Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

You can like whatever you want, it’s perfectly fine.

I’ll argue you don’t have to deal with characters you don’t like as much as you’re impliying, i have also played as both alliance and horde.

Not liking the personality of a character does not make it a bad character, i have disliked Sylvannas since Cata and really hated her since Legion because she treats everyone under her like disposable tools and anyone else at or above her level as inconsecuential. That said i never had a problem with her until Legion when suddenly she’s literally everywhere (in presence or influence) and that’s she’s practically unbeatable (maybe even literally).

If you like her, good for you, i don’t. Why am i wrong and you’re right just because your opinion is different than mine?


wuzeh, i feel like you are my arch nemesis on the forums but i wanted to say i like your armor. >_>

You’d love my purple set, probably. :slight_smile:

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I did not say that, opinions are neither right or wrong, I thought that is evident by the very meaning of the word.

According to this you posted he’s far from it. It even puts Sylvannas more into a Mary Sue definition than him.
If being an honest good person who wants people to live in peace and simply has powers that surpass other people, like a Discipline aoe bubble that’s just a little bigger than what players can actually do in game with maybe a heal included is OP for you, then i have news for you Sylvannas loving beatiful person… XD


no one said sylvie hasn’t been turned into a mary sue recently as well… but anduin has most definitely been a mary sue for the entire time his character has existed.

Sorry, i mixed a couple of posts directed at me, that was not meant for you

You don’t have to be a writer to see the writing for this game is tired a worn out. Just like I don’t have to be an actor to see that a movie sucks.

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And i don’t see where he’s written in that manner anywhere.
Never in the history of the game Anduin has achieved anything without struggle, conflict or sacrifice/loss.
I honestly believe you just dislike him for him being a good guy.


I understand, completely.

why? because i’m posting on a warlock? do i need to post on one of my paladins to show you that my toons are mostly lawful good?

If you have to be an actor to understand a movie, or a writer to understand a book you fail as a creator. If you cant reach the “so called ignorant” masses, you are a failure…

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No, because of the text you’re posting. You can do it on a priest and i’ll say the same thing.
Sounds like you’re running out of trolling arguments.

thinking that anduin is a mary sue is not trolling. you think sylvie is a mary sue? does that make you a troll? or does that just mean that we disagree? because disagreeing =/= trolling.


You don’t have to be a writer to know whether something is good or bad in your opinion. This is like saying that you have to be cook in order to say something taste good or bad. When it comes to writing or literature there are clear rules to it, so it is possible to give a legit critique of it.

One of the main problems with WoW storytelling is that they are doing it across too many mediums. The games, books, and comics leads to a very fragment story experience for people that do not wish to read the books or comics. So you have characters that do not match how they are portrayed game or only have their thoughts revealed in books. I know this is done to make money but it is done at the expense of the game.

It would be nice if they continued with the Well Read achievement and added little versions of the new books to them game. That way we at least have something in game that references the out of game lore. Maybe then the story would not seem so bad.


No. It’s because you’re creating arguments just to make attrite between people who disagree.
The way you’re writing things in your posts sounds like you wanting to make other people mad and lash out, if that’s not your aim relax and take another read of what you’re posting, maybe if you think about it you’ll see why so many are seeing this as trolling.


Well even if i know nothing about the lore, i would just assume that since she’s undead, and undead are typically evil, typically, not always… and she burnt down a tree city full of people, which is a mortally bad thing cause there is innocent people who don’t partake in the war, including children…

…yea i would assume that’s the character who is evil and your suppose to hate. Yet Blizzard writes this as if she’s trying to do something good and save us all. I suppose on paper it sounds like a good idea, but as it shown in past history, anything Blizzard writes is a good idea on paper but their execution is entirely different story. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Read above. :point_up_2:

Even without past history, Blizzard’s execution shown here so far, just only makes her more evil as time passes on, and Blizzard pretending she isn’t that, only to reveal, only to reveal she isn’t and actually good all this time, is not only a bad twist that just steps into M Night Shyamalan territory (and no disrespect to the guy, i’m sure he’s a talented … at something, The Visit, Split, And Unbreakable comes to mind, so there you go.) , and not only tries real hard to subvert expectations to a point of nonsensical, but not even doing a good job of it since it’s just so obvious and predictable in a boring way. Like how we all predicted old gods being a thing in BFA.

By that logic, Fallout 76’s story writing is brilliant and everybody who hates it are just jealous of Bethesda’s writing and delivery method though audio tapes. So Sorry Game Critics, but your just being butthurt at the story and just objectively wrong about your opinion. :crazy_face:

I assume you never heard of the word “passion” before.

We get it that it’s a video game, it doesn’t dismiss criticism, nor excuse the problems in the video game that the people or video games have. Otherwise, what’s the point of making Star Wars a household brand? it’s just a movie, who cares? or let me guess, that only applies when people are overwhelmingly negative towards a thing? Food for thought. :apple:

I seen this sentiment pop up from people who don’t know enough about a thing their talking about and don’t know why people are negative towards a thing, so they pull the “it’s just an X, guys, calm down you bunch of nerds” Card. And if they aren’t speaking from ignorance, then their being dishonest usually.

Does eerily remind me of that one guy trying to defend Captain Marvel, with this “argument”. :thinking:

As for my “Hatred” to Slyvanas, she’s just boring imo. Maybe once upon a time she might be interesting, i know she died like 3 times, and has been Artha’s minion for the past how long, but i can’t say that i’m interested in her now. She’s just not compelling to me, neither as a hero or a villain. I forgot she even existed.


why are you getting upset that i said anduin is a mary sue? i haven’t even elaborated because your posts have lead me to believe you couldn’t handle that level of criticism to his character so i have avoided going into it. but i’m a troll for expressing my opinion? also you speak only for yourself. not “so many.”


Let haters hate man.

Sylvanas is the only remaining character who doesn’t act how we expect a character to act.
Any other character in the game would go for “oh let’s hug and make peace” boring boring cliche.

But I guess that’s how far their imagination goes.

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this thread is a hot mess. lol

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