Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

Let us just say, I’m skeptical. I’ve seen enough comments from her ardent supporters to have formed a pretty firm impression.

Yes I’m telling you I think you are wrong. You literally pasted the definition of debate to us as though we need to understand it.

And you are now telling me that my reasonable and unoffensive, completely impersonal opinion is somehow personal because it’s the other side of this discussion?

current look jaina or moira are more what i would consider “hot.” jaina is especially looking nice and thicc lately. but i don’t objectify sylvie. i love her in an entirely different way.

This is not about me. I’m a real life person typing on a keyboard. This is something that’s simply has been clear as day to anyone that actually bothered trying to look at the Forsaken and paid attention.

Because it was obviously unexpected since, you know, they were not made aware. If anything, it only shows that indeed the Forsaken are not what they used to be, despite you refusing to accept this.

No, I can relate with people that is in a bad situation and hanging onto anything that gives them purpose. Which is what the Forsaken are all about.

You, really, truly, don’t understand them or how badly blizz has treated their lore.

Yeah and I actually redid them in Classic recently. Basically anything involving an apocatherapy was evil.

I didn’t see the overall race as evil though. I was pretty much like the council in Before the Storm.

Besides, I never said lawful good. Probably more true neutral. Just not evil. Free Will is extremely important to Forsaken so No lawful and prob Chaotic with neutral at best.

I don’t need to be Gordon Ramsay to say that burnt food is bad.

Right? Like making a thread because other people don’t like your waifu?

She didn’t just get them overnight. Remember Throne of Thunder when she took the Thunder King’s power into her staff? Lei Shen stole that power from Ra-den, who in turned received his power from Aman’thul. She didn’t just get a power boost from completely off-screen the way Sylvanas did.


i think the forsaken stuff is so cool though. but uther and tirion are my favorite characters that aren’t sylvie. i know they wouldn’t be lawful good. i was mostly just teasing because they’re so the opposite of that. lol.

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Well, it very much seems like the objective from you guys at this point.
All i said is “Anduin is not a Mary Sue and striving for peace is a good goal and i like his personality” but you all who are directly quoting me are telling me i’m wrong just because.
Things like i should chill, that i’m overreacting, that i’m ignorant (yes, think).
A debate/discussion is not about forcing the other side to accept your “truth”, but that’s what you all are implying here to me.
That’s why i’m going away now, this post (even being an obvious troll) sounded like an interesting topic of discussion, but it’s become toxic as fu** for me because others can’t take my point objectively and you all act like i’m attacking you or something, and act with immediate reprisal on how i’m wrong just because i’m dumb or whatever.

Again you are confusing the lack of god view showing every interaction between NPCs and foreshadowing. Your argument of “we didn’t see something that was secretly happening behind the scenes and were only given hints and clues, so it is a bad story” is absolutely ridiculous.

There was an entire quest chain and in game showing where they are trying to figure out what was going on?

99% of WoW. Was it ever show when Jania got her god mode magic or the staff or were we just told this?

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I’m a writer (unpublished, but I did attend university and win some awards), and this game’s story is utter garbage. Deus-Ex-Machina Dumpster Fire Bad. There isn’t a single character I actually care about (yes, Jaina is dumb just like every other character), and that is actually a legit critique of why a piece of writing is bad. If I don’t care about the characters, which I don’t, then why not skip quest text and be done with it, which I do.

Good thing this game’s not a book or I’d have burned it by now (not in a fascist way just a “get this thing outta my face” kind of way). If I want a good fantasy story, I’ll reread Tolkien, he’s really the only one who does it right (and everything that came after with Elves, Dwarves, etc is deeply in his debt). Thing is, even his writing isn’t that mature, it’s all light pretty people vs dark ugly people. This wasn’t so noticeable until the films, and it really did make them unwatchable as the orcs were so inhuman and literal cannon fodder, I didn’t feel like any of the battles could possibly be in doubt. We’ve got a gang of idiots wielding the crudest of blades, vs noble-born weaponmasters from most of the intelligent races. When you really think about it like that the entire plot becomes inevitable, which is also a strike against good writing, by the way.

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all we’ve done is disagree with you. i haven’t even elaborated why i don’t like anduin because i could foresee your responses would be this way. so you have no clue what i even think about him in any real way and you’re still acting this way.

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Yes? At least for the Alliance at the end of the Throne of Thunder quest line. We charge her staff (Antonidas’s staff btw) with the remaining power of Lei Shen.

And the other 1% that we do see (calling out you Tyrande) doesn’t matter when its time to use it.

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they did tyrande dirty this expansion so far and i fully expect she’ll be raid bossed eventually because blizz has no other way to show a strong female character except to villain bat them.


Or maybe, you just view them in a completely different light than I do. it could be that simple.

You some some idealized version of the Forsaken you cling to, in which the forsaken are not. No matter how much you try to squeeze them into the circular hole, they are actually a square peg.

It really doesn’t matter in the end, I understand the Forsaken well enough to know for a fact Sylvanas is the Antithesis right now, to what they were, and what they built their early society around.

if you cannot accept the Undead are not the monolith you think they are, that’s a you problem. The whole point of the forsaken was for them to be individuals still, despite their condition. you seem to wnat them to be some kind of scourge-lite entitty that follows orders from a leader no matter what. which is not what the Forsaken were suppose to be. Sylvanas went from a benefactor to a ruthless dictator pretty quickly.


Inner weeb: Engage

Another reason why they need to grovel and beg for Yoko Taro to write for them.

Honestly the individualized version of the Forsaken has, until recently, seemed to be the idealized version of what they are.

The Forsaken have always rallied almost fanatically behind Sylvanas.

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I guess I’m not allowed to dislike things without being jealous and “unfit to play this game.”

Good to know.

Ok, here’s a full copy of your posts before i go, maybe if you read thinking about the words you’ll understand my point.
It’s from newest to oldest.

You’re the one assuming people are “ganging up” on you by responding to your opinions with their opinions. I literally never even mentioned you in my discussion and you responded with “Do you want me to feel bad? Do you want me to disappear?” What kind of loony tunes world are you posting from?

I did. I never tried to make you feel bad, I never even actually mentioned you. I spoke at you regarding the words you said.

You are completely misinterpreting what people are complaining about. Nobody is jealous of Anduin because of how young he is, but because he’s done nothing except have his father die after getting lost in Pandaria. His debut moment as a bustling teenager had him do a magical feat the likes of which…

Also, I can’t jive with this interpretation. He’s a child, or a teenager at most.

Wow, what an overaction. I’ve not said a single thing about you. It’s a discussion, if you can’t stand people discussing and take it personally maybe you ought to go cool off.

I forgot to point this out. “Characters like him”. You mean children? Or are we lumping Anduin in with the likes of Jaina, Tyrande, Malfurion, Sylvanas, Khadgar, Thrall, etc? If so, you see the trouble.

He does preach peace. He also strives for it, but you’re arguing semantics at this point. I don’t hate that they killed Varian. My point with mentioning Varian is that he’s a child amongst demigods, essentially, and yet he’s supposedly the voice that we’re supposed to listen to. Why? If he were any…

I can agree with that. My dislike for Anduin is purely that he truly is a Gary Stu. He hasn’t actually done anything except preach peace and be Varian’s son, oh and he did a mass battlerez.-> all i said was he’s not, it’s not opinion when you use factual basis and definitions to imply your opinion

Yeah, -after- the fact, much after the fact. Great, figuring things out in hindsight is always the most fun way to follow a supposedly important lore character.

she literally got the staff in the throne of thunder portion of MoP. was kind of a big deal. :woman_shrugging:

you also seem to somehow assume I don’t find Jaina to be a tad over the time, like I said eariler, I think she’s exaggerated, I think the things she’s doing is more related to outside influences (Such as the artifact level staff on her back being her magical focus) but she’s still not as outrageous and in your face as Sylvanas is.

She pulled off a few feats of magic, that turned a battle, but funny enough, it still only managed to stop Anduin from getting killed, and amounted to nothing more than that. :woman_shrugging:

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