Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

velen, the 304589304958340594 year old priest mind you. not a literal sheltered child.


Only thing that realistically was shown, was the Helya thing. Everything else was just said offscreen, with little to no indication of it, until it was possibly relevant.

I’m not ignoring anything, she’s simply a bad character, and is the essence of “tell don’t show” which is also dull and uninspired, and just comes across as pulling things straight out of the nether.

I personally do not care if you agree with me, but that doesn’t change the fact Sylvanas is one of the worst written characters in all of WoW lore, not counting the non-canon characters.

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Jesus, when did this turn into a “let’s gang up on this person”.
I just gave my opinions, a debate is not something you do to make others agree with you.
Ok, this was interesting at first but now it’s just toxic for the sake of it.
I am not responding as an attack or complain or preach, it was my point of view and it was not the same as everyone who’s bashing at me, simple as that, i’ll still sleep fine tonight.
Have fun for the rest of this thing, it’s not interesting or fun anymore.
And i still believe Sylvannas is trash for her personality and Anduin is just inexperienced but has a good heart.

And before i go. Quote:
Debate is a process that involves formal discussion on a particular topic. In a debate , opposing arguments are put forward to argue for opposing viewpoints.

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Nothing of what I listed was said off screen. Those were all said/shown in game.

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No, two were mentioned, in dialogue, they were not shown in game.

The “Something told me to name her warchief” wasn’t brought up until halfway through BFA, and the Deal with Azshara was just dialogue text post events.

People speculated she’d betrayed the horde to Azshara, but that’s about it.

The only part of her “deals” we see is her working with Helya, and even that, we assumed it was helya due to circumstances.

Assumptions were right in the end, but she’s still the embodiment of tell don’t show.

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Yeah I’m not jealous of a videogame character. I’m tired of seeing it.

If she’s going to be stronger in a believable way, she should be getting nearly beaten and having to power up so she can win, and it should all happen on screen.

“She’s crazy powerful now but it makes sense, you just didn’t see how she got that way” is not good story form. It basically makes it so that what we actually do see can be rendered pointless at any time.


I agree with all these points save for the Frostmourne part.

Now while I agree Frostmourne makes the Lich akong more powerful, people seem to think a lot of times “if you don’t have Frostmourne you’re absolute fodder”.

Now obviously Arthas Lich King vs. Bolvar Lich Ling, Arthas wins. Not arguing that. But even withour Frostmourne, the Lich King is still absolutely no joke. He’s still an insanely powerful being, and the helm of domination amplifies its holder significantly. That’s not even taking into account what a force to be reckoned with Bolvar was in life, and whatever being given new life or whatever Alexstraza did to Bolvar does to him. I would find it hard to believe something like that just does nothing other than turn you into a crispy man.

So with all that, I still say Bolvar should have stomped Sylvanas into the ground. Sure, Sylvanas has become more powerful, but that excesively more powerful than the Lich King? Eh, I doubt it considering Saurfang was able to push her back for a brief moment and land a hit on her in their duel.

To be fair, I would be a bit more ok with her winning IF her capabilities and powerboost were better explained instead of how they so poorly explained it, and it was more of a blow for blow. What bothered me was the fact it was “so easy” for her when she, as I said before, got a good scratch on her from Saurfang. Yet bolvar can’t land a single hit on her? Wouldn’t that make Saurfang more powerful than the Lich King?


Correction and I quote, we are Maw Walkers. Ions words not mine.

Nothing was said that Sylvanas is the evil being directly gaining from this. I wish they would state that explicitly. That way all of us that like that character for who she was and quit.

It’s going to be awesome seeing about 10% of Blizzards revenues bail.

You’re the one assuming people are “ganging up” on you by responding to your opinions with their opinions. I literally never even mentioned you in my discussion and you responded with “Do you want me to feel bad? Do you want me to disappear?”

What kind of loony tunes world are you posting from?

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If Sylvanas is written out of the plot what will happen to the Undead? They already had their home destroyed and never given a proper place to hang out, if she goes than what?

Someone who actually cares about the Forsaken might actually pop in and take over. Sylvanas was the leader out of convenience, and the fact she wanted to use them. Nothing more.

or they can rebuild the desolate council that sylvanas murdered for getting in her way.


There you go again speaking as if you understand the Forsaken… specially considering you think they’ve never changed from Vanilla to BFA.

Sylvanas literally does not care about the Forsaken.

This is a plain fact. :woman_shrugging:

They were a tool to achieve her goals, nothing more.

These are her own words.

Further, I do think they changed from vanilla to BFA, I personally think they’ve gone even further psychotic sociopathic and become far to close to the scourge since Vanilla.

Personally I hope blizzard can fix that. Because it’s not a good look.


/10 char

i’ve never seen you before this thread in my life but we’re apparently “bullying” someone together because we don’t agree with them? >_>

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I care about the Forsaken. :frowning: I want them to be the creepy zombie race they were years ago again. I like having bad guys be playable.


Bully buddies! \o/

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Oh boy, you about to get lectured…

That’s literally what I was saying in my post, and you replied to me as if I was wrong. :roll_eyes:

Maybe read a post before posting a snarky reply if you don’t know what the post actually has in it.

I’m a bit worried. The entire thread’s “…is writing a reply” list lit up as soon as you said that.

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