Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

tyrande just got a power up from the only real god in the wow universe and shouldn’t have even needed failfurions help, but here we are. lol

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Yeah I do I actually like most of your posts even if I disagree with them :slight_smile:

But I AM Vanduin - the best of Varian and Anduin…


You’re not very good at this, are you? She’s not a Druid, she Elune’s High Priestess and currently the living embodiment of Elune’s Wrath. Yes she should have been able to insta-gib Nat & the Girls without Malfurion or us lifting a finger to help her…that didn’t happen.


(i actually disagree with most of them as well. dekkar is mighty evil though. XD)

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It’s something that I’ve been mentioning for a while.

They keep making the Alliance characters stronger and stronger, but that’s difficult to fully comprehend because they have to keep making mistakes or hold back for some inane reason in order for the Horde to even survive, after all, they can’t just wipe out a playable faction.

In the end, no one wins, in more ways than just one.


Elune is a death god prove me wrong!!!


That’s what you mean, right?


Death Goddess? She’s just going through one of her phases. Don’t be a lunatic.



I just see this as you trying really hard to make me mad.
You are allowed to say anything. In that note am i not allowed to say why i disagree with you?
Just because 7 people said the same thing does not make it factual truth, millions of people in the world believe the Earth is flat, and millions more believe vaccines cause autism.
My opinion that you’re trolling is because you’re the one being angry at me and sounding like you’re trying to get a rant from me.

Trolling is doing stuff to make other people mad for your amusement using personal arguments and opinions, what i am doing is debating and if that makes you mad then you’re the one who can’t take criticism.

elune is so cool. i wish she had done something to really help the nelves. ooc ofc.

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She’s probably either the Arbiter or the Winter Queen, considering she has command over souls and Tyrande’s part of Ardenweald.

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squints at and stares at



My opinion is that I love her/it/them/what-have-you being enigmatic. I really don’t ever want to learn more about her - and yet I do! But the wanting is better than the having, at least for me. I want to ask questions, not necessarily have answers. Dat mystique, tho


imo i think they’d do lore a real disservice if they go too deep into what she is in shadowlands.

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This made me smile. You ol’ Tauren, you!

I can definitely see Elune being the arbiter - though a part of me wants Azeroth to be the arbiter. Elune probably makes more sense.

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Why is he praised for it and i’m bashed on if we have the same opinion?

Wait, isn’t Ardenweald the foresty area?

I mean it makes sense… but I don’t trust her being near stags…

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I don’t hate her as a character, I hated having her as Warchief. Honestly I never liked letting the Scourge leftovers into the Horde in the first place, It took a pretty big retcon shoehorn to make that happen, and I never liked the results.

Now that she is off on her own, I can happily treat her as the villain she is, and look forward to participating in her destruction someday.


I love how when people act like people who dislike an incredibly boring character like Sylvanas are “jealous”. She’s become an annoying Mary Sue, we’ve seen waaaay too much of her the last few expansions, and her supporters tend to makw cringey posts like this that make you question if they know she isn’t real.

Gee, I wonder why people dislike her.

She used to he interesting before the whole “hehehe I’m the most powerful being in the universe smirk i can one shot the voidlords mega darkess backflip


No, that’s what the internet says. You should take a psychology course.