Why are so many people happy that people will be upset with locked covenants?

Lol. Because you said how there is a population desparity between horde and alliance. All I’m trying to say is that its because of other players, not racials or whatever other difference there is between horde and ally. The same way covenants wont dictate how many players take part in different aspects of the game.

I see what you mean tho. I didnt make my reply very clear.

They will find a way.

Whether we like it or not the hardcores will figure out the most optimal path, test it, use it then install it on the rest of us.

I like smashing things fast and effectively at times so if the option does present itself I will attempt to adjust to the “meta” however this Vulpera will be my test dummy going into SLs and I’ll be lining up with the Necrolords as Fury.

yeah but I didn’t say the imabalance was because of racials. And my point was that that decision matters, so just because a decision matters doesn’t mean the result is a positive thing. Picking that important decision early on has resulted in a big demographic of the player base playing a lesser version of the game because they didn’t make the right choice. Horde and Alliance have obviously been in the game since day 1, so that’s a tough issue to correct - but I do not believe at all that adding more decisions like it to compound ontop of each other will do anything but make it worse.

In an MMO, the social structures that exist will always result in a right and wrong choice. More game structures that make people pick between right and wrong instead of just fun vs fun (meaning making covenants either have a huge impact on your character’s throughput or just, say, a cosmetic/utility effect) will result in more gatekeeping through social structures. For a faction like the Alliance, that is going to make an already bad situation worse.

I understand the concern. I just dont think it’s going to have as big of an impact as people are making it out to be.

I mean, the kind of player that will be upset about a 2% dps difference will just level/boost another toon and take the other cov. Some players are talking about not choosing one for a month or so just to see how things shake out. The number of people getting really mad and quitting over it will be very small, or is the kind of player that was looking for a reason to quit anyway.

That is entirely dependent on the balance team.

…which is terrifying.

Don’t worry hopefully Blizzard makes min maxing super super annoying and difficult so there won’t be enough people for those who choose to do that to fill their groups with and the rest of us will all be enjoying the fantasy choices we made while still grouping as the majority of the players will also do this and then we still beat the content slightly slower oh nooooo

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My fav part is watching one of Preach’s videos you just know these obsessive types are going to end up rolling 4 toons for MAXIMUM efficiency.

I remember Preach preaching to us “pun intended” that if you were casual you were not playing the game properly. Well now hes complaining that its too much min/maxing. People like him created this monster, so Boohoo,

Yep. What they don’t realise is that there will still be a meta. People running pugs, who don’t understand why the meta is what it is will still make their choices on that.

All it’s going to end up doing is hurting everyone except the LFR players.

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I’m too lazy to read this whole thread, but one thing that’s interesting is some people do have this weird fascination with the top 1% being punished. But those people aren’t affected by the meta, they define it. It’s the trickle-down 30-40% metasheep that are actually going to be harmed.

I don’t think casuals were ever resentful of min-maxers before. I don’t think they are now. Jerks, yes. There’s always been jerks and trolls.

Never forget: This is the internet. Everything is not as it seems.

What if I want to raid or do random bgs or try mythic + on a MM hunter .

Do I need to make one for each type of content so I can have the right covenant ability for said content or should I be allowed to do it all on just 1 MM hunter and not have the covenants decide what I can or can’t do as far as content is concerned?

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Ion has said he doesn’t want rolling multiple characters of the same spec to be the solution.

I guess they just want people to play less. Probably they’ll give even more grindy chores to keep people busy.

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It’s WAY more than 1%.

Cutting edge players are about 5%.

Then there’s non-CE Mythic raiders.

Then there’s high end PvP players.

Then there’s the M+ pushers that don’t Mythic raid.

But the restrictions and punishments hit more than even just these people. It impacts a TON of casuals that enjoy swapping things around just for fun.

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Ion said he didn’t want people to feel like they had to sim to determin if something was an upgrade .

So what did they do , they gave us gear a lot of people had to sim to see if it was an upgrade.

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The 1% will not be effected in the slightest. They’ll grind the best covenant anytime the meta changes. They did so with BFA pvp essences and azerite gear. They did so when they rerolled multiples of the same class in legion till they got the right legendaries.

The casual player who gets denied groups because he didnt pick Venth for the skip portal for example, and cant afford the time to regrind a whole new covenant. That is the guy that suffers.


Ion says a lot of things, doesn’t he?

I doubt it. I think a lot of people are going to have very little patience with this setup. They’ll give it one try.

The suffering ends when you give up and go looking for something that’s more fun. That’s why people came to play wow in the first place, because it was more fun than other games at the time.

And yet we have people being denied M+'s on alts because they dont have the raiderIO on that particular character.

We literally have groups asking for only NE’s on alliance because of Shadowmeld.

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The restrictions actually promote more use of meta builds than not.

And those people are going to be out of here. Their suffering will be over.

Even if devs say they hate the “min max mentality” that causes this, they are continuing to create content that requires it.

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Except they wont.

They didnt quit leveling 3-4 of the same class in legion till they got the right legendaries.

They didnt quit in BFA when they had to run pvp for the best essences. Or running the same M+ over and over and over till they got the right azerite pieces. Or how they had opened all 3 slots on their necks on the first week or two.

They wont quit from this. The little guy, however, will.