Why are you against PvP-PvE transfers

You do realize idc? Luckily Blizzard didn’t either. They could have added paid transfers on the 5th, but were smart to wait.

Let them leave. Offer a 1-2 week grace period of paid transfers from pvp to pvp.

After that let the pvp crowd sort out the meat since the fat was cut off (pve players). If that means merging servers or moving players around, then let it happen.

I dont know why some of yall would want to have players on your server that dont want to play with you. Its like having that one kid that was forced to play football on your team that just brings your morale down because they dont try to play at all. Let them leave and be happy and you can continue on doing what you and your fellow players want to do.


i hope every pvp server on classic ends up like illidan and horde eat 3 hour AV queues. especially with how they’ve been behaving since P2 has been out. would be nice to see them get hit with some consequences to their actions as well.


You realize BGs are cross realm, yea?

It was in my top three list for faction disparate servers to reroll on during phase 2, so I checked it out.

Looks like some great guilds there, putting in work!

you do realize that there’s still more horde than alliance and once alliance get hit with pre-made after pre-made whether it be twinks or max level that we’ll stop qeueing? there is no mercing to save them from the mess they’re making either.


ok so after spending a month telling pvp server players to “get good” or “reroll or quit” we’re now concerned with servers dying when people leave?


everyone wanted to fluff the whole “personal responsibility” thing when it comes to alliance players to accept how a pvp server works, but no one wants to point the finger at the horde players for dogpiling realms into an unbalanced mess.

so i guess you prefer no transfers and players just…quit? great solution if you’re afraid of servers dying :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I forgot Alliance aren’t allowed to group with friends.

do you honestly think the majority of casuals (which is what most alliance on pve realms are) are going to go into pre-mades and wreck people? lol

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Clearly didn’t read a word I said. Transfers for those on horrible imbalanced servers (like 3-5 of them) I’m in favor of.

Don’t see why not. Played Alliance on retail this expansion and last and we wrecked, even solo queuing.

you’re confusing “can” with “will”

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i don’t know if he’s ever mained alliance at any point for more than a few years but there’s a reason that the joke that alliance’s war cry is “have mercy.” i’ve been alliance since actually vanilla (i post on this toon for rp reasons) and the only time it wasn’t that way was in WoD when all the horde were alliance before stoneform was nerfed.

what census data are you using that you think there are only 3-5 unbalanced servers?

and again, what are you suggesting players do on servers that you don’t deem unbalanced? sit there in misery or…quit?


Certainly. I think a lot of streamers contributed to this as well. I absolutely do not think though, that playing more game (rerolling) is a form of punishment. If anything, people feeling it is, speaks volumes to how great of a game WoW is, and how connected people feel to their characters.

Like many have said before, I hope that we see tomorrow bring some changes that help some of those with regrets to feel better about their decisions, but if not, then rerolling is definitely an option.

So, for sure we are all different people, and I do not expect everybody to have my experience or attitude, but I don’t find it “OK” particularly for people to say things like, “This game is unplayable.” And spread negativity everywhere they go. It’s something I dislike greatly.

On faction disparate servers, a lot of the time if you go to a harbor or a flightpoint, it will be camped (in certain areas). It’s is absolutely hyperbolic to state something like, “Every flight point is camped 24/7.”

Prior to rolling new characters on several faction disparate servers, and checking out places in the world, as well as /world and /LookingForGroup channels, I actually believed the hyperbole (aside: I actually just realized what hype means).

Anyway, rerolling is currently an option, it’s possible, it’s not punishment, it works. If people are spreading lies that the game is unplayable, and then further lies, that it is punishment to have to reroll, then I think they should be met with truth, not encouragement to continue to spread their lies, and giving misinformation to those who do not have experience.


Played Alliance all of Legion and BfA. Didn’t play much wod since I wasn’t a fan of that xpac.

reroll until you find the faction and server you want and then enjoy your toon. classic is only a few months old. it’ll be out until retail dies. you are not married to a toon or a server 3 months in.

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This is actually fair.


The people who actually love classic care about the balance. The people that will be playing classic ~3 years from now when you’re playing the expansion after shadowlands.

I’m Alliance and I care about faction balance, and even if I’m the outnumbered faction on my server (I am.) I want to have people to play with and still have a similar wpvp experience that was possible from vanilla-legion until they removed PVP servers.

If you don’t like that, why don’t you just play retail, where players like me had an exodus over because they removed PVP servers? Because that’s the only reason I quit, and I anticipated classic from the day it was announced, I will be playing classic from now on every time I want to play WoW even when I burn out and come back years later it will be on the classic server and not whatever new expansion blizzard puts out.

I personally can’t wait until most of the people who didn’t anticipate this game and don’t love and enjoy it for what it is go back to whatever game their attention holds in that present moment and leave classic, the community will be a lot less volatile and a lot more like what these forums were like before the retail hype train joined a month before launch. Killing realms off or at the least saying you want them to die just because horde took advantage of a botched P2 is a dumb thing to say and I for one definitely care about the health of the servers. Faction queues is what should’ve happened long ago and it still should even if horde have to sit for 8 hours. It would work itself out.

I just don’t see why you guys can’t understand that if you’re rolling on a PVP server that is your commitment to that server, we don’t have sharding, we only have cross realm battlegrounds nothing else, people aren’t going to play an oldschool MMORPG game where there is no stability in community, it wouldn’t be an oldschool MMORPG game.

Planetside, EverQuest, DAOC, Vanguard, City of Heroes, SW:G, FFXI, all of those games from around that time had one thing in common with classic wow for certain: static community.

I hate this retail concept and if it allows to go through it will be the death of classic whether you guys choose to acknowledge it or not. You will drive the core playerbase that would’ve been playing very long term (we’re talking years) back to private servers, and this time they will be very very bitter and won’t come back.

Keep classic in the spirit of oldschool MMORPGs, you know, the type of games where the playerbase would move through a dungeon for 3 hours suffering 6 bars of experience debt just to attempt to get to their body that has all of their gear decaying on a timer… those type of MMORPGs.

You all forgot your roots, or moreso never had them to begin with

/sips monster ultra

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