Why are you against PvP-PvE transfers

Only if they are on one of the handful of really imbalanced servers.

why shouldn’t pve players be able to transfer servers if they want to go to a different one? that’s total crap about balance in that case. balahce doesn’t really matter in most cases on pve servers.

Haha thanks. Its definitely a jungle here.

I am a PvE player, and I am against PvP to PvE transfers. Why? Because it increases competition for scarce resources. People who transfer to a new server at 60 are going to be competing for the same sources of Arcane Crystals, Black Lotus, Felcloth, and other high-end materials, which aren’t going to increase spawn rates. They’re more people competing for world boss kills or loot in raids. They’re more people who drive up prices on the AH, because the supply doesn’t change, but the demand increases.

Let them start from level 1 and work their way up, contributing to the economy of the server they’re moving to. Who cares about the work they did on their old server? That means nothing when carpetbaggers are invading your server.

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And they will be … soon™ (likely months more than weeks) Blizzard will bring in server transfers (they have stated that is in the plans) , until then rerolling is still free.

Hopefully they bring out server transfers after Naxx.

My server would qualify then I’m in support lol

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why? what difference does it make for you?

some horde think balanced realms will actually happen and fair wpvp will happen despite the fact they patrol in groups and most alliance 60s are afk on their mounts in IF. lol

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Because it ruins the majority of more balanced servers.

One person. Is that really what you think? Really? Probably half the people on PvP servers would be happier on PvE servers. Flamelash died because people were not happy being there. The only difference is do you want the death to be all at once or a slow bleed. Cause if people aren’t happy, they’re going to leave. Either they’ll reroll or quit. It’s functionally the same for the server.

50/50? No, that’s a pipe dream. 45/55 is still balanced and plenty of realms have a strong horde and alliance presence…

Some players don’t understand that PvP servers by their very nature promote imbalanced servers.

how? they can control which realms are available to receive players?

Or you know, they wait till BGs come out tomorrow and realize that helps most servers.

they had to remove pvp servers in retail because alliance were being camped non stop on pvp servers because literally most people rerolled horde because of better racials. we won’t have WM in classic though i think it would make just as much sense in classic as it did in retail. but #nochanges :stuck_out_tongue:

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This Alliance player summed it up pretty nicely.

you do realize that a lot of us don’t care about balance on pvp servers? especially when it’s mostly horde crying about wanting people to kill?


That’s retail where they had sharding and all servers combined. Plenty of servers in Classic have a healthy balance.

Is faction imbalance as big of a deal on PvE servers?