Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

I never uploaded logs. I actually had to go digging to find what you’re on about. The fact you’re bringing up random healing logs on a 4 year old P6 Era server with full BIS characters to compete with is so pathetic. Sorry for seeing full health bars on raid frames and not wasting mana?

See I knew it was you

If I was you I wouldn’t want to upload logs either.


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It’s so funny that you have to start attacking healing logs because you lost the argument about GDKPs lol. Go ignore all the orange and purple parses. You’re so cringe.


Are gdkps still in the game??

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Yes. Gold buyers are still in the game.

I join GDKPs because they are fundamentally better performance wise than pugs 90% of the time.

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If I was you I wouldn’t want to upload logs either.

Who actually looks at healing parses seriously?

https: //www. youtube .com/ watch?v= qtBpRMtsQBo

I wasn’t comparing your parses I looked at how bad your raid was.

Like you had more prophet kills than Cthun kills, by over double.

Almost like your whole raid was so bad they couldn’t clear it right away.

Was dodging his beam too hard?

Congrats you’re literally the evidence on why people do gdkps over pugs because we are afraid of getting people like you and your raid group in our groups.

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Yeah, pre-made WSG groups have seen less capping than that!!


Go take a look at that video.

More HPS = lower DPS = slower kill = higher parse

Less HPS = higher DPS = quicker kill = lower parse

A ‘good’ healing parse is literally a symptom that the DPS were bad. For someone that raids the fact that this doesn’t compute is glaring.

Was dodging his beam too hard?

I cleared C’thun every time I entered AQ. You seem to forget I don’t care about uploading HPS parses so logs are clearly cherry picked by some DPS, only uploading what he considered a good personal performance. Do you think this effects me?

we are afraid of getting people like you and your raid group in our groups.

We cleared and got loot every week. Do you think anyone cares about what some WOTLK gold buyer booster has to say on the matter? You’re clowning so hard right now lmao.

Yep :point_down:

Like I don’t get how you people are this stupid to think this makes any sense at all.

It’s weird that you’re so scared to even say my name online.

Literally anything that involves gold incentives RMT.

You’re stupid. Most items go for dirt. The average player is not gatekept from gdkps. The extra chromie homies are because they think they have to spend 20 dollars on a wow token to get gold.

No, in my experience, those who don’t like gdkps aren’t good enough to carry others, and play the game at such a casual level, they think they need an infinite amount of gold to even compete with trash items that no one cares about, like you.

It’s just a correlation over the years. One proved right a majority of the time.

No, we’re talking about GDKPs, which exists as they exist in all versions of the game they are found it. The era is irrelevant information you are hanging onto because you lack any knowledge about gdkps other than youtube videos and forum posts, desperately trying to “Make me wrong” by any means necessary.

No, it isn’t. Bads like you worship gold, without even realizing you can just play the game and have more gold than you could ever want.

YOU stay on topic. We’re talking about gdkps, and you want to bring every other possible topic in here because you lack any and all relevant information about gdkps.

About gdkps. Holy, I get it, you’re stupid, but I’m not slowing down you for.

Whatever you say trashcan. I pumped purples for pugs, leggos for my guild. I know I’m better than easily 80% of this player base by doing a basic rotation and understanding my numbers.

You on the other hand live on the forums more than I do. I know you are mid.

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You don’t need to upload logs, anyone in your raid can do it.

It’s fine you can cope all you want I have seen enough evidence to understand the player you are, and you’re lacking.

You could have a million gold and you wouldn’t be rostered in my gdkps.

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Damn reading comprehension must not have been your strong suit. I’ll repeat for you. Cherry picked DPS logs. If I am not uploading for personal performance as you DPS players surely do then it stands to reason that fights I was in would be missing. Was that slow enough for you?

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just join a guild that’s kind of the whole point. if you don’t like the problems of a pug then don’t pug. the answer isn’t GDKP its cancer for the game as a whole. It inflates the economy / it inflates the gear lvl in pvp early / it encourages RMT / inflates AH prices on every item / it encourages botting / it really is an all-around cancer for the game and needs to be stopped. And yes, GDKP isn’t the only reason to buy gold scummy people will always be scummy lazy people but tell me if the is no GDKP what is there to spend gold on in wow especially classic era and sod.


Its the same raid, with the same RNG chance, with a week lockout.

God anti-gdkp players get worse by the second. It’s like you people don’t even play.

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Anything that’s semi-rare or rare that is actually meta.

Or simply so that when things first drop and everything is dramatically inflated (like bijous/coins when ZG first opens) they can scoop it all up and hit Exalted immediately, or whatever it is they’re going for.

Which is why I responded with you don’t need to personally upload logs anybody in your raid can do it…

Read that slowly.

Like the logs you currently have that you said you didn’t upload but you have interesting almost like somebody else uploaded them

Remember how in the beginning you said you had no logs because you never uploaded them? They were uploaded

And insisting we don’t tackle part of those incentives is curious.

WoW tokens do not exist on SoD. This is a SoD thread.

Or aren’t shameless enough to run with gold buyers and boost them.

You keep bringing up WoW tokens and stuff as if this is a relevant point on a SoD thread. Of course it’s relevant lmao.

Weird point. I have plenty of gold playing the game. Taking gold from gold buyers isn’t playing the game.

You are constantly bringing up other eras of the game and using points from those eras when we’re sitting in a SoD discussion board discussing their effect on Season of Discovery. Strawmanning or what?

Again just more flaming over and over again because you’re upset people have drawn the connection between RMT and GDKPs. This is only relevant to you in a SoD thread because it may lead to policy changes that screw you over in your preferred iteration of the game. You wanna milk gold buyers and you’re upset people know the truth.

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the price of those items are set with an estimated value with the first post. now if no has the gold becuz it to high so the price will go down and sure youll have a whale that will come and buy that 1 item but when you get GDKP involved and that same whale starts spending more money that he got with RMT he cleans it with the non RMT players in the GDKP now all the players in that run have more gold and most than most non GDKP players. now that rare item will never come down in price becuz those non RMT players have an excess of gold and will not even look twice and the cost of an item

TLDR Parsies are seething