Why are they not continuing with the flight whistle?




When systemlands goes live and people find out that the maps have extreme vertical scale, few flight paths and no flight whistle they are going to flip.

I have my seat and popcorn ready. :chair: :popcorn: :dancer:



So they double downed on the High Mountain, Naz, Argus designsā€¦

Some of the most god awful annoying zones in the game to quest level throughā€¦

Starting to think this might be a level cap and out expansion. Or maybe for me like SWTOR, couldnā€™t even make it to level cap.



And it is worse because the flight paths are more scarce, less world quests in general and they take longer to finish.

I guess having less world quests and having a weekly cap is a positive. But the downside is that the world quests are the same you see in beta as they will be 2 years from now and they are now long and tedious while not rewarding.

Their model for systemlands is very close to WoD. Raiding, M+, etc is back as the only game in town.

At least there is no grinding for AP but the downside is that there is not much content for players that do not do M+ or raiding.

Personally speaking grinding for AP isnā€™t content but going back to WoD raid or die isnā€™t the answer either. :100:


Geez, I never played horde before I had Pathfinder in BFA. Running around that freaking pyramid would probably have gotten me to quit.

Pretty bad that SL is going to be just as bad. How do these devs even pretend to think that making it horrible to get from A to B because of terrain and trash is fun gameplay?


Thank you for making my morning. This made me lol very much! :laughing:

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Goblin kit gliders for the win.

Yeah it seems that current designers donā€™t respect player time or even zone/city design.

Look at BC shattrath how friendly it was to navigate. Systemlands central hub is going to be a pain to navigate in comparison. :+1:


If you donā€™t enjoy the time you spend on WoW and find it fun then find a new hobby to dedicate your time, energy, and money too. This is a video game, why play it if it isnā€™t fun?

Sunk cost fallacy and a dopamine addiction from loot box sounds. Why do you play?


Because itā€™s fun. If it wasnā€™t fun Iā€™d find something else to do with my time. I refuse to allow a hobby, especially a video game, that I donā€™t enjoy take over my time. Iā€™ve got better things to do than subject myself to hobbies I donā€™t enjoy.

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So dopamine as well eh? Cool.


New fight paths induce motion sickness. This is going to be really bad. :+1:


I guess Iā€™m just happy that itā€™ll be excellent timing to get to max, see how it feels, then just buy a PS5 and play that instead if SL goes as expected.


There it is. Never a criticism against wow or Blizzard in your posts. Everything is perfect in wow right?


Iā€™m a very casual player, i love the easy mode of wow for daily life. I donā€™t mind the difficulty when iā€™m in the mood. If Shadowlands is a PITA, this may be it for me. Just like I didnā€™t play all of WOD because I hated it. Gladly take a long break. Love the game, but not how the current developers see it.


God forbid not spending your time, energy, and money on a hobby you donā€™t like and constantly run down.

I guess.

All Iā€™m saying is you seem incapable of criticizing this game. Why would I be here if I didnā€™t find the game fun overall? Did you know you can enjoy things and yet see the flaws in it? You can enjoy a game and still point out the things you donā€™t like.

But you donā€™t do that. You just act like everything is perfect and when someone points out something they donā€™t like you repeat the exact same thing every single time.


Teleporters, waypoints, whatever you like to call them in each zone. That is why.

WOD drove me away also, and I stayed gone till 8.3. if SL does the same Iā€™m not giving this team a 3rd chance.

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hopefully weā€™ll have a non-legendary cloak for us engineers to apply it to, this time.


Who said anything about there not being flight whistle anymore?