Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

I’m not really sure I qualify as a Sylvanas ‘hater’, but I don’t like what Blizz has done with her in the current story.

I used to really enjoy her character but now they’ve gone back and retconned her lore to make it fit into this new narrative they’ve come up with for her. And I hate retcons.

But it is what it is. Most of the Sylvanas fanboys now are clinging to a literal mass murderer and would happily keep her up on a pedestal because… well, let’s be real, she’s waifu bait. That’s the only reason.


I don’t understand half the opinions here.

It’s bad writing because ten years ago they didn’t write far enough ahead?

It’s bad writing because they keep indtroducing new characters and elements unheard of before (This one I especially don’t get)?

It’s bad writing because Sylvanas is “perfect” despite dying, losing wars and being damned to an eternity of torment? (I do think Sylvanas will be redeemed in the end, I’ll point out, but as of right now she’s not actually doing so hot. She didn’t go beat up Bolvar without any help.)

I feel like a lot of people dislike her because she’s attractive and powerful, weirdly.

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Where am i upset? I just said that by definition your point is not true. I can handle criticism more than you can imagine, but you can’t know that because you don’t know me.
What i am doing is put my view in the table that every critic made against the character is simply because of him being an honest good guy.
I don’t remember using “so many” anywhere, i know very well how “disliked” Anduin is.


Also, y’know, the whole Teldrassil thing which everyone seems to have forgotten about.


Dislike her as a person sure, but we’re talking about character critique. That was awesome from a story perspective.

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I actually used to play Horde. Almost exclusively played Horde since vanilla. Then Teldrassil happened and I decided I was sick of being the bad guy. I switched to Alliance and haven’t gone back.


If a drinking game were ever invented based on how many times Alliance players mentioned Teldrassil in General everyone who participated would be dead in an hour.

Y’all have got to get over it man. It’s been a year, you guys should’ve gone through every stage of grief already

i went the opposite direction. the tree burning gave me a FOR THE HORDE moment i’d never have the same for alliance at any point and went from being a dwarf pally main since vanilla to an orc warlock. :slight_smile:

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I have only been able to level 1 Horde toon in BFA. Will not do anymore. Less than 20 days on sub - will see if it stays that way

But that doesn’t make it poorly written. If anything it makes it incredibly well written. You didn’t want to be associated with this heinous act so you faction swapped. That is the entire movement that the Horde has been struggling with for months. It was amazing to see.

Compared to Camp Taurajo? Seriously? That one still gets brought up daily and it wasn’t even a racial city.

And just because the story turned out in a way you seem to approve of, doesn’t mean it’s good writing.

There’s a lot of people that, all in all, have very poor motives to hate her, usually relying on calling those defending her “fanboys” or using a modified version of her name in a mocking way thinking it makes them look witty (spoilers: it doesn’t).

Truth is, her character has been ran into the mud. It’s not the first time this has happened, but the scale in which it has happened turned a character that could have actually been “mORally grEY” with decent writing into a ridiculous moustache twirling villain that would put anime main characters to shame in the “Aha, just as I planned!” department.

No matter what they do, the already lost any possibility for any nuanced narrative that might give a glimpse of anything even remotely sympathetic.

Long story short. Yes, the writing it’s awful and they ruined her even more than she was already (because I still remember her dumb move back in WC3).


Find me 5 mentions of Camp Taurajo as a legitimate grievance of Horde players within the past 5 days.

If you’re going to make that claim you need to be able to back it up. I could do the same concerning Teldrassil and be back with my results in >5 minutes.

As I stated in another thread days ago:

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I actually am excited to see how they develop The Jailor and The Arbiter, the concept (both visual and theme) for them is very interesting at the core, it depends on how they execute their actions.

I won’t speak for anyone but myself here. I don’t think Sylvannas is perfect, i do believe she’s being overused. My personal (emphasis on personal) problem is i don’t like her personality, the fact that she treats everyone as inferior garbage. Those are traits of a villain, not a protagonist.

In my life i’ve come to understand and accept several fictional characters that have a lot of the same traits as her (revenge, hatred, pride) but for one who is supposed to be looked up to, to be written as someone who treats others like garbage if they don’t tell her “you’re right and everyone should worship you” (because that’s how she’s perceived) just makes me hate her character.
I know saying “i hate this character” to someone who loves said one is a gutpunch, but that’s what opinion is all about. Accepting criticism is exactly that.

Now because i’ve been talking a lot about Anduin too and how i come as disliking the criticism towards him, i just gave the reasons why i don’t like Sylvannas, and i don’t see the same level of explanation on why someone hates Anduin other than “because he’s a goody-2-shoes”. Am i mad because others don’t like him? absolutely no.


Just search in any discussion of Baine.

If my eyes could roll any harder id go blind

That is very true and I do try to keep that in mind. Even in real life people can do some things that make you scratch your head. I mean a person (myself included) try to reason out things that don’t make any sense, but sometimes things just don’t work out the way you would like to think it should.

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Awesome in the biblical sense, perhaps, but from a story standpoint we just witnessed the wanton destruction of the night elf home and the deaths of thousands of its denizens. It’s pretty easy to see why people don’t like her after that.

I don’t know if you’re canonically in the Cenarion Circle, but if you are, I’m gonna snitch to Hamuul Runetotem and get you kicked out.

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I’m on mobile so I’m just quoting this to address the morally grey subject with ease.

I agree that she hasn’t been morally grey, which is what we were told she is. But that being said, one of my theories is that she’s going to try and destroy the Maw so she can die in peace - which also saves everyone else in the process.


Im Zandalari! Our level of damns about the Cenarion Circle are nonexistent. We don’t bow to the Circle!