Why are they not continuing with the flight whistle?

They stopped allowing them in dungeon, but beyond that no.

Whoa there guy, time is content I thought we already knew this

Countdown to “we don’t want goblin gliders to feel mandatory for players, so we’ve disabled them in current content and that’s about where we are going forward.”

More changes to /playtime increase. Are you surprised? Every expansion is becoming slower against us.


Except in SL they have so far removed all power grind and you won’t even be doing WQs every day.

You watch, people are going to be asking for grind back by 9.1

Ok this seems like a really stupid thing to do. Has Blizz explained why they are doing something clueless like this?

Based on beta footage and no flight whistle the gliders will be in top demand. :100:

To increase playtime and show shareholders good results, hence more $$ invested in their company. At our suffering.

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As far as I can tell, Blizzard has been silent on the issue.

But I suspect the reasoning would run along the anti-flight “convenience is bad, it lets you skip content” theme.

I never said they wouldn’t be in demand. But as soon as they’re “mandatory” Blizzard will step in and save us the same way they saved us from the tyranny of the water strider.

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Your argument holds no water to the fact they have so far removed MASSIVE amounts of grind going into SL. There is NO power grind.

They’ve been near mandatory lately, every leveling guide says to stock at least 50

These sound about right lol


They will go on a crusade against the gliders because it disrupts their designs. :+1:

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You are just not seeing the grand design. The bigger picture as some would call it.

And the usual suspects will be on the forums to tell us how they’ve always hated the way the gliders let you “skip content” and they’re glad they’re gone. :sweat_smile:


Wrong. You need to get renown in order to unlock conduits and abilities from soulbinds. You get renown from callings. The renown grind is slow. Real slow.

What’s wrong with Desolace? It’d be a great place for you to go level right now.

No, you don’t

You get renown from 2 weekly quests and from your covenant campaign, you don’t get it anywhere else, you cannot grind it.

The covenant campaign is gated by renown.

Have you even played SL? :laughing:

have you had to traverse around revendreth yet?