Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

Called it.

I like to imagine the whole situation as my mage having the longest, most amazing, chain procs of pyroblast of her entire unlife.

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I feel that.

Yeah, that’s totally valid. Y’all should put Zappyboi on the throne, he’d do the Horde proud.

Um yeah they kind of made a game around it. Sounds like you are asking for a Sylvanas game.

P.S. Jania is flying ships around and freezing cities/oceans, but Sylvanas gets a death ray? ZOMG OP OFF SCRENE!


Well she was obviously working on her powers since WOTLK. Just because you do not see something right away does not mean it is not there… It is like saying that you are unemployed because I dont see you going to work.


Because hoomans getting constant powerups it’s ok, they have the “HUMAN POTENTIAL” after all.

Sylvanas getting free powerups it’s bad cuz “Sylvanas bad!”.

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I guess the council is their way of putting a stop to that, but I feel like it won’t last.

jaina was already like the strongest mage ever and then she got her staff. and then she REALLY became the strongest mage ever in the history of azeroth.

Thanks for letting the non-Sylvie loyalists live rent free in your head :partying_face:

Ehh while im not 100% in agreeance with you on most of what you’ve said on this we can agree.

I truly do feel as if the writers carelessly throwing away characters with established backstories such as Arthas is the reason why the story is in the shape its in now. They’ve exhausted their source material and they’re quite literally pulling story elements out of their backside.

When I saw guy say this:

Copeland’s team believes that continuity exists to enhance the story, not to tie the hands of creators.

I knew we were f*****


You make it sound like I don’t think Jaina’s powers are a little over the top, despite the fact she has a ridiculously powerful magical artifact on her. :woman_shrugging:

Reason I care more about Sylvanas than Jaina is because sylvanas has actively been the one in the forefront.

Also, no, I don’t want a Sylvanas game. I personally just want her to drop dead.

I was simply pointing out the difference between her and Arthas. Both are evil, but people don’t hate Arthas, because he’s got a full fledge backstory, not tons of “ooh, works in the shadows, magical BS I don’t have to explain anything.” garbage.

But actually explaining whats going on might be too hard for the blizz team or ruin their free reign to pull things outta their backsides, therefore they won’t.

Sylvanas is a garbage character as it stands right now.


Troll level beyond my under caffeinated mind to calculate.

(toddles off to find more coffee and cookies)


I even feel he’d be better than Baine… and on that note…

I don’t think they will even handle that properly. The Vulpera quest chain was honestly depressing to watch.

Yeah, that’s when it all started.

I accept you dislike him, but he is not that.

He does not preach peace, he strives for it, there’s a difference

The fact that he’s Varian’s son is just that, pardon me but that sounds more like disgust for them killing Varian than making Anduin king. He’s still young and inexperienced, but the comic Son of the Wolf shows that he can and will be as good or even better than Varian.

The famous mass brez from the cinematic is a constant point of interest and debate, but the devs have gone on record to say it was not a rez, it was more of an enhanced priest Power Word: Barrier, and considering characters like him having a player abilities on a higher level is not something new in Warcraft. Arthas had Defile and Remorseless Winter leagues more powerful than what players can do on their DKs, and that’s just one example.


Bring me some coffee and cookies too. I skipped breakfast this morning. :pleading_face:


Isnt JAINA Marry Sue? I remember she was nearly uselesss and then she made flying arcane boat with huge cannons with snap of her fingers… She froze blight and she killed the leader of Zandalari trolls…

And, she did not die, because she got plot armor and teleported away like nothing happened, even she fought against 20 champions of Azeroth and the most powerfull witch of Zandalari.

Tell me now who got powers over night please?

When the system is working as it’s supposed to, the Arbiter sends souls to the appropriate afterlife where their anima nurtures the land and the other residents, while the only souls sent to the Maw are the truly irredeemable. Even Kael’thas didn’t end up there, and he sold his people out to Kil’jaeden. With the system broken, all the anima that should be spreading through the rest of the Shadowlands is limited to the Maw, the Jailer, and Sylvanas.

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how many people have told you that they feel he’s a mary sue in this thread? at least 3 that i can name off the top of my head. but we’re not allowed to have our own feelings about it because you’re constantly telling us we’re wrong. but i’m the troll? :expressionless:

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I can agree with this. Retcons do have their place. Sometimes you can get away with it being an unreliable narrator, but some of the things just don’t work. Reworking Edge of Night so that is when she first comes to the Jailer’s attention is fine, but making her becoming Warchief part of the plan all along is shoddy writing when you take into account the internal narrative presented in Before the Storm. The only way that works is if the Jailer didn’t tell Sylvanas that he was going to put her on the throne.

Admittedly, that is possible, as it would allow her reactions in the moment to be as real and genuine as they could be. And if she were informed later, as the Jailer grew in power, then you could tie the two threads together with the new continuity. It is still shoddy work, though, like using duct tape to hold a rear view mirror onto your car. It works, but it can’t be considered the best work.


She obviously accepts only her opinion. The opinion of the rest of us does not matter, because she just like to be stubborn and not accept facts. Sad.

Dude she’s not real and isn’t going out with you, stop trying to impress her.