Why are WoW players so spiteful?

I would rather be called the n-word for two hours by a dude with an open mic and screaming sibling for an hour than have to read a 400-word long dissertation every day in each and every gaming forum, discord, and subreddit about how SJW propaganda turned company X into shills and lost their way and ruined gaming and everyone’s childhood.

I disagree with lazy if it was either something that was out of their control or they didn’t even play WoW at the time. But it is lazy if someone is just waiting on the sidelines for said items to become a handout and dive all over it when the opportunity shows itself. Which is what a lot of that would be if they rereleased exclusives.

I haven’t seen any evidence of players being spiteful over this issue. Resentful, yes. Selfish, definitely.

But not spiteful.

Personally, I don’t care about the ‘exclusive’ rewards. It’s not like they’re real, have any type of concrete value or are going to have an impact on my life.

But I do care a great deal about Blizzard removing content from the game, mucking up the stories, ruining the flow of my adventure and diminishing my experience. That should not be happening and there is no reason for it to be. Change the reward to gold and mats or whatever but leave the content in.

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There was actually a time when I was upset about a limited reward and that was the plagued proto but it was more because the next drakes, like the Iron-Bound, did not get this treatment.

I was very proud of earning mine early and I was happy with him but Blizz made the decision that they would stop removing the mounts so unlike the plagued mine wasn’t “special”.

I was younger then but still getting upset over that does seem silly now, yet still a part of me knows that if my Iron-bound drake was special I’d have it on my bars now.

It’s a tricky thing, for sure~

Not me man. I did a bunch of grinding for Pathfinder and am happy to see that people who didn’t bother will be getting it for free.

Which makes me angry at people who defend it.

look at you mister andrsonsilva, looking at what everyone else has. jealously wanting it. focus on yourself boy not what others have

You know what, its the OP who is the toxic one. It is funny how these people can post 7000 threads about the same topic, try to bully Blizzard into changing its mind by threatening to quit, and labels anyone who doesn’t agree with them toxic or ‘having no life’. You’re all a bunch of crybabies. Whilst there is a spectrum of opinion on the matter, it is very clear that for most of you, 100% of the game should be available forever, even if it completely trivialises the efforts of others.

Now I am on face value, exactly the kind of player that should make such demands. I played vanilla, quit, and only got dragged back in with about 3 weeks of WoD left. There is a fair bit of content I will never be able to play or items I can obtain. Guess what? I haven’t run out of stuff to collect yet. I’m at 354 mounts collected entirely since the start of Legion. I have benefitted immensely from Blizzard’s generosity in what is still obtainable. The golden serpent mount on the timeless isle for instance is the most obnoxious mount I have ever grinded, even with 1 shotting mobs for 100k coins. I can’t believe anyone did it when they had to fight those guys for real. At least 95% (probably 99%) of collectibles are still available to earn. So the person making the sims analogy earlier is a complete moron, only a tiny fraction of the game is removed.

Now let’s consider what people are really whining about. It is absolutely clear alot of the angst is about mage towers (why now, i don’t know, but general discussion got their way on a few things recently so they have to have something new to whine about to sustain their pathetic lives). I was subbed all of Legion, I have 2/36 appearances because I only played 4-5 characters and I didn’t want their appearances enough to do the work. I worked pretty hard on my DH glaives though which look awesome. I have since levelled some characters which have nice tower appearances and will never get them. That’s life, I can accept it. I tell you what though, given how much effort it took me to get 2/36, if I was 36/36, I would be absolutely livid if it was left in the game so the ‘I pay my $15 I deserve everything for nothing’ crowd could one shot everything in BFA. Absolutely livid.

I had my own experience with this in BFA. I researched the professions months before BFA started and noticed the sexy engineering mounts. I want them, I can make gold on them, it will be great, I thought. I dropped my gathering profs to level engineering on my main. I sacrificed the early money rush with mats at a huge premium to play the long game. The mecha mogul was super hard to make initially, but eventually my investment was rewarded somewhat. Then 8.2 comes along - and my second mount is out, its time to really cash in. My main is an engineer so that is all good, but my bs is a bit undergeared. Hmm, I will need to get him at least normal raid geared me thinks. So I grind 2 characters to be ready for operation mechagon. If it is anything like Return to Kara, my Pally will need that gear. It turns out I was correct. 1.5-2hrs a week of grinding x 2 every week for months. It turns out the drop rate was obnoxiously low. Only 1 lockout per week per character. I thought to myself, ‘this sucks but given how hard it is, when i get both patterns, I will make a fortune off it’. They surely wouldn’t add it the heroic loot table, after making it so hard to get. Surely. Well apparently they did. Not only that, they removed the heroic daily lockout on it so you could farm endlessly and skip half the dungeon. So I got the first pattern in 6 months of farming 1-5-2hrs a week x 2, with content that was hard. I then get the second pattern in an hour and a half smashing 8 minute half dungeons at 10% of the difficulty, that is queueable, and endlessly farmable. So now the mount that I put literally 100s of hours into farming the plans for goes for about 15k on my server with even very casual players able to make it. And yet I still see the odd person whining about how professions are locked behind group content, like a 8 minute commitment of not talking to anyone in impossible to fail content is too much effort. Absolutely pathetic from them, and absolutely spineless from Blizzard to disrespect my time in that fashion. I could have come on here and whine like a pathetic loser like most of the GD hall of famers, but I moved on from it.

I don’t care that for most of the legion/ BFA content, someone will get the rewards much easier than me. I do not however think that 100% of the content should be available. The mage tower was a challenge, and blizzard should not waste their time reworking it to be a similar challenge in a future xpac just to keep a few lazy people happy. Even if they did make it a similar challenge, the same losers would whine that they are being ‘gated in old content’ and would demand it was just given to them. I hope Blizzard do the same with the visions achievement mount. No compromises.

The thing that I find the most galling is the amount of dishonesty that goes into justifying getting the content back. It is always ‘I have it, but my friend just came back from a long break’. Nonsense. Sure some of those people exist. But if they are genuinely going to disappear for 2 years and expect the game to throw stuff at them just for logging back on, they are not the sort of player that Blizz should be patting on the head and placating like a 2 year old. Box price +1 month sub = $75. Box price x 24 months sub = $410. I’m worth 5 of your friends to Blizzard. How unbelievably arrogant to stamp your feet that only 99% of content (that you didn’t pay for) is not enough. You should be thankful to be able to access content that you didn’t contribute to at all, as I am thankful that I can access TBC-WoD. But back to the lying liars who lie. I submit GD discussions about the allied races as proof. People have been whining about it since it was first released with 3-4 months left of Legion. It was a straight unlock for me, I actually play the game. The complaints were no less vigorous in 7.3 as they are now. The general advice given was just to wait for BFA as it would be a) much easier or b) would be unlocked for everyone anyway. There were a ton of people subbed throughout 7.3 who just didn’t bother with the requirements. 8.0 rolls around and boy oh boy did GD kick on about it. ‘You mean I have to do outdated content?’ 'I have them but my friend … '. I’m not having it, so many people stand behind some fictitious person who is never subbed but totally deserves everything because reasons.

The Brutosaur thread is the same. ‘Its outrageous that it is being removed, I only have 100k gold, but still, Blizzard are literally fascist lizard people’. You have had about a year warning it was going and had plenty of time to earn it. If you were starting at zero, you didn’t seriously want it. If you didn’t have at least a million or 2 in gold, you are not genuine. You were never going to have the 5 million gold. I on the other hand bought it in december, had my gold reset to zero, and have 3.9 miliion gold in the bank, having spent at least 2 on other mounts since. But the same people who did nothing for months after knowing it was being removed are still posting, ‘I made 200k in 3 months, I now have to earn 40k a day, its impossible’. Then we have the sneaky people that come in and highlight what its really about. I won’t misrepresent the fact that its common (its not), but a few people have tried to make the argument that the AH should be removed and that will placate the whiners. The far more common suggestion is to introduce an equivalent model, without the AH, and be set at a ‘more attainable’ price. So basically we can buy a 5 million gold mount, but you want one that looks the same for 100k-500k. Because you were locked out of the 5 million gold one unfairly, even though you had 10k when they announced the mount was going, and have done nothing since to try to earn the gold. But that hasn’t stopped plenty of people threatening to quit over it.

I have no doubt that someone will flag this post initially because we can’t go against groupthink and it made you feel sad, but I have no apologies about the language used. You are entitled to ask politely for things, even things that are really really stupid. But if you are going to whine across 10 different threads, threaten to quit over a t-mog, insult people that disagree, and hate everyone you are envious of, I am not going to sugar coat it for you. I reject the premise of your question OP. Why is GD flooded with so many whiny entitled man children who simultaneously hate Blizzard, but given them money, who hate the game, but keep on paying for it, who don’t play the game, but expect to get the same rewards as those that do. It is utterly pathetic. I would think you people were 14, but we know that isn’t true. You use your $15 a month as an excuse to come here and denigrate the people who have provided you with a decade and a half of the cheapest entertainment available, to denigrate people who you think are beneath you (i.e anyone who actually grinds the content when its current must be a loser’), all the while waving your finger in the air like everyone else is being unreasonable and whiny. Absolutely pathetic.


I really hate the color blue and I want it to know that

closest I get is to spite the alliance

You’ll lead a happier life if you focus your passion on being prepared for the next challenge that comes around, rather than focusing on other people’s past glories or the one that got away.

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That’s deep man. I will never have a love rocket, but I do have a brutosaur.

Because this game’s players have become emotionless sociopaths. Last night someone was practicing their french . I got excited and started to speak with them. I got berated by some stranger telling me to shut up this is America. Well I grew up learning French alongside English in a little state called Louisiana . Where is Louisiana? In America! What is Louisiana? A region with a dominant french culture and a state since 1812. So don’t tell me the language I’m speaking isn’t American because my state and culture have been American longer than America and longer than the vast majority of states in this country.

People are disrespectful in this game and they find it hilarious. They even looked up how to say shut up in French before I left the channel. This community has made me bitter and cynical with its complete lack of humanity


I think that is a wider community issue. Unfortunately, it has become more socially acceptable to be a dumbass and that behavior is being brought from outside of wow.


At one time a lot less people had internet and most didn’t use it for posting. You generally met a more intelligent segment of the population. Today almost everyone has the internet and most post in some way including average or even below average people.

Man I feel you… they really. really are spiteful as all hell.

I was so bummed during Mists of Pandaria (Due to school) and not being able to get the class set that I wanted… but I capitalized on it during WoD for the weapons as a warrior being able to get ALL the CM weapons.

Then of course… College happened… during legion… couldn’t get the Mage tower appearances… Peeps will be spiteful and hold onto ANYTHING they can to be ‘better’ than someone else just because they got something thats unobtainable now.

Id rather them allow the ability to get old things, but either level scale you back or something.

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The biggest problem is the stupid people can find one another. The more examples you can find of people saying the same thing, the more it validates your opinion.


I call that the 3 stooges syndrome. If 3 people agree on something, no matter how wrong they are, they’ll treat it like a fact.

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I am stealing that .

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I disagree. I played Pandaria. I grinded for the cloak. It was a quite lengthy process. It was also my first current Legendary.

I was running LFR at the time so my completion took longer than regular/heroic raiders. I’m fine with that. I chose my route and got it.

So ask yourself this: why should anyone be “entitled” to a reward they did not earn?

Using the cloak and plagued protodrake as an example: do you even realize how easy it would be for a 120 player to bust through those achievements now? It’d be cake compared to doing it at level.

For me, as someone who kind of sits in the middle, it’s not about being a “snowflake” but understanding there were players who did it the “hard way” and having respect for that. It’s about not trivializing the proverbial Superbowl Champs by giving the trophy away to a team that went 0 for 0 in a season.

Speaking specifically of the cape, I don’t think the story should be removed but the reward, along with the perks should be.

Let me point you to eve online forums and forums for that game. That place makes this place look like a day care.

It would take a huge effort to get it right. They can’t just change the numbers around because talents are added and removed, the weapons were removed. It would also mean they have to redo it every expansion. They would also add more and more content to the pool of things that had to be rebalanced over several expansions. I don’t think it is reasonable to redo all those encounters so that they include people who weren’t subbed at the time. They might as well devote more resources to creating more cool stuff for you to collect in the future. I also don’t see the point in everyone having everything. The cool thing is having mounts out in a raid and everyone is on something different. It wouldn’t be nearly as cool if everyone was on 1 of invincible, sha of anger mount, and the brutosaur. It would be homogenized. I don’t have cool stuff that other people have, they want cool stuff that I have, its not like there aren’t cool easy to obtain mogs/mounts.