Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

I’m sure other people said it, but I feel compelled to say again: people complained very loudly about Jaina gaining her powers. “Jaina got her powers overnight and no one complained” means you ignored most of the forums for a really long time.

Supposedly, according to lore, the whole Forsaken Society was built on them having free will.

Sure, some of them used their free will to follow Sylvanas, but as seen recently, there is a limit to that. :woman_shrugging:

The whole point of the forsaken was to be different from the scourge, now people are trying to argue they are basically just scourge, just not under the lich kings control.

Which is it?


Yeah that part with her floating a freaking ship over land was an absolute joke here lol. I even like her character and I thought it was ridiculous.

This is ineptitude levels of clinginess. I’m not going to hold your hand and gently re-word everything I’ve already said to a version that makes you feel validated.

Move on.

I think it’s dreamy… :relaxed:

Yeah, I clearly view them for what they are and what they are about and don’t simply look at them in a superficial manner and apply standards that obviously don’t work with the race. It’s like asking for the Night elves to go burn trees.

Yeah, I’m sure I learned nothing about my favorite race in the 10 years I’ve played it almost exclusively.

This sentence alone keeps on digging the hole deeper. Nope.

Did you miss the part where I address all their flavors? But yes, even with all those flavors Forsaken had a valid reason to be the tools, the shield she needed, because that gave them purpose a theme that even originally spawned their own religion.

:roll_eyes: is this really coming from the person that said that the Vanilla forsaken were as “bad” as BFA ones? For real?

Yeah, you sure know this.

Wrong. She was never a benefactor. The majority of the forsaken knew this, and which is why they don’t care if they were tools.

Jealous not even is it too much to ask for a leader on the Horde that sticks around for more than one expansion with out dying or doing something stupid and then dying?

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Apparently you haven’t done a PvP island yet :yum:

This is some next level bias. She flew a ship, froze a field of plague, rained frozen walls down on a city, and then froze a huge swath of ocean. Sylvanas fired off a death ray…

Also again you were not told “after the fact” you were told leading up to this. So again foreshadowing and no god eye of every secret encounter = bad story to you.

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I already looked and posted all the post history from this thread from another person, i really need to go now so i’ll leave it to yourself to look at your history if you want.
You did not disagree with my opinion, you basically said i’m wrong like yours is the absolute truth.
Read it, analyze it, if you still don’t see where in your responses you’re antagonazing me, then i guess there’s no point…
Again, i was trying to discuss, i don’t care about you, i responded to you because that’s what a discussion is.
Have fun

Indeed. Their entire premise was breaking free from the Lich King. They’re tragic. They want to continue living, but they aren’t alive.

They still were fiercely loyal to Sylvanas. Cruel, vengeful.

I’m pretty sure their positive emotions were stunted as well?

You’re clearly arguing just to argue at this point.

By your logic, the Forsaken are literally just scourge under Sylvanas’s control instead of the Lich Kings, which is absurd.

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Every time, every single time, some one used “by your logic” they use it to justify something the poster did not say and does not logically fit their argument. You have not broken that trend.

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Blizz needs to sell Sylvanas waifu pillows. They’d make a killing.

As a former Sylvanas fan, what is there to be jealous of? Blizzard could have done something really interesting with her when she was made warchief but instead they decided to go the cliche and obvious route. Then they made her a bad fanfiction Mary Sue.

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having free will was a reason, purpose was the other. That’s the one Nyaria refuses to look at.

That one heck of a way to twist all I said.

Purpose it’s a big deal, specially for people that has lost it all, quite literally, if you can’t understand this, I don’t know what else to tell you.



She flew a ship. WoW… it’s almost like dalaran exists and theres a precident for flying objects.

She maniupulated some cannons remotely magically. WoW, thats such an amazing feat. no mage has ever remotely activated something from a distance before.

What? your telling me a mist based plague, was stopped by being frozen solid, so that it couldn’t spread anymore? It’s almost like ice is quite literally the perfect counter to a mist-based weapon.

She made an iceberg in the ocean? Gee, that shouldn’t be physically possible, where’d she get all the water to make the iceberg :roll_eyes:

She’s by far not the strongest mage in the world of Azeroth, but she’s a talented ICE mage, whom is clearly extremely specialized in ICE magic, with a legendary artifact enchancing her already above average abilities.

It’s a wonder how she manages to do so many ICE related feats.

It’s not like her entire theme since WC3 was ICE related. And it’s not like she was a studenty under one of the greatest mages in the world, and then had nearly 2 decades to get better, ontop of basically keeping her gear in check.

The only thing you really can complain about is the floating ship thing, because that clearly seemed more arcane than ice based. Even then she did what? flew over, turned the ship to the right, and shot a few cannons at the wall?

It was flashy, sure, but I wouldn’t exactly call it “effective”

And again, I still think some of her power ups feel a bit overdone, but she’s still not nearly as egregous in the broken meter as Sylvanas has.

And at least Jaina we can actually see her progress, and change as a character.


some of these people love tyrande and her “vengeance” even more than a lot of us love sylvie but none of the threads i’ve been in has any sylvie lover mentioned body pillows. smh.

Jaina is a powerful Mage with a staff infused with the stolen powers of a Titan.

If it was Sylvanas, she would have jumped around a couple times, fired off a couple arrows, and blown up the entire city. All while wearing that stupid smirk on her face.

The problem isn’t just a lack of foreshadowing. Even when we have story from her point of view, it didn’t match up with what we are now told is what happened. She never met the Jailer in the Edge of Night and she never wanted to become the Warchief in Before the Storm. Then Teldrassil only burned when Saurfang failed to kill Malfurion. None of that makes sense with what we were told really happened.


This is a tough and convoluted topic. The “purpose” she gave them was to destroy their common enemy, Arthas.

After his death they all had a bit of a mid-life crisis. I’ve not seen anything since Arthas’ death that says The Forsaken as a people still rally behind any one purpose other than Sylvanas for the sake of having an identity. Recent lore has begun to suggest otherwise - that they’re actually looking elsewhere. I don’t like it, tbh.

It bugs me and I think it’s doing their story a disservice.