Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

Loot council, yeah that stuff can get corrupt as hell depending on the people running it.

But can you explain how you think MS>OS corrupt?

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It’s only corrupt in the way that if it’s truly MS > OS, one guy can get 9 pieces and other people can get none.

People just steal the loot or give it to their friends. Also if im tanking a raid its bs Im not allowed to roll on a 2h sword. Its also lame I cant heal and roll on dps gear. Then you have 3 guys all rolling on gear so they can give it to their friend. Very corrupt way of doing tradable loot. If I go to a gdkp and i lose a bid im not upset bc at least ill get my cut at the end. Also, if a player is afk most of the raid and wins something over me in a ms>os thats a bad feeling. Most gdkps gray parsers get no cut which means i get more gold because they didnt press their buttons.

I don’t get the feeling you’ve done a lot of MS > OS raids.

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wow nice projection onto fair looting systems

dont care
ban gdkps

Why is that? Do you know me? No, you dont. I have been a part of all different types of runs and they suck compared to gdkp which is why i run them in the first place. People realized all this in 2020 when gdkp became popular, where were you? There is no argument any other loot system is more fair.

There’s plenty of arguments for more fair loot systems. The best I’ve seen is a 2 SR system with points accumlated through raids. You use those points to boost your rolls. It allows for people new to the raid to have a pretty good chance at getting stuff while giving people that have raided tons of times a slightly better chance at winning the loot. Gives people reason to come back, and incentivizes new players to come into the raid. Only gold needed is the gold you need for consumes. If you don’t perform, you don’t get invited back.

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Yeah we MS>OS but we also do it by roll. If its for your main spec you can roll. If no one rolls then it goes to OS roll.

But on that same hand if someone in a GDKP has way more gold than every one else can he not just buy all the loot and the other guy get none?

Was this directed at me?

The latter point was not directed at you.

And yeah, if one guy has a ton of gold that he “honestly earned”, he’ll be able to buy all the loot he wants and no one else gets anything but gold in return. Depending on your situation you either wasted a lockout or found a way to afford consumes.

Not projecting, its the truth. How is not being allowed to roll on a piece of gear or having it ninja rolled by people who dont need the item only to trade it to their friends fair at all? How is a gm giving bis items to his gray parsing girlfriend fair at all? Keep saying ban gdkp, because all you can do is type sweet nothings. Blizz isnt changing anything.

Ive done many SR runs. There is no worse feeling than putting SRs in when you need nothing else and the item doesnt drop. Or putting in 2 SRs on a legendary binding when every other warrior in the raid does the same and you lose it anyways. At least in those same given scenarios with the same loot tables ill get a cut at the end, which always feels good.

That’s not the system that the people.

Are you a tank or a DPS? If the raid ask’s you to please go tank and you are a DPS then you should reserve the right to roll on DPS gear before agreeing to tank the run and vice versa. Same with healing or DPS.

If the dude is AFK (i assume you mean he is watching TV and just auto attacking and not actually AFK) Then I just wouldn’t let him roll on the loot and kick him from my Raid and get a sub.

If you have had these things happen in an MS>OS then you got screwed over hard man.

What’s to stop a GDKP leader from ignoring your bid in favour for his buddy’s?

Just because what you are saying is logical by no means makes it practical or realistic. There are always scam players out there who will scheme extra rolls on loot for their friends.

I can main spec as a tank(and I am a tank) and want to roll on a sword for pvp, I have every right to, which in a gdkp I can.

Just because you are fair and a good person with morals doesnt mean every person/gm running these are. No gdkp organizer ever would tell anyone they cant bid on a item no matter how bad they played.

True, but any raid leader worth his salt should be inspecting the winner and ensuring he needs it. But even I have been duped. Some dude just put bracers of valour on and I caught him in Org with his T2 bracers on and the other raider next to him with the T1’s.

I understand your desire there but that’s not a fault in MS>OS system that’s you wanting more loot to go PvP. Would it be fair if a DPS Warrior to roll on the shield you need because he tanks in AV or runs the flag in WSG? I wouldn’t think so. The same system protecting them is protecting you. PvP has always been regarded as OS from my experience.

GDKP seems to just favour people who want all the loot and if they have enough gold there is nothing stopping them. And just as there is people out there doing scam rolls, there is people out there paying to win (not saying you are if you did honestly farm your gold for your GDKP’s). I personally hate them both.

Of coarse not people want his gold lol. But at the end of the run you did state that if they got a grey parse they get no gold. That’s just as bad.

Id let a person who isn’t great DPS roll. But if you have done like 2 MS’s, a couple of HS’s, no shout and mostly just white damage. I would be asking what the hell is going on.

At this point. Let them ban Gdkps and than anyone that’s thinks that will stop rmt will finally realize Gdkps aren’t the boogey man they think they are. Also have fun finding any raid groups once the server has progressed past people needing gear. No is doing MC for fun

I get the feeling you haven’t if you’ve never seen arguments about who got what.

I was going to say the same thing. You know what kept players from dropping out of runs in Vanilla? They’d lose their Raid slot and possibly lose points in whatever loot system the Guild was using.

Vanilla’s ecosystem was built around Guilds for good and bad. That social fabric encouraged team play in the best case scenarios while also bringing out some bad actors in the worst cases.

The only argument I see for GDKP’s is about how they benefit PUGs which should be the last thing Blizz should care about in Classic WOW.

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Yeah while you’re at it ban loot council! Why should support classes be denied the their bis gear just because they’re not the meta dps class!

It’s appalling that you can allow individuals who may not have a clue about class mechanics other than their own make the decision of who can have what loot!

nice false equivelency

dont care
ban gdkps

Every. Bit. As. Valid.