Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

Sylvanas was one of my favorite characters. Then they decided to make her have this amazing, mysterious power no one has ever heard of… that’s apparently as easy to get as approaching a raid boss and making a deal for it (guess no one ever thought to do that before). It’s basically a trope in fan fiction, if you ever partook. Particularly Harry Potter fanfiction: Writing a character who’s an all powerful witch who uses powers and spells NO ONE has even heard of… including Dumbledore… with zero explanation or no effort expended getting this power. It’s one of the Mary Sue tropes.

All that’s to make a point: yes, paid writers for a AAA franchise are basically making the same mistakes as bad Harry Potter fan fiction writers now.

imo the forsaken have the best lore in the game. if i could stand the male casting animations dekkar would’ve been a male forsaken his entire life. alas, i have to zug zug because i can only handle undead males as rogues and hunters. :stuck_out_tongue:

Several poster directly said to me that i’m overreacting, arguing and complaining, have called me child/teenager and complain about what i say like i’m throwing a tantrum. I’m only responding to people who directly respond to my post or quote me, and it includes you.
You have mentioned me, otherwise i wouldn’t respond to you.
Again, my choice of words is because of what is directly said to me.
Forums man, what a s**tshow…

No, I really can’t see your point and you just proved what I said.

You don’t understand the Forsaken.

They don’t care they are tools, they have no other choice and the are ok with that. Sylvanas gave them a place, and she knew what they went through because she went through the exact same thing, that’s all that counts and mattered.


Geeze I wish I was a teenager again :wink:

Uh. Ok. I never said any of that to you so you might need to go cool off and come back because you’re blorging on people who didn’t do that. Patpat

my rogue is undead and the entire purpose of his undeath is to be an arow in her quiver.

again, she’s completely missing the point as to why undead are undead.

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Ohh, and i’m ok btw… Don’t worry i won’t kill myself

You might not care that your a tool, but you don’t speak for all of the Forsaken.

I dunno about you, but the moment Sylvanas let slip she didn’t care about the horde. Some Forsaken seemed awfully unhappy about that. :roll_eyes:

If you wanna just be a happy little tool\boot licker, that’s you, enjoy yourself, hopefully you don’t get used and killed off in a horrible way.

The forsaken as a whole should realistically hate Sylvanas for what she’s become. She might have helped them out 15 years ago, but helping someone out 15 years ago isn’t a forever get out of jail free card.

Whole point of the forsaken is that they aren’t mindless drones like the scourge. You breaking them down to just be basically tools, makes them even more like scourge than actual free-willed undead whom have the right to choose how they live. Which is supposedly the whole idea of the forsaken.


what in the actual crap?

Could it be that you have it backwards? Perhaps, what you perceive as “hate” is simply disdain of those who see your “love” as shallow objectification. One wonders if your love would be equal were the forsaken leader were male.

I don’t know if they have the best lore, but it’s certainly the one with the most flavours in my opinion, at least when it comes to the characters you stumble upon.

You have the gloomy ones, the dark comedic type, the flat out pragmatic, the more lighthearted ones…

But apparently this is a bad thing for some and they are still the same despite the fact that blizzard has completely ignored all this flavor in BFA.

the last response is just over the top. maybe we should both stop responding to them.

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It’s like when I would play Warhammer Online and I’d roll a Destro character. I’m not going to start crying and feeling misrepresented when my clearly cannon fodder greenskin gets called cannon fodder. Or when my druchii sorceress is outright evil, that’s why I rolled what I did.

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Wut Wut Wut- Sylvanas is an undead, she just has lingering vengeance, and can find no solace…

I always loved the Forsaken lore. I like the tortured tragic backstory.

I just hate it when it turns into emo anger where everyone else has to die. I prefer the we can overcome our history and be redeemed story better. You know, like Worgen :slight_smile:

It also matters that I never saw Thrall’s Horde as evil so I didn’t like the Forsaken as evil.


This is what you said:
He does preach peace. He also strives for it, but you’re arguing semantics at this point.

I don’t hate that they killed Varian. My point with mentioning Varian is that he’s a child amongst demigods, essentially, and yet he’s supposedly the voice that we’re supposed to listen to. Why? If he were anyone besides Varian’s son, he’d be laughed at for being naive.

Every thing and the way you put it here you’re telling me i’m wrong just because you don’t like it and i should feel bad. That’s not your goal? Choose better words

is he exactly like sylvie but male? because i would love that character just as much. and i think it says more about you than me that the first place your brain goes is into “lololol you think she’s hot lolololol”

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Forsaken used to be these cynical undead who happened to live in the remnants of the scourge’s domain in Lordaeron. They distrusted the living because they knew what would happen if most people encountered them.

Now they are basically evil flesh eating zombies that happen to be intelligent. Seems like they started really heading that way in Cataclysm and it’s only gotten more apparent the longer it has gone on.


did you do the undead quests in vanilla? they’ve been on the “we’re not lawful good” side for a while now. lol