Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

My first time seeing it :slight_smile:

Ya that really sux.

I’m really not sure why you’re even arguing with me at this point.

All I’ve stated was that Sylvanas is terrible for character development for the Forsaken. Which she was.

You listed off enough people to be part of a council. Okay… neat? The council that I’d be perfectly okay with existing as long as Sylvanas is out of the picture?

The same type of leadership Sylvanas murdered to put herself in sole dictatorial power over the forsaken. :roll_eyes:

We might not have the same viewpoints on the forsaken, but clearly we are both fine with the outcome of Sylvanas being removed and a new leadership style being put in.

It really just feels like your arguing to argue at this point.

Also, I don’t want them to be “Dull and boring and good” “Just like everyone else”

I just want the “Death to the living” garbage to be tossed out, because that stuff is ridiculous.

Any Forsaken that views all living people as their enemies, is different from the scourge how exactly? And why would I continue to to want to be allies with someone who wants me dead?

i have no clue what the heck they even think they’re doing at this point. you can’t just poo on half your playerbase and except people to not mass unsub. once that goes live, if it does, you’ll see a mass exodus of people leaving the game. i’m almost positive.

Yes because I am jealous of people who hate themselves and like being called nothing.

Or its that shes hated because shes gone practically mustache twisting evil. Its not even good evil its saturday morning serial mustache twisting villain.


Sylvanas falls more neatly into this box.

They also said it won’t be Mop 2.0 they also said she will be leading the horde not deserting it

They say plenty of things and there are still fools who believe them :rofl::rofl:

My credentials upfront: My graduate and baccalaureate degrees are in cognitive psychology and English with a minor in creative writing respectively. I’ve been published in literary magazines since 2011, so yes, I’m one of many people who can and will give Blizzard’s writing legitimate criticism. Also, you’ve demonstrated you have zero idea what psychology is, so your second sentence alone already weakens the basis of your argument.

Sylvanas’s character arc became a convoluted mess the moment she was appointed Warchief. All of her actions ever since were poorly implemented, poorly defended, and poorly shoehorned in to some inane “meta-plan” that even a middle schooler could have predicted. In order to have a good build up to indicate a character’s motivations behind the scenes, there needs to be sufficient foreshadowing that people can look back on and say, “Oh, now I see why this led to this and then this.” None of that is present in the story, which is why many people dislike Sylvanas’s character direction. The fact that the writers pulled a “But wait, she had a bigger plan all along!” is merely back-pedaling in response to the immensely negative fan reaction. If this meta-plan was supposed to be in place from the beginning, it would have had more clear foreshadowing points instead of being desperately shuttled in during the second half of the faction war.


Honestly? I cut my sub. Have about 20 days. Played FFXIV this weekend. 15 years of WoW is hard to give up. Classic isn’t enough to keep me here.

I don’t raid.
I don’t PvP
I don’t Mythic dungeon.

I like leveling characters (on both sides) and seeing the full story. But I don’t like the story now.

Will see if I stay away or just accept it and stay in Classic

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if you enjoy classic i’d play classic. and i’d think about coming back to retail once the sylvie arc has passed. i understand why alliance mains feel that way right now but they can’t do this forever. eventually everyone will stop playing if it’s entirely about sylvie for 30498530495 expansions.

I’ve seen people literally complain about BFA because all three Warbringers were about women.


-.- i shouldn’t comment directly about that because i don’t want a vacation. but -.-

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I was Alliance main in Vanilla and was Horde Main from BC to BFA. With the tree incident, I had to go back to Alliance. I want to be Tauren (my favorite race) but I just cant play that side anymore.

To me, making my Tauren follow Sylvanas for an x-pac would be like Lighforging all the Forsaken against their will. It would destroy who they are.

maybe just play alliance then? do you have a pally? or a priest? someone who is righteous and good and will stand up to sylvie in a meaningful way i obviously can’t see your alt list so i’m not sure.

also if you wanna play on classic together we could add each other. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cinematic (not cutscene) count:

Sylvanas: Legion, BFA, Mak’gora, Shadowlands.
Saurfang: BFA (ostensibly), Old Soldier, jail, Mak’gora

Anduin: BFA. Saurfang in jail, Mak’gora (ostensibly).
Jaina, who was supposedly the main figure of the Alliance for BFA: 0
Tyrande, whose people got nearly wiped out as a plot hook for BFA: 0

Allow me to play the world’s smallest violin for the Horde fans who had to do an annoying questline in Val’sharah with Tyrande and didn’t get an equivalent quest to Anduin doubting himself a whole bunch. My heart goes out to you.

H vs A aside, it’s World of Sylvanascraft now. She is the main character, and we’re just along for the ride. So, yeah. Call it jealousy if you want, but I’m tired of us just hanging onto Sylvanas’ coattails through this game. If I have to see her smug smirk one more damn time without someone smacking it off her face, I will scream.


I know this is a bait thread, but I’m pretty sure Sylvanas fans don’t even like the writing anymore.

They are both OP - but I think, today, if you locked them both in an arena neither of them could teleport or BansheeNope out of and didn’t open the door until only one was left standing, Sylvanas would be waiting for us; twirling the broken halves of Jaina’s staff in both hands and sitting on her corpse.

If you’re looking at the bigger picture it is because she is one of the “monstrous” races. psychology teaches us that most people have a latent desire for main characters and heroes to have a strong association with self. Tirion was far more obtrusive in the story than thrall, yet thrall was decried as removing player agency. Khadgar strong-armed the central narrative for two consecutive expansions and was never really questioned.

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Disagree, in part because of what you see later on in the article:

Probably the rarest type of Sue, as Villains are generally given great powers and abilities to be a more credible threat to the protagonists and make their inevitable downfall more sweet. A true Villain Sue will probably never have one, however, and may even win over the heroes, completely and utterly destroying them and undoing all their efforts- and even if they do lose, it may be via Only the Author Can Save Them Now rather than any non-@ss Pull method.

Sylvanas has had several major setbacks, and even had her plans derailed multiple times. The whole bit with Saurfang, for instance, was clearly a major defeat for her, even though she killed the orc. If she hadn’t had several defeats, I’d agree with you here. But the presence of crippling personal flaws and several key defeats means you’re wrong.

Now, she is most certainly overpowered. Everyone can agree on that. But there is a difference between overpowered and mary sue/villain sue.

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You are not understanding what i’m saying. If your aim was not to bash on me i’d say choose your words better.
Let me make this clear, i don’t care about you, i respond to you because i won’t just be silent and take it, but you as an individual have no importance whatsoever in my life.
Agree with the move on part, learn to discuss. I don’t want you or anyone to hold my hand while we argue over personal preference, for some unknown reason you started taking everything i said as “i’m offended by you”, i’m not btw, i simply don’t agree with your statements.