Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

(sneaks Venitas a caramel macchiato with extra shots and some cookies)


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This. All of this.

My hero. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hmm she can levitate things, freeze things and teleport. Things we have seen pretty much in game since Launch that are totally in line with what mage can do.

Shoot the teleport and frost nova are MAGE spells.

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us “here is my opinion”
her “you’re wrong”
us “an opinion can’t be wrong because it’s an opinion”
her “no, you’re wrong. wrong wrong wrong.”

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Well, sylvanas is some sort of black magic Wizzard obviously
 but we don’t have class now because people rather want humans with afro than new fun class.

Since she just - off screen before she took on Bolvar - walked right through the forces he had waiting for her - she apparently could have just walked out the gates at Orgrimmar, solo’d the Alliance forces there, and since all she wanted was a higher body count she may as well have turned around and did the same thing inside the gates.

I mean, if she’s at this power level then why not personally just make as many people dead as she wants?


I forgot to add to this. “Because they use this as a cop-out to actually address the problems with the character”.

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But she didn’t. She got them over the course of decades studying under Antonidas and later Aegwynn.

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Umm, pardon my ignorance
 But since when were any of the Sylvannas haters jealous?

may just be me, may not, but I love her as a character, but hate her still. Shes a good, well written villain. But I wouldnt support her. That aint me.

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The characters are (or were) fine like that. I don’t believe Sylvannas should not exist, but i still hate her simply for the reasons i stated on how she treats others.
I just don’t want the game to try to make me idolize her like someone with a purpose that will be “good” (in a Thanos good way) when clearly she is so full of herself that even loyalists can’t know what her “plan” is.
Even the burning of Teldrassil is something i understand her doing, in the context of her character personality.


it just makes me believe they have no argument of substance. because apparently they think she’s hot and it’s the only reason they react to her, so it has to be that is for us anyway.

for myself though moira is more my type than sylvie will ever be. but i don’t think of moira as my gf either. odd that people jump right to that.


Opinions, I guess.

Exactly. They’re either acting on the assumption the person defending her (or, in many cases, rationalizing what’s the deal with the trainwreck that was her development in bfa) care only for looks

Or perhaps deep inside they are the ones that find her hot but they’re too scared of admitting it.

I don’t think you belong in the box of regular haters because you actually think about it.

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she’s legit a corpse. my toon, and myself, are not undead. there’s a word for that but it would probably get me a vacation. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, she’s not a mary sue.

There’s many reasons why Jaina is not a mary sue, and I simply do not believe your aruging in good faith, so I’m not going to go in depth. Plenty of online resources to let you know.

Do I think her powers a bit exaggerated? Maybe. I think some of the feats she pulls off should probably drain her more than she currently lets on.

But I also know she’s been trained by the best, was a intellegent crafty mage since day one, and has a bloody artifact level staff enchancing her abilities, that she got back in Pandaria.

So overall, there are reasons besides just handwaving and saying “Ooh, spooky secret magics” or something stupid popping up out of nowhere like the jailer, to explain why Jaina’s fairly competent and powerful.

I’m also still pretty sure she’s still not the most powerful mage in the world. :woman_shrugging: She’s just really good at ice magic.

Fair enough, but I still wouldnt call regular haters “jealous”.

I did not, because he is not. I personally like the character, that does not mean he’s loved and worshipped by everyone, not even Blizzard.

I never said she is.

And it still does not make Anduin that, because if he was Sylvannas would already be erased from the story and everyone would be living happy together giving eachother hugs (both factions).


I’m the kind that believes on anyone fantasizing about anything they want as long as they’re not obnoxious about it. I will be the first to totally headcanon my forsaken mage going after Koltira.

But it is a very, very weak argument when the topic it’s the lore.

Except she dials them up to not just 11, but over 9000. (Yes, I’m mixing Spinal Tap and Dragonball Z references. Deal with it.)

It isn’t so much that she can levitate, or teleport, or frost nova. It is the scale she does these things at which is so much greater than the rest. Teleporting groups of people? Normal mages would need to use a portal. Levitating a ship? That’s definitely beyond most mages. Magical broadside of magic cannons? Definitely not normal mage. Freezing an entire battlefield with a wave of her hand? I’d like to see any of the 120 mages do that!

Yes, they are all mage abilities, but they are things that generally require preparation, rituals, and/or multiple mages working together to pull off.


'member when a mage with 10,000 years of experience went “she’s too powerful, we have to run!”, about Jaina?

I 'member.