Why are they not continuing with the flight whistle?

What if we combined the two and made it so the flight whistle had a chance of sending you to a random location.

This could be fun
until one learned to hate it.

The zones only have like 3 FPs each. A 33% chance of getting sent where you want isn’t bad.

WOD: “Don’t worry! We made flight paths faster, you won’t even miss flight!”
Legion: “Don’t worry, flightr paths are still fast and we even gave you a flight whistle! You won’t even miss flight!”
BFA: “Uhh
 here’s a flight whistle
 flight paths are there to afk on so
 yeah I suppose you won’t even miss flight
Shadowlands: “Ok
 you know what? You wanna fly? You walk to the flight master. I didn’t want flight in my game! Look at the pretty trees! Give me that flight whistle back! %^&* you!”

The anti-flight/pathfinder thing will always be a petulant dev exacting his revenge on the players because his idea was stupid and he refuses to acknowledge it. They used to at least pretend that they were compromising, but with this move I’ll bet you need max renown with all covenants and reputations to get flight this expansion.


I meant it could send you to the barrens or booty bay. I mean anywhere.


the power of flight paths in systemlands

They managed to make flight paths worse.



Dumpster fire over 9000 yo.

:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

It looks kind of cool, but oh my god that would be boring after the first time.

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I like the idea of necessary travel being added back. I’m open to trying things without the whistle.

It increases the amount of time we have to spend playing the game to do the same amount of stuff.

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This was a fair compromise to being grounded, now it’s just terrible. No flight, no whistle; deal with the long route or take a shortcut and aggro half the map. :clown_face:

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Didn’t they say the expansion after might be a time-skipped Azeroth? That would allow them to turn the game into whatever they want. I always had the suspicion they were trying to do something like that with the destruction of UC and Teldrassil; a test to see how much they can change maybe

Everything is nice and spread in SL. If there’s no flight whistle, I wouldn’t be mad. The main character is supposed to be the world anyway. Anything to get away from eSports and back to MMORPG.

It made sense to have less flight paths in vanilla because part of the experience was exploring this vast untamed wilderness where any number of things could happen. The quest you were on was only part of the reason you made the long journey out there after waiting on ships and flying across multiple zones.

Now you teleport out to your quest zone, kill 10 boars, get your lootbox and quickly move on to the next dopamine drip. Flight path every 10 feet so you can zip zoom to the next.

That’s one of the reason I loved the Classic zones so much. They are often wide open and have a lot of nooks and crannies with no other reason than to exist and be explored. They don’t feel ‘on rails’ in the slightest. It feels like an actual world.

Since WoD everything has been feeling artificial and cramped.


The super-long flight paths between zones in Shadowlands get old REAL quick.

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Bastion has 3, in the entire zone. So no.

All of shadowland is the size of kultiras cut segement off so to make it feel bigger.

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What they took that out?! No fair :cry: I love the whistle.

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Was there a source on the whistle being removed though?

There is no flight whistle in Shadowlands beta.

We keep asking if one will be added, Blizzard is silent.

Draw your own conclusions.

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