Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

No, I am saying that it’s not the root of the problem. By your logic we should remove the AH and trading as well because those are also tainted by RMT.

The problem is, you are not going for the root problem and honestly especially with the hostility you people come at anyone who disagrees with you with it really shows there is a very personal, underlying, agenda in your responses.

No one is saying that there are not people RMT FOR GDKP’s, no one is denying that RMT, like with literally everything else economy wise, also affects GDKP’s and contributes to inflation of GDKP’s. However, that’s not what you people care about. You want GDKP’s gone, regardless of if they are clean or not and it’s obvious in all your (Not you specifically, everyone who tries to put all the blame of RMT on GDKP’s. People who purposefully only quote a tiny fragment of what someone said to purposefully misconstrue what was said even going so far as to quote it in a way you can’t easily see the original post in to further influence other readers into thinking something was said that wasn’t) posts that your issue is GDKP’s regardless of if they are clean or dirty.

So you use RMT as a crutch of an argument to support your real agenda under the guise of “We are just wanting to fight against RMT/Botting” when, lets be frank you are not fooling anyone here, your actual issue is personal bias/disapproval with a system you don’t like for whatever reason but most likely does not benefit you.

But you don’t care, you are going to snip a small piece of this statement out of context again and say whatever you want regardless of anything because all you want is to push your agenda to kill a system you don’t like and will use any tool you can, any reason you can, to do so all while belittling, talking down to, and warping the words of anyone who disagrees in an attempt to shut them down, aint’cha?


Oh so you WERE arguing on alts? Nice.

One person stirring the pot on two characters…


GDKPs are organisations that compete over gold buyer’s money. They’re inherently rooted in RMT. That’s why they’re bad. Yes you should continue dealing with bots and gold buyers separately. But my point is that they go looking to profit off of said gold buyers.


I’m not the 1 that brought up rolls, that was the rogue, so you will be waiting forever on that.

I don’t do other loot systems as pugs I only do gdkps if I pug.

You’re so wrong youre mixing up who you’re talking to and what they are saying.

Like I told you before why bring a rich bad player when you can bring a good player who has gold and kill more bosses, make it make sense?


Uh oh Khanzy I’ve been found out, I mean we’ve, I mean I. This thread definitely isn’t public and definitely isn’t seen by other people in the same guild and definitely wouldn’t have people from said guild to discuss the same topic in defense of the same person SURELY.


Don’t you think if I was using alts I’d at least try to be subtle? I guess that’s not in your playbook considering how vehemently you defend RMT though.


Good players have guilds. Why would they hop into a GDKP with randoms and bid all of their gold away instead of sitting in their guild and getting loot handed to them for free because they deserve it due to performance. Make it make sense.

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You’re clearly using alts. My proof? Well… Because you’re in the same guild and… Cause I said so… How do I know? Well surely you aren’t in a discord call together talking about this thread and replying…
This is where I’d put an image of us in the call but I can’t because you need trust level3? Wow threads suck why would anyone use this


You’re free to add my discord so we can invite you to said call though. Same name.


I’m beginning to think that every accusation really is an admission and this person is posting on three different characters.


You’re dense.

They use gdkps for alts, like I do…I raid in a guild and get free gear on this mage…I’m 12/12H…we have heroic LK on farm for weeks, yet I run old raids on this dude for gold and run ICC gdkps on my boomie…

You’re losing so your grasping at anything and everything.

According to you good players are poor and only play 1 toon and bad players are rich and play more than 1 toon.

Make it make sense.


Guys you know what they’re right. My hands are up. I’m actually every single person that disagreed with them in this thread. I’m guilty.

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An alt… Like the alts you keep posting on here? I FOUND YOU. SUSURRUS. YOU CAN’T HIDE FROM ME.


You can say whatever you like but I’ve seen first hand how GDKPs operate and they’re always seeded with buyers (people who buy gold and will spend lots to get carried, they always sucked hard). You’re throwing out all these disingenuous arguments and pretending like gold buyers are actually really good at the game. It’s hilarious. Keep entertaining me.

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Hey guys it’s me. NOT Grønske I’m just here to agree with EVERYTHING Grønske has said also I’m Khanzy. Bye.

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You fool my cover is blown!

I can’t speak on your experiences, only mine.

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Found you on logs, yup youre part of the reason pugs are such a bad experience and why gdkps are just better to pug with.

Getting players like you in a pug is detrimental to the success of the raid.

It all makes sense now, you’re the problem and the people I avoid playing with.

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I don’t have any logs uploaded so it’s pretty funny you’re reaching so hard you need to pretend like someone having the same name as me vindicates you.

So it’s a coincidence that only one person has your name on logs? And they are bad…

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