Why are Sylvanas haters so jealous?

Leading question. Also, the presumption of jealousy seems unlikely.

She’s popular amongst some players. And unpopular amongst other players.

This is not a profound statement.

Almost no players know nothing about the game’s lore. But there may be gaps in their lore. Particularly when you consider how lore-dense WoW is, and how much of the lore is external to the game.

Okay, I think you may be confusing ‘objectify’ with the term ‘objectively’. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and believe that you meant something along the lines of: “Why do people consider certain writing to be objectively bad, as opposed to it subjectively being something that they don’t like?”

I can answer this question. Yes, writing and storytelling can be objectively bad. It’s by no means the norm, but it does happen. Common reasons include:

  1. The writers lack talent or experience or both. You may wonder how this is even possible. I refer you to the recent example of the adaptation of Game of Thrones/A Song of Fire and Ice by Benioff and Weiss. HBO completely failed to identify how inexperienced and lacking in credentials the pair were.
  2. Too much interference in the writing process by people whose expertise does not lie with writing or storytelling.
  3. Lack of editorial control. Writers are often too caught up in their stories to have good judgement about whether the writing is good or bad. Even really good writers can sometimes produce sub-par works.
  4. Lack of understanding of, and adaptation to, the medium. Novels, movies, TV shows and games are all completely different mediums. What works for one medium is not guaranteed to work for others.

I have written and published short stories in professional magazines and anthologies for much of my adult life. I have also been an editor for a print fiction magazine.

It doesn’t necessarily mean the writing is objectively bad. But neither can that possibility be discounted.

You’re playing the same game as me, right? Raging and WoW seem to go hand in hand.

I think most people understand these things. It isn’t that there isn’t sufficient lore to justify what happened in the cinematic. There probably is. But that doesn’t make the cinematic good, narratively. Instead of a powerful fight scene, we get a fairly anticlimactic, one-sided affair. It may be justifiable, in terms of lore, but it isn’t interesting.

It also fails to tease, which is the primary role of a preview cinematic for WoW xpacs. Instead of creating mystery and curiosity and excitement, it just wham! bam! creates the portal to the Shadowlands. It advances the plot. Narratively, this should have happened in the xpac itself, not in the preview cinematic.

It also continues the recent trend of treating the players as an audience for the story, rather than as participants in the story.

Lots of people complained about how ridiculously powerful Jaina was at various points in BfA. I think the term ‘Mary Sue’ was probably bandied about then. It seems a shame that Blizz weren’t listening, and did the same thing with Sylvanas.

This isn’t a competition between Sylvanas fanbois and Jaina fanbois. It is possible for Blizz’s treatment of both characters to be a mistake.

In general, I believe that the degree to which Blizz has kept Sylvanas’s motivations, allegiances and powers secret for so long, has not been a good decision. Initially, it created a sense of mystery and curiosity. But then, as months (and years) passed and we got no answers, quite a lot of people lost interest and wanted to move onto something else. In fiction, there’s only so long a mystery can remain mysterious and still retain the interest of the target audience.


I’d love some more of my boi Vol’jin. But unfortunately he isn’t some edgy waifu material so his plot armor and spotlight presence is limited

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What’s your point? To make me feel bad?
I honestly cannot understand what you’re trying to say.
That you don’t like Anduin? perfect, more power to you.
That he’s a character that should not exist and that i’m wrong for liking it? Do you also want me to disappear from the world?
You put it like peace is something bad and sound like “ugh, peace, get it away from my face” like it’s some sort of disease. I get it, it’s a game about war and conflict, and there should and always will be that, Anduin will never achiev the peace he “preaches”, but saying he’s a bad character for fighting to obtain that is dangerously inhumane.


Come on… why people keeps proving me right. It’s starting to make me feel uncomfortable >.<


So in legion we saw her make a deal for power with Helya (which you ranted about).

In BfA we had the quest chain where we were told a very powerful spirit told Vol’Jin to make her warcheif and that Sylvanas had broken the cycle of death. This is some incredibly blatant foreshadowing.

Then last patch we find out that she had also made deals with Nzoth and Queen Azshara.

Now you are complaining that we were not show the exact moment where she gained her power? It is like you are ignoring everything possible to try and argue against her.


AAHHHHHH!!! So your problem is having a young character in a place of high power. Sorry, now that comes to me as jealousy.
Anduin Wrynn is the heir to the throne, we was meant to be king from the day he was born. Varian’s death was not normal, so it was not supposed for him to be king yet, that’s why he has conselors in the like of Genn and Velen who have experience.
Stormwind is a monarchy, not a democracy.
And yes, i am putting him in the likes of characters like Jaina, Tyrande, Malfurion, Sylvanas, Khadgar, Thrall, etc., because that’s what he is. Not in my view, it’s by game design.

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how is that jealousy? do you agree with the premise of this thread that sylvie haters are jealous of her? because there really isn’t a real difference between what the two of you are saying.

Wow, what an overaction. I’ve not said a single thing about you. It’s a discussion, if you can’t stand people discussing and take it personally maybe you ought to go cool off.

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i’ve been told that disagreeing with him makes me both a troll and someone who is purposefully trying to make him mad. >_>


Also, I can’t jive with this interpretation. He’s a child, or a teenager at most.

Lul wut… traitor

A lot of people don’t like when the narrative forces a champion on them.

An offshoot, but take Roman Reigns from WWE. There’s nothing wrong with him. He can speak and does his stunts well, but because the company deemed him the chosen one, the crowd instinctively went against him because the crowd doesn’t want WWE telling them who to root for.

On another note, most people do not like the fact that Sylvannas has always acted suspect, typically her first, forsaken second, and horde third. And she rarely gets any blowback from it. While her backstory is tragic, I feel that she’s spent so many years acting in a disagreeable way that I can’t feel sympathy for her.


This is a fair assessment.

Because i can’t find another word for “i don’t like him because he is king while being so young, maybe younger than me”.

And no, i don’t agree with the premise, because my stance is not that i don’t like how powerful she is, it’s how much of a trash personality she has and that she’s so focused on and being advertised as “someone with a plan” that lots of players seem to follow like it’s some sort of masterplan that will save us all in the end.

There is a huge difference in what you, i and Disglain are saying.

I still haven’t read anything that says anyone who hates Anduin does it other than because “he’s a goody-2-shoes”. All posts directed at me say the same one thing again and again, can’t even change the explanation.
It’s like a child ranting about something he doesn’t like.


just because you don’t find that opinion valid does not mean it’s not valid. do you know what a debate is? or how to deal with people who don’t agree with you? or that opinions are neither right nor wrong?

No one is jealous. lol
Her joke of a character has run its course…just like Khadgar, chromie and that annoying dwarf.

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Where is that an overreaction? :confused:
Please explain with something other than “you’re arguing with me”, i’m debating.
Maybe read what you originally posted and then perhaps you’ll understand my choice of words.

did you ever do MoP as a horde character? because that’s one reason a lot of us don’t like him.

You are completely misinterpreting what people are complaining about. Nobody is jealous of Anduin because of how young he is, but because he’s done nothing except have his father die after getting lost in Pandaria. His debut moment as a bustling teenager had him do a magical feat the likes of which rivals friggin’ Velen.

We are not jealous of him. We are saying that his power ramp is ridiculous and unfounded.


I did. I never tried to make you feel bad, I never even actually mentioned you. I spoke at you regarding the words you said.