The 1 dude said that Crusader Strike ally had every other message be a gdkp spam so I went there and took 6 straight full chat logs and not 1 gdkp spam.
imagine my shock.
dont care
ban gdkps
That’s a big yikes from me dawg. Clearly you don’t understand the basic fundementals of economics lol.
GDKPers arent replying to these threads anymore because they know they are wrong. lmfao holy $@#%
Yeah. it is really time for Blizzard to get ahold of GDKPs. It is unacceptable and clearly RMT laundering.
No lol, its just funnier to watch you seethe sometimes =). GDKP will never ever be banned but you’ll forver be mad!
wow im so angry
dont care
ban gdkps
Never ever! Sorry!
GDKP was here before all you tourists and it will be here after you fizzle out. Go enjoy your corrupt MS>OS and LC runs. People use gold in game for goods and services and many players enjoy GDKP. Deal with it. Gold sellers and bots have always been rampant in this game way before GDKP. You gonna ban the AH next? No, because its a part of the game just like like GDKP. Keep making false reports and wild ideas about GDKP players, we all run them because its a better way to raid that takes all the BS out of the equation(you guys missed that, I guess you were too busy playing shadowlands and bfa).
Blizz has already made a statement on this, GDKP is 100% ok. Never seen people so proud to snitch on wild hunches and witch hunt players who do nothing wrong just because they have never played classic. The only people who are wrong and at risk of being banned are those falsely reporting people doing nothing against TOS. Stay mad, you wont be here long after 60 anyways. The real ones will still be running GDPK and nothing you clowns do will stop them.
i dont think you are
dont care
ban gdkps
I’m not. Never ever =).
yes you are
dont care
ban gdkps
Sorry, no. Never ever!
You’re super sussy…. You sound like a gold seller.
never say never kiddo
dont care
ban gdkps
This man dosent know about Imagine caring blinkin.
I will! Blizzard will never be able to stop me from selling loot for gold!
you cannot imagine
dont care
ban gdkps
GDKP STATUS: not banned
Anti gdkp status: butt blasted
your on lockout
dont care
ban gdkps