Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

This has gone beyond the pale. Sylvanas showed one on one combat ability vs. Jania taking on an army solo. You like one and don’t like the other so you are “we gee she only flew a ship and fired magic canon and froze a huge chunk of ocean and took on an army” vs. “Sylvanas used death magic against a single orc? HOW DID SHE GET THAT POWER! HAXXXX!!! WORST CHARACTER EVER.”

Seriously dude.

Mmm. no i’m not?

I’m just struggling to figure out how she says she “Loves” something, then turns around and argues for what she argues for, none of it seems like it actually benefits the faction she says she enjoys.

I’m not “Attacking her” I’m having a discussion with her in regards to this.

I just don’t like the “obviously evil but people support her anyways” character type, tbh.

It really hasn’t. :woman_shrugging:

You still seem to for whatever reason, think that I find Jaina as perfectly fine, despite the fact I’ve told you that isn’t the case at least twice nice.

The only thing I did was explain how it isn’t completely out of left field for this stuff to happen. :roll_eyes:

Sylvanas is still a terrible character, and poorly written, and the sooner she’s dead, the better WoW will be as a whole.

Every race in WoW have their own social “rules” (The word I’m thinking of it’s not exactly this but my brain is slowly draining), it’s narrowminded to try to expect the exact same thing from all of them and more importantly, it would be boring.

She gave them purpose while using them. FTFY. It was a symbiotic relationship of sorts.

Another twisty twist.

No, I want the Forsaken from prior to Cataclysm, the different flavors and pragmatism… the ones you labeled “scourge like” before despite being nothing like the Scourge. But dark humor zombies are bad because you don’t like it.

Wouldn’t you say that if you are in a situation where you lost everything, and that’s not an exaggeration, wouldn’t you cling to what gives you something?

No, she’s not, she’s awesome.

I have been in situations where I have lost everything except my life. I found those times I clung to who I was more than just following a cult of personality.

If I was a good person in life, I would cling to my values after being raised. What are we if we are not the sum of our personalities? Especially after we lose our bodies/life?


What if it’s not a matter of the person, but of the something itself?

EDIT: Also, on a side note…

Oof. Oof indeed.

I’m not twisting anything, I’m simply stating back the view you’re portraying to me.

If it comes across as something besides what you intent, maybe that’s an issue with how your explaining yourself.

Because you seem to just want the Forsaken to be completely flat, to the point they never change, they never grow, they never break the status quo that you enjoy, no matter what happens.

And that’s -really- boring, and not very great in the creative writing aspect for a fantasy world.

some peoples views of women on this forum are very… odd… to say the least.

Have you ever seen someone who spent a lifetime trying to be one thing because its what they aspire to or who they see themselves as? Pick anything that someone might identify as. Their entire being is focused on this thing. Have them lose it and see how they act. Some will be rudderless and lost at sea. Others will double down on it.

All I am saying is not everyone will go the same path.

Dark humor is VERY different than evil. I have been told I have a very dark sense of humor but I am not evil…

Huh?? shes gonna be a raid boss what there to be jealous of ?

they’ve already said she’ll be able to make more valkyrs in shadowlands. it’s more likely they’ll raid boss tyrande than sylvie at this point. will make the forums very interesting for a bit.

Except that I expressed it clearly. I’ve even have listed the names of Forsaken people that could be part of a coincil that could at the very least, lead them while not causing them to lose what thy are and end up like… cough other characters…

That would be you. I don’t want them to fall in line with what every other race considers “good”, that’s not what they are. Doing that to them would make them flat and boring.

I don’t think it’s even that really, just poor quality bait.


And that still doesn’t depend on an individual.

Hey, just because I find an apothecary accidentally poisoning her assitant hilarious that doesn’t mean I’ll go kick bag of puppies irl.

Those are the forsaken I like, that’s certainly not good, but that’s not what I’d call “evil” either, specially since the Forsaken are not supposed to be some sort of beacon of righteousness.

See, this Is why people hate Sylvanas.

She burns the tree.
NEs get mad.
Tyrande gets powered up and Nathanos holds her off.
They are told its a win because Sylvanas loses a Val’kyr.
Now she gets to make more.
NEs “fistbump” moment even worse than it originally was.


fresh popcorn after sunday :slight_smile: noice

i’ve already ranted in that thread about how terrible this is and apologized to nelf mains. there really is nothing but sylvie fanfic from the writers at this point if they go along with this idea. it is the most messed up thing they could do to people who main alliance. and whether people think dekkar does or not, I CARE ABOUT THE ALLIANCE. and i think this is total crap.

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Have you ever made a movie? How can you say that movie was bad? Have you ever been the President of the United States? How can you say the President is doing a bad job?! Have you ever been the CEO of a major corporation? How can you say that CEO is corrupt??

Anyway, I can see that the whole thing about “ooh you just want them to be edgy but edgy it’s boooring because I find it boring” coming… got a phone call so I guess I’ll check the same argument later.

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