Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

Speak on your SoD character and not your WotLK GDKP haven character.

Not relevant at all, nor do I care about your level 25. What a pathetically low bar to set.

I can’t even formulate an argument because you’re so unbelievably wrong at the core of it. It’s like telling a chicken that knocking over their king is a bad move in chess. No point.

Vanilla raiding was always expensive because how black lotus work.

Raid consumables have only gone down from TBCC to wotlk classic.

You’re hurt that people have largely drawn the connection between GDKPs and RMT. You don’t want this situation to change because you somehow benefit from it. You don’t speak on your SoD character because you do not have one. You don’t speak of arguments because you do not have any.

I don’t know anyone buying gold for random items in a gdkp. I know people who bought gold for their 1k mount and black lotus though.

But these people won’t discuss that.

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No, here’s why. I already have the quote. :point_down:


That’s no argument. The culture has changed. GDKPs are a modern problem and your retort is that it wasn’t 16 years ago? Okay.

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You speak the truth and they will hate you for it…

On a side note, nostalgia tinted idealistic views are a powerful drug for some people :T

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No, it hasn’t, feel free to see Drink’s screenshots of his AH, fill of overpriced items.

The culture hasn’t, you just accepted and ignored it this entire time.

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You yourself said GDKPs did not exist during that time period. They exist now. Only someone exceptionally ignorant (or malicious) could deny this. Are you trying to insist that gold buyers, with all of their hundreds and thousands of gold have nothing to gain by entering a raid and buying gear? Are you really trying to tell us they have that much gold and don’t use it in such a way?

Exactly or just use some other method for doing the same thing like D2jsp.

No, because you’re not thinking through it in full.

Before we continue, obviously with any system that utilizes the in game gold, there will be RMT affecting it.

The core of the issue, is that you people want to ignore every other facet of this and place the blame solely on gdkps, ignoring how relevant everything else is to the RMT ecosystem.

It’s braindead to put all these eggs in this basket because players like me got tired of carrying players like you for free.

Also this part:

I farmed roughly 50k gold in ores through TBCC, as well as farming roughly another 100k in the first couple of phases of LKC via loremaster, rocks, dailies, and just playing the game and throwing things on the AH.

If you think 100k is hard in 3 years, it’s because you’re bad.


Blelf rogue with little silly Ä in the name opinion rejected. Whatever you say “Ahpathy”

Also a wrath gdkp denier “I haven’t seen it therefor it doesn’t exist!” Is really funny

It’s crazy how much of a cope GDKP leading into RMT is.

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I think the core issue here is desired affect…

Do you wish to get your dopamine fix from a lucky drop followed by a lucky roll?


Do you wish to spend gold to out class the other bidders…

Both give the player a boost. Gamblers and Addicts share similar neurochemistry.

I wish to not have the grey parser who died 10 seconds in win my bis item with a 99 roll for the 3rd time out of 3 drops in 10 runs.

I’d rather get paid and eventually just use that gold to guarantee the item for myself because my dopamine comes from parsing.

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Did the gray parser do other things that added to the kill like spot heal, off tank, interrupts?

There is more to killing raid bosses than a parse my sweet summer child…

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grey parser

This is actually so funny you say this. Is everyone you play with not in your guild so you only do GDKP’s? Do you just not have enough friends LOL


Not relevant. We have people in those positions already. These players just need to play at any mediocre level but refuse to, and I’m tired of it. I’m not spending my consumables on people who won’t do the same.

No, don’t talk to me like I haven’t played for 20 years. I know what I like.

Why is it an issue, that I want to remove myself from these players to play with others like me?

Just because RMT has an effect on other facets of the game does not mean we should not work on one of those problems. You’re assuming I have ever needed a carry. I have never once stepped foot in a GDKP to buy things. Your argument doesn’t make much sense. Why would “people like me” be in here calling for an end to GDKPs if I depended upon them? It sounds like you have some thinking of your own to do.

Also TBC was trash I don’t care about your perspective in a SoD thread lmao.