Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

Is it because she is very popular among players?

Psychology says that people are often jealous of things or individuals that are popular.

And on the other note:

I am surprised how many people here know nothing about the lore…
Why do people objectify “writing” as being bad? How many of you wrote something? There is literally no one that could give a legit critique.

Just because the story turned the way YOU do not like does NOT mean the writing is bad.

On the funny note, can you imagine getting high levels of stress hormone and even rage just because of video game?

You are unfit to play this game!

P.S: Haters do not understand that Arthas-Lich Kind had Frostmourne, the sword that absorbed souls of the fallen to empower its wielder…
Bolvar has no sword = he is much weaker.
Does not it sound familiar to you? Collect souls to empower yourself? Doesn’t shadowlands work on this system? They feed on our souls.

Interesting fact is that Jaina got her ultimate powers overnight as well but no one complained. She can control flying arcane boat with huge cannons that destroy walls of oldest and strongest kingdom ever, she froze blight like a “snap”. She killed leader of Zandalari troll that was empowered by mighty Loa.

And? She survived and escaped fight against 20 strongest champions, Nathanos, and the most powerful witch of Zandalari…
Isn’t that interesting? Why did no one complain about HER POWERS?

Sounds like Jaina is the only Mary Sue here


You’re 7 hours and 40 minutes late.


Jealous would be the wrong word.

I would say, disgusted at, and tired of.

She’s a bad character that has been at the center of the story for much too long.

It’s time for her to go.

Edit: also, no, fiction writing is not subjective, there’s an entire academic field devoted to it. It’s called critical theory, you should look into it.

Danielle Steele =/= Shakespeare, etc.


Bad attempt at trolling.

They retconned a lot of things to fit the current story. Retconning should never be needed to ‘fix’ a story.

  1. When she suicides after finding out Arthas is dead, she met the jailer even though this was never mentioned in the short story of said event.
  2. All the events on the broken shore, the death of Varian and the injuring of Vol’jin. All staged?
  3. When she was surprised she was chosen as warchief, when this was already part of the plans?

Pretty sure that accounts to bad writing.


this thread will get many bites but lol.

  1. let’s pretend they did not say it purposely… Why would they announce it? Wouldn’t that be like spoiling 3/4 expansions ahead?

2/3) Well, she is undead therefore she will never die, however, trolls die of old age, right? She could have just wait XX years and she would get that position anyway?

I dont think writers made all these possible connections faaaar in advance, more possible ways and later they just connect them based how it will fit the story.

I am not sure what you are defending or attacking.

The writing is bad because at the end of this expansion, we are left hanging. Not a cliff hanger, but with a bunch of second rate characters with no real motivation.

An expansion, like a book, or a movie, or a series, should leave the consumer with a sense of satisfaction of some sort. It is why we pay money to be entertained and escape the rigors of real life, if I want this I will just go to work.

And no one is jealous, people are disappointed, confused and malcontented after wasting so many hours here on either side. That is why it is poor.


We have “council” now, right? What do Alliance have? Anduin that cant make a good choice a single time? I think we are pretty balanced.

Plus, I thought people play games to have fun and not get seriously stressed over story that does not impact them in real lifes?

Never ceases to amaze me, how far people will go to justify bad writing.


the story is an essential part of the game.


the thread that someone made that she’ll be able to make more valkyr was so… lol.

Could we see your writing, please? So I can see how does the good writing looks like.

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Don’t need to be a chef to notice that the kitchen is on fire.


If story would be so essential, addons to auto accept/turn in quests and skip cutscenes would not have millions of downloads.

i honestly imagine most raiders have no idea why they’re killing raid bosses. they just know it drops the loot they want. lol.


I don’t hate the character, i’m tired of it.
Too much focus and importance given to one subjective character.

So many other interesting characters could have more development if they didn’t focus on her.

I personally dislike her personality, but i have to accept her being everywhere and a main plot drive all the time, i’m just tired.

Not even Garrosh had so much investment on him.
Sylvannas is the embodiment of hatred, revenge and pride (bad pride), wich are traits i very much dislike. I would have no problem with her presence if i could focus my attention anywhere else.


Between her last fight with Genn over her night light now between her zapping Saurfang to her now able to wonder woman lasso entire hill tops of frozen mountains is light years apart in lore.

It just does not make sense anymore with Sylvanas and it sounds really poor quality.


Ok, you are just being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative without substance.

Other peoples kids…


I’d love to get a the Banshee title in shadowlands for all us loyalists


that would be pretty sweet. :slight_smile: