Why are they not continuing with the flight whistle?

They are discontinuing the flight whistle because they want to subliminally increase your time played by flip flopping things around.

Classic move.


And they’ve been doing corrupt a wishes since Legion, let’s be honest here. They might not realize it, but a lot of changes they’ve made to the game seem to be coming from a place of anger rather than the usual, “Let’s make something fun.”


No flight whistle, no mounts in The Maw, crazy vertical terrain in all zones to make it harder to traverse the zones, and WQ’s taking upwards of 10+ minutes to complete now.

They report time played metrics. Anyone who still believes this isn’t done on purpose should really see a professional about severe denial.


We literally pay to clock in and clock out and grind some dumb unfun systems.


I liked the whistle :frowning:

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I’m sure the devs will update the flightmaster’s whistle in 9.1 or 9.2 and tell us that they “hear us” and are “listening to feedback”.


The devs have decided how the game should be played. If you’ve been playing it differently up until now, that’s degenerate gameplay that will be eradicated.

The nail that sticks out will be hammered down.

I’m going to be “that guy” and say it should be quick to implement. At least i hope that’s why they didn’t add it in yet.

CMs can wet get someone to do thier job and see why?

Oh boy. Another reason to dislike Systemlands.

And look! Here’s another one!

What atrocity will they think of next??

Plot twist there is no info what the requirement are so far in systemlands.

This has similar vibes to WoD where they shipped the expansion with no determined requirements to unlock flying or specific date.

I am warning y’all that if part 1 of PF isn’t on the systemlands beta at some point that is a big red flag waving.


This statement is true. :+1:

I have been pushing to remove the restrictions on flying due to newer players coming to join and them asking when they can fly. I’d like everyone to be able to experience the game on the same level as flying adds a whole other element to the game. I’d like people to not have to wait it out and then a grind, but whatever.

Removing whistling seems completely unnecessary. Like I said I hope this claim isn’t true. I haven’t looked into reliable sources.


This expansion is the high stakes experiment in social engineering for the devs. They’re planning on turning the game into what they think it should have been all along, that fun should never have been a consideration.

The original devs designed a game they wanted to play. Development now is to design a game they want you to have to play, regardless of what you want to do.

They haven’t released so many details because they know players would quit now if they heard it. They knew players would hate covenants, which is why they’re pushing the discussion about covenants hard right now.


I like the flight whistle too, maybe they’ll add support for it later in the xpac.

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This is the endgame. But I don’t see the diablo B team devs surviving another BFA fiasco with systemlands.

We knew of the existence of BFA PF part 1 in BFA beta of 2018. It is now the end of systemlands beta and no PF part 1 info thus far.

They did something similar with WoD where they dragged their feet on releasing when flying would be available for the first patch.

Then they “suddenly” decided no more flying.

Based on how tiny the systemlands zones are and being disconnected…would not surprise me if they choose to not having flying. But they will not tell their customers of their plan outright…just like WoD.


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It can be both. The big sprawling zones we had back in, like, TBC, were absolutely awful. Big != Good.

Cool. Throw this on the heap along with their cancerous rental power system.


There’s nothing wrong with big zones. I dunno. Isn’t it okay sometimes to have wide open spaces? Or tall mountains?

Blizz giveth and then taketh away for no reason.

Enjoy grinding out the patchfinder for ground mounts in the MAW. :+1: :popcorn:

To make you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like batman.