Why are warlocks complaining?

Not every one plays aflic other 2 specs suck . Its bad when felhunter is #3 on my dps chart .


Stop feeding the troll, OP is a bad faith actor.


Affliction locks are ok in raids but a extremely complex rotation pvp and mythic plus they are struggling. Demonology and destruction are also bottom tier in all content.

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Locks are in a weird place. I have played warlock since vanilla and I believe the class as a whole is at it’s worst. They are not as fun as they have been in previous expansions and that is because Blizzard gutted some of the most interesting abilities in each specialization and brought back the most pointless awkward abilities such as Ritual of Doom. (Ritual of Doom has never been and will never be a non-awkward viable ability.) Other than pointless abilities, all the specializations for warlock feel like neutered versions of themselves from previous expansions. I also think Covenants have a huge role in the disappointment to playing Warlock. I like playing Affliction and I like Necrolord. However, why do I have to sacrifice roughly 300 DPS, (Nightfae), to pick the covenant I like? Hopefully Blizzard does take a look at the state of warlock right now because it’s really not good and it’s the first time I felt like I need to change mains.


Dont forget DoTs hit like dodo butter. Pretty much everything but performance lol


Help me understand why you are on the lock forums picking a fight because you’re mad about frost mages?

You are gravely uninformed if I am being honest. The complaints around Aff are focused on gameplay, not damage.

Maybe try fire, it melts frost.


Destruction damage sucks and play as affliction sucks. You get out of here with your one button dps and sfu.


y’all back in cata now?
just need some pet twisting


Hunter posting “why are locks complaining”

Nice troll bait


More specifically it is a hunter alt trying to pick a fight with warlocks because he/she is mad about frost mage performance. It is a lot to digest.

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Even more telling is that when called out they just poofed. Fun times are over once the cover is blown, I guess.

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Damn you are so thick no sense can get through you…

For me the biggest drawbacks is the lack of any viable Movement Impairing protection. Our “resolve” will/ not stop a melee PVP stun/silence/fear attack or to prevent being feared off the platform in higher level Torghast. No trinket works in PVP or Torghast. If I get hit by anything I am stuck with all my buttons unusable. My Human trait does nothing. Can’t even click on it.

In the meantime it takes forever to rez a VW or Fel Hunter.

What good does portals do if you can’t even click your buttons then you die?

Affliction is hard to play. Its a reasonable tradeoff imo - good potential but hard to do.

But thats me who reads up on rotations, wants to get better and do raids and max dps etc. and I understand it is frustrating when a mm hunter can do the same damage pressing 3 or 4 buttons compared to my 9-button opener(all mandatory).

Now imagine someone who is casual, doesnt spend hours on wowhead and icy veins trying to perfect their rotation. They just want to play and not die doing a world quest or whatever.

If a casual player throws up 3 dots(agony, corruption, ua for instance) and raptures, they would effectively do about 4kdps less (at my ilevel of 192) than I do if complete the opener. no potions flasks bonus’ etc.

That is crazy. Most other classes could randomly select 4 damaging spells to randomly hit and do better than that and presumably a casual realistically might just pick their main spells to quest etc.

So much of the “its fine” is through the prism of narrow slices of the game(raiding for instance) and that isnt the whole picture.


Of course its a player issue. The players that are playing demo/destro feel undertuned, and the folks that play/swapped to affliction have 7 dots to manage along with 3 cooldowns.

I’m not complaining. I’m ok with how affliction is doing so far. And I respect it’s strengths and weaknesses as balanced overall.

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this. 10000%

its INCREDIBLE how effing limited warlocks are.

all of their damage is tied to long cast times, and their dots don’t last long enough or do any significant damage outside of Malefic Rapture.

not to mention only one school of magic, so once u get locked, GG on all ur dps and CC

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9 button rotation, 11 counting cds, and all balance has to do is convoke spirits, you talk about high risk for high reward, how come warlocks are the only one dealing with that?


Dot Durations
Soul rot - 8 secs
Vile taint - 10 secs
Shadows Embrace - 12 secs
PS - 13.8 secs
Corruption - 14 secs
Siphon - 15 secs
Agony - 18 secs
Haunt - 18 sec
UA - 21 secs

Haunt - 15 secs
Vile taint - 20 secs
PS - 45 secs
Soul rout - 1 min
DSM - 2 min
Dark glare - 3min

Just look at those numbers. barley anything lines up, the timing of afflic locks in absolute trash and a pain in the a** to play in hectic cleave scenarios… Well other DoT clases have DoT durations upwards for 30secs.

On the other hand some of warlocks main DoTs have laughable durations. The worst of all is Shadows Embrace, it feels bad just to have the ability in hectic add cleave because you can’t even utilize it to it’s full potential. Good luck trying to keep up 3 stacks of shadows Embrace on 3+ targets with the rest of your DoTs well trying to setup for MR dumps. Nearly impossible without Darkglare and DSM. two of our longest CD’s.

what I would like to see is Shadows Embrace duration increased to 18secs.
Siphon life duration increased to 20 secs.
Haunt CD reducded to 10 seconds. ( CD referesh when target dies anyways)
Take PS off the GCD

For talents they should make Writhing Agony baseline, It would be nice to see a DPS increase for holding 99% uptime on agony.


The problem is that warlock has been funneled over the years into a purely raid-centric class. Sure we’re good in raid, but pretty much lackluster in most other content. Look at the other top classes. Boomy, UH DK, Fire mage, Spriest, MM hunter. All are great in most other content. They are all semi-viable in pvp, and generally do more damage than locks in keys. Basically, they get to play their class both inside and outside of raid, and get to enjoy the game a lot more than the average warlock player.

For the same reason MM hunter were complaining in BFA despite BM being very strong. The fact is for many people including myself Aff is simply not fun to play the same way lot of hunters find BM not fun to play. I would want to raid as destruction but destruction is in dire need of a buff in pve. That 22% buff to CB was not nearly enough.