Why are they not continuing with the flight whistle?

I don’t like that it makes me run through groups of mobs just trying to get back to a flight path.

Please don’t get dazed, Please don’t get dazed.

Oh wait, dazed. Now I just spam an ability to run away and survive until I drop out of combat and mount of again. Rinse and repeat. It doesn’t add anything but frustration to the game.

Fun times.

Just run the no daze thing for your mount, there’s actually very little water in SL.

As others have mentioned, most of the old guard have moved on. You don’t think WoW’s team has been static for the past 20 years, do you?

Wait, that exists?!

Where have I been…

Yea, there’s 3, water walking, no daze and i think a parachute?

Do the ones you can craft with BFA crafting work in SL?

No, they want to replace WoW vets with new players. Systemlands leveling revamp is their ploy to make “WoW 2” for a new age of players.

I don’t think it will work because other MMOs and MMORPGs offer better travel systems, mounts, teleports, etc.

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Of course not, I’m just assuming the old guard that remain are likely the ones with the most seniority and influence in decision making.

Also, maybe I’m wrong, it was pure reckless speculation on my part…

However, regardless of the reasons behind it, the current dev team is doing a poor job in my opinion.

I’m outraged!

A really good convenience? DEVS: TAKE IT AWAY

The heirlooms changes alone tells me they rather lose 3 WoW vets if they can gain one new player.

I guess that translates to more money spent in their BlizZard store based on marketing research.

Still a bad plan because WoW vets still spend money in BlizZard store and stick around longer. :clap:

I love this game but im giving it 1 more xpac after systemlands to change directions and done. Id rather code my own game that watch this keep getting worse.

You won’t get any argument from me on that last part. Even when I’ve enjoyed parts of expansions, the overall design direction for the game has, IMO, been going downhill as the expansions move from “expand the Warcraft world” to “create a single-expansion system that will be removed and repackaged as new in the next expansion”.


Might as well just leave now then /shrug

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Agreed, forgive my reckless speculation, I didn’t mean to present it as fact, just a scenario I find plausible when I can think of no other reason for them to purposely kill their own game.

I actually liked the pyramid better than the alliance one. My first character leveled though there was my demon hunter. Jumping off the top and gliding all the way to the docks just never got old.

So, that might have influenced my opinion of it compared to fat pirate town.

Ill play my own home made stick figure mythicor wow… chase down the evil sticklords of castle stickville

Do you play the game? It sounds like you’re talking about some other game. Killing 10 boars doesn’t give you a loot box. There’s nowhere near a flight path every 10 feet.

If that’s the kind of “dopamine drip” you’re trying to avoid, Desolace is still there waiting for you in both retail and classic.

I don’t think it’s intentional, I think it’s just incompetence. Designing for one expansion is a lot easier than designing for an ongoing experience, and now that they’ve broken everything down into its own mini-game with the level squish, they can continue driving this car right off the cliff they’ve built.


Theyve certainly set the stage for possible contenders now tho, I find that exciting.

Wasn’t there some problem with glider kits, as well?