Why are they not continuing with the flight whistle?

I never require summons as I think it is a sign of laziness.


The whistle is the thing that made doing WQ’s tolerable without flying. Especially as a class that does on excel at doing solo above world content.

Sad times indeed.

Then you should appreciate the importance of flying mounts.

I appreciate ground mounts too. They all work to travel. If flying is this big of a deal that you guys need to whine constantly you should check out flight simulators.

Flying is so far down on the list of things I care about that it barely registers.

Dear DKs and Pallies.

Rev up those wheel chairs :wheelchair: for the maw while Druids ride around on cruise control. :oncoming_automobile:

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This is true, however designing extremely frustrating non-fun content will also drive some amount of players away, so you have to factor that in.

Idk maybe I’m wrong, and Blizzard is just all in on grabbing huge amounts of cash from the few whales that are left playing the game after it is long dead due to grindy garabge systems…

I just don’t see that as a logical business strategy, and think it’s more likely the current dev team is largely older developers who are out of touch with what people want from their games in 2020.

It feels like they have the boomer arrogance to think they know best in whatever decision they make, and refuse to budge on any issues until subs plummet, they have to look reality in the eye and try to save their crap systems by introducing things like essences or corruptions. Hence the “it will be fixed in 9.3” memes.

Well, for one thing, you won’t be doing nearly as many world quests anyway.

Probably go days without doing ANY.

That’s not a feeling on your part, that’s documented history, going back to the removal of flying in WoD. And then repeating with class overpruning, Legendary RNG, azerite, corruptions, account-wide essences, and now soon covenant locks.

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I don’t think it’s age, but there is arrogance there. And frankly, I don’t think this dev team knows HOW to manage an expanding MMORPG world; hence the reliance on “build around features” that they can take away at the end of an expansion, and parcel out under new names in the next expansion.

We’re looking at a dev team that wants to design their ongoing game as if it were a series of stand alone games, instead. Welcome to Current Zone of Warcraft.

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:musical_note: It’s just a step to the front then a disengage to the rear :musical_note:

:musical_note: Put your hands head on your head and pull your hair out all night :musical_note:

:musical_note: It’s the reputation grind that really drives em insaaaaaaane :musical_note:

:musical_note: Let’s do the Time Gate again :musical_note:

:musical_note: Let’s do the Time Gate again :musical_note:


Much of the old guard is actually gone, what you have now are a lot of kids that were hired after WoW launched.

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They think WoW is diablo which is why they don’t build expansions that enhance the core WoW experience.

It is definitely correct to assume that they build expansions now to be standalone experiences and by no means connected to the WoW universe.

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Actually, that’s true, after Diablo 3 tanked they moved a lot of the developers over to WoW.

Nobody in any decision making position.

It’s been happening since WoD, really, but the leveling revamp makes it overt. Every expansion is its own thing now; overarching story/world? Nope, not in Current Zone of Warcraft.


And diablo suddenly improved because the community had more input finally. We are at that crossroads right now with systemlands. :clap:

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Kalgan was still around for WoD and Legion but without him and other veterans on the dev team the expansions have become more and more disconnected from the core WoW experience.


Because they hate us and want us to suffer.

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oh I 100% think it’s age.

WoW is a very old game, and thus will have a very old dev team when you compare it to more modern titles.

I’m not talking specifically about Ion, he is actually a newer hire, I’m talking about the people who have been there since vanilla.

Just think about it, the people who have been there the longest are the people that will have the most seniority and sway within their meetings.

Those are the people who, let’s assume started working on vanilla when they were 25, are now 40+.

Maybe video game design is like running backs in the NFL. A young man’s career.