Exalted people don’t need more ZG fodder. Folks with BiS don’t need to keep buying gear.
Without GDKP, most hoarded gold stays hoarded. Alts don’t get into raids because they’re undergeared or aren’t known by anyone or subject to whatever slow/lengthy loot priority list process that group uses. Consumables are used less because casual and scrub players don’t bother in their MS/OS runs or goof-off guild runs, so those markets drop as well.
Anti-GDKP are literally complaining about the inevitable result of economies with excess gold due to massive populations who have nothing else to spend it on. Gold is actually USEFUL with GDKPs, as opposed to just existing in our inventories, and you don’t need a massive amount (hardly any at all in fact) to participate. Absurd.
What is this projection lmao? You’re upset that people were drawing the connection between GDKP and RMT. You’ve sat here defending it vehemently and I guess you’ve run out of arguments so me wanting a stop to a RMT funded activity must mean I’m the one buying gold actually. Do you realise how dumb that sounds? Please read your posts before hitting reply. I know you’re eager but holy.
Tackling a part of the RMT problem seems pretty contradictory to what someone buying gold would want. Someone buying gold would want more avenues in which to spend their gold to get advantages. That’s the entire point they buy gold to begin with. And you’re saying because I want one of those problems gone to get some progress on the issue, that I’m actually gold buying? Please read your posts. It’s getting really embarrassing for you at this stage.