Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

the only thing that made that thing better was zul owning her about needing to help people instead of killing us. it was very much a BAHAHAHAHAHAHA moment for me when she took off to help sw and wasn’t able to kill us. :stuck_out_tongue:

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To talk up just how OP she is, she levitated a multi-ton warship, casted a battlefield-wide frost nova within seconds, and turned and cannon-barraged the walls of Lordaeron while continuing to levitate said multi-ton warship.

And people complain about Sylvanas? :man_shrugging:t5:


but that’s different. she’s alliance. :wink:

Zul was a bad guy no doubt, but he absolutely played her there XD


Which makes it even worse. The Horde now has zero leaders who could stand up to Jaina or Malfurion.

Just Jaina or Malfurion could legit wipe the entire Horde council simultaneously

Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not.

Says the guy who claims to be a lawful good Alliance Paladin

Jaina is only that powerful because Thrall is her friend. I mean she sided with the Horde over her family. To me that makes her a Horde sympathizer. Just another OP Horde character.

Staying within forum policy, that has to be the most unintelligent thing i’ve read this morning unless what you posted is a meme

Malfurion cant even handle Nathanos.

Stop it with your lies

He does preach peace. He also strives for it, but you’re arguing semantics at this point.

I don’t hate that they killed Varian. My point with mentioning Varian is that he’s a child amongst demigods, essentially, and yet he’s supposedly the voice that we’re supposed to listen to. Why? If he were anyone besides Varian’s son, he’d be laughed at for being naive.

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this is my lawful good alliance paladin. /wave

This is a strong contender.

Jeebus, what a reach. Space Jam Michael Jordan would be so jelly.

This may be a new concept:

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he’s supposed to be the strongest mortal in the entirety of azeroth though. but the plot demanded otherwise. but at any moment blizz could remember how powerful he is and then he could one shot org and horde would all be screwed. lol

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You show him regularly. You pull him out like the guy who goes, see this is my black friend after saying something racist.

Dude you are so far away from any ties to the Alliance or anything Lawful or anything good, you might as well give up. Your words don’t reflect any of that in any way shape or form.

If this were D&D your paladin abilities would have been stripped long ago.


I don’t know about Jaina, but they’ve nerfed Malfurion so hard that between him, Tyrande, and the player they couldn’t take down one undead ranger and two Val’kyr players barely even slow down over on the way to Odyn.

Did you even watch Nat & the Girls starring in BS on the Beach?

Beat Malfurion? Easy case, he can’t take two Val’kyr by himself.

you do understand what rp is right? because that’s why i post on dekkar. you have no idea what i’m really like because you don’t know me. my personality irl is much closer to meccahs than dekkars.


I just realized that Tyrande can instacast full moon and kill valkyr when normal druid with legendary (and most powerful weapons of Azeroth) needs to cast a spell 3*

She didn’t, she never stopped training and improving, but that is not shown in game.
After the bombing of Theramore in a novel it was stated she could flood the entire city of Orgrimmar using the ocean waters.
I am not saying that as an excuse of critique of Sylvannas’s powers, my stance is always i don’t like her traits, not her power.
I don’t think anyone using the term “Mary Sue” is actually understanding it’s definition, so far not one single character in the whole franchise fills that definition in my eyes.

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They didn’t really nerf him. It’s obvious he could have wiped nathanos with ease, but they couldn’t have him do that otherwise the plot wouldn’t have developed as they wanted it to.

It’s what happens when they don’t plan the story well.


I forgot to point this out. “Characters like him”.

You mean children? Or are we lumping Anduin in with the likes of Jaina, Tyrande, Malfurion, Sylvanas, Khadgar, Thrall, etc? If so, you see the trouble.