Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

I don’t think the OP understand what jealousy means. She has nothing I could want, crave, or remotely be interested in except whatever she drops when she becomes a loot piñata. I think the terms you’re looking for are apathy and hatred.


I can agree with that.

My dislike for Anduin is purely that he truly is a Gary Stu. He hasn’t actually done anything except preach peace and be Varian’s son, oh and he did a mass battlerez.

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you saw that thread about how she’ll be able to make more valkyrs in shadowlands right? because it’s not likely if that’s the case that she’ll end up raid bossed. because she could just have a valkyr rez her after that.

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I don’t think that’s so much the issue. It seems obvious that they will show some sort of gotcha moment when she does something that might result as beneficial just like you mentioned.

But the problem is instead of taking a nuanced approach to this, they went for the blantantly unsympathetic character.

It wouldn’t be a surprise that many will call BS if she destroys the Maw (or whatever they have planned for her to do), because they didn’t even show a single glimpse of good intentions even if the means were questionable.

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I’m not sure why slaughtering a city full of civilians would motivate anyone to switch to the side of the murderers but to each their own, I suppose.

I’m just not interested in being the bad guy. The Horde was my home for over a decade. I stayed after the Wrathgate because that wasn’t supposed to be us. I stayed after Garrosh because we stood up for what was right, we fought him and said no to his genocidal mania.

Teldrassil was the last straw for me. Sylvanas told us to “Burn it” and at that point my character said no. I said no. I’m not saying the lore around Sylvanas is or was poorly written. I’ve always loved WoWs lore and I still do to this day.

What I am saying though is going back and retconning her previous lore is lazy and a bad way to go about giving her motivations for her current actions. I don’t like retconned lore in any media, but I do understand that in a fifteen year long series, sometimes things have to be changed to continue a new narrative.


Curses! Foiled again!


i think that’s what they’re trying to do with her destroying the helm and “i’ll set us all free.”

Eh, ehhh. I guess I’m not as interested in nuance here as I am adventure, action and cool moments.

I really like both Anduin and Sylvanas. I think there is (was?) a lot of room in bfa for both characters to breathe without removing the tension - for me. I really liked reading their exchange in arathi highlands in Before the Storm, too. You got a sense of courage from Anduin and a sense of honor and, almost, empathy from Sylvanas regarding her thoughts of Varian and the broken shore.

I think the story needed both sides that their characters represented. Sylvanas helped pull Anduin into a more traditional king-like role, and Anduin’s vulnerability’s and diplomacy helped united typically disparate factions into overcoming Sylvanas’ cruelty.

My humble opinion.

i have 2 druids at 120 and all the nelf and worgen druids on the forums make me want to delete them. (i have a tauren and a worgen druid)

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I’m just tired of having Horde leaders being replaced as if they were yesterday’s undies.

If they are going to do that, at least the should do a decent job with it.

It does seem like that’s the direction, yes. But I’m kind of fed up with the whole thing, tbh.

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You missed the ‘flawless and loved’ part. Sylvanas has some clearly defined character flaws that are quite crippling at times (her anger issues and sadism). These flaws have caused her to suffer severe setbacks multiple times, sometimes quite publicly. If Sylvanas had just killed Saurfang straight away, instead of trying to toy with him, then she would still be Warchief, for instance. But she allowed Saurfang to bait her into the fight with the promise of making him suffer, which allowed him to turn her anger against her.

And as for her being universally loved? We can clearly say that isn’t the case.

There is a difference between someone who is overpowered and a Mary Sue. Yes, Mary Sues are usually overpowered, but that does not mean that all overpowered characters are Mary Sues. That’s like saying oranges are a fruit, therefore all fruits are oranges.

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Shadowlands is starving because souls are going straight to the maw…

Also, unworthy souls are going to the maw straight away even the cycle is not broken…

We are “living” just to be used as a fuel for higher beings… We are like sheep farm “prison”.

TBF your character had no input. The only one who technically burned the tree was Sylvanas and the guy that fired that Godlike catapult.

Just make a Zandalari. They’re not a part of the Cenarion Circle so you can burn that tree down and go home guilt-free.

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Oh boy, here comes “Sylvanas bad!”

are you ready to be called scourge? because i am!

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I’ve been playing a Forsaken for 10 years. I’m used to people not being able to tell the difference, heh.

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It’s me Dusk, it’s me Dusk, it was me all along!

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She’s the epitome of bad writing. :woman_shrugging:

She literally just gets handed free power ups, and we just get told 'She’s just awesome" or “She’s been building power off screen” to justify it.

With Arthas, people literally took the journey from Paladin, all the way to Lich king with Arthas, we saw his struggles, how he overcame them, and he actually developped as a character.

Sylvanas? She’s literally handed things off screen, and we just get told “Oooh, she’s a master tactician, and has been plotting from the shadows forever.” Which is basically their way of coping out and not having to explain why she’s so powerful, to the point they can pull something like “The Jailer” out of their backsides.

It’s absolutely terrible writing, and people are tired of Sylvanas basically walking over everything, having to exert no effort to completely dismantle the lore that WoW’s built up over the last years.

Though really this is just a bait pro-sylvanas thread so I doubt you actually care. :roll_eyes:


hi nyaria, nice to see you. <3