Why are they not continuing with the flight whistle?

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If I was a shareholder on the board at Blizzard Activision, why would I give a crap about time played metrics?

I would care about:

  • monthly sub numbers
  • store mount sales
  • token sales
  • total revenue
  • development schedule

Perhaps you are right in that the devs think menial chores will keep players subbed to the game, but for me personally it has made me not buy shadowlands, and lean towards unsubbing.

How many people look at the crazy mountain they need to climb to play retail, in the form of months of time gated chores, and think “why bother”. I know for a fact I have at least 3 friends who would have messed around on retail but didn’t see the point due to the insane grind required before you even get to the fun parts of the game.

Compare the number of players these tedious chores drive away to the number of players who stick around purely because of them and ask yourself are they really earning more money with BFA?

I truly and genuinely believe the current dev team has 2 goals.

  1. Push out expansions as fast as possible. Expansions = sales. Even if SL is an unmitigated disaster it will sell at least 8 million copies. This is why we get unfinished garbage like BFA, and shortened beta cycles.

  2. Make the game as fun as possible.

I truly believe from the bottom of my heart this is their goal, but the current dev team is just old, out of touch, and incompetent.

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You’re right that time /played being important makes no sense for a subscription based game, nevertheless it IS something they bragged about in one of their shareholder calls.

Where are the part 1 requirements for flying in the beta? Launch is less than 2 months away.

That is scary. :scream:

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Wow…that looks incredibly boring. Takes way too long.

Hoooly crap, that double-dip motion sickness. They put you on one of the most wobbly wriggly mounts in the game and then have you going warp speed down an epileptic tornado toilet bowl flush.

Also this would be of the first times a flight path is disconnected from the game world. One thing I loved about WoW over MMOs was how the flight paths were in real-time going over the individual zones. Slow sometimes maybe, but extremely immersive. This is… Not immersive at all. It’s a glorified load screen like ESO or FFXIV.


“I just want, I just want, Love… I just want, something, something, for nothing… something, something for nothing… 'cause I’m a beggar, and a chooser, I’m accused, and accuser… and nothing’s unconditional.”

That is how you travel between zones… :poop:

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Because you would likely not understand gaming as a general concept. To your ears, people spending more time in game would sound like a good thing, especially when it’s sold as more time=more likely to make additional purchases.


I know, but I think it was more of a “look our game is fun”

Ever heard of the term s@#% sandwich?

Wrap the bad news in some good?

I think this was all the bragging about time played metrics was.

  • we recently dropped a new patch!
  • BFA is dying and we are at an all time low for subscriptions
  • But the time played for our active subs is really good! :+1:

Like they probably had nothing else positive to wrap the turd that was BFA in other than time played since everything else was a dumpster fire.

Pretty sure they use “MAUs” or Monthly Active Users more often then just straight time played.

However, time played does mean something, the more time someone spends in something the more likely they are to spend extra money.

Why do you think they set up Groceries stores the way thy do with things like milk in the back.

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They managed to make the flight paths take longer in systemlands than what is in place for BFA flight paths…let that sink in LMAO.

I have my popcorn ready. :popcorn:

That’s only between areas - once within, flight paths are traditional, but far more spread out than we’ve gotten used to the last few expansions.

They use it more, yes, but they have also talked about time played in shareholder blah.

Well, like I said, it’s like grocery stores, they put the milk in the back so you have to walk by everything else and might buy something else you wouldn’t have.

The more time you spend playing a game the more likely you are to buy something extra for that game.

Silence…that is what we receive from BlizZard so far. Not good. :100:

Flight simulators are still a thing, you guys should check them out if flying is so important.

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Just another reason not to buy Shadowlands.

We like flying because it lets us spend less time alt-tabbed on flight paths, and more time getting to where the adventures are.

How do you think people get to the summoning stone to summon your lazy butt while you afk in town?

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Flight whistle yo…

That is the fantasy of playing WoW. :100: :fire: