Why are so many people happy that people will be upset with locked covenants?

There’s this meme being perpetuated that not only do only 1% of the players care about being locked into covenants preventing them from playing their specs optimally, but that by punishing those 1%… the game gets better for everyone else.

It’s wrong on multiple fronts. Firstly and most importantly, the ability to change your specs and builds more freely to allow you to enjoy more areas of the game is not and never has been limited to the 1% of players. Far, far more than that play the game in the hopes of unlocking the power in their characters as best as they can. The top 1% of players are going to be least impacted by these restrictions because they will simply grind out more characters, more conduits, more whatever they need to to exceed in this game.

The second meme is this weird enjoyment people have knowing that they have to do this, as if their suffering will somehow make the game better for them. There’s an assumption that since these grinds might exist, and that to their delight they may be grueling for the few % that decide to grind them, that everyone will just forget about what’s good and all of a sudden min/maxers and hyper casuals are finally going to get along, hold hands, and blast through Mythic together.

That isn’t going to happen. People will not forget about metas because the overwhelming majority of people running raids, pushing dungeons, doing rated PVP, etc care about improving their character and playing them as optimally as is reasonable for them. And nobody SHOUDL forget about metas - if playing optimally is how they enjoy the game, that’s how they should play the game. There is a reason sights like RaidBots for simcraft, Bloodmallet, IcyVeins, etc get millions of hits. This philosophy of playing has never been reserved for the top 1%. Locking covenants is only going to restrict casuals from even more content. They won’t be able to bounce around casually and they will have a harder time getting into groups.

The people making the “2/4/9 heroic castle (no kyrian) need dps” jokes aren’t actually joking. That is going to happen. If you weren’t already playing a meta spec, if you weren’t already playing a meta build, and you aren’t already playing a meta covenant… you are in trouble. These restrictions are going to compound the issues many already have when struggling to find groups to play with. The existing meta isn’t going to go away and another new one is going to be slapped on top of it.

You might not think this to be true while you’re thinking of all the great immersive lore potential, but that immersive lore potential is going to mean absolutely nothing when we’re a year into the expansion and the “lore” becomes no more important to your immersion than when we picked Gonk or Paku in Zuldazar. It is just going to piss you off, and you will complain about it until they fix it in 9.2 or 9.3. if they don’t do it before-hand.

The game doesn’t change much for the 1%. It’s the people in the middle that are going to suffer. It isn’t really the people that never changed builds or specs to begin with, and it isn’t really the people that change builds and specs and grind out all the stuff to be able to do everything perfectly. It’s going to make all the people in the middle who more than likely make up a massive majority of the playerbase that are going to be most effected by this.

edit: I have no idea why this posted on this character, but it reminded me of AKNOR, YOU FOOL!!! and it gave me a laugh.


That might surprise you but different people have different opinions.
Relax if people don’t want to play with you they will make up any kind fo excuse, even your mog.
They don’t design around min maxing either, if they did people wouldnt beat mythic raids with level 8 cloacks.


Having different opinions is one thing.

Celebrating that people are upset about something is another.

I could spend 5 minutes and pull up about 15 quotes of people basically shouting “HAH LET THE 1% SUFFER” as if the spite towards the 1% is worth the impact this is going to have on far more than that.


i don’t think people are thinking about it any deeper than “elites won’t like it so it’s good!”


Casuals are resentful of Min/Maxers. Min/Maxers are resentful of casuals. Both sides love to see the other get screwed.


People get upset about colors and elf nails. Nobody can help it.


I know nothing of this meme theme and don’t think it’s a thing…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Call it karma for years of being told to “git good” by people who froth at the mouth at words like “meta” and optimal".

These people hijacked the whole game for years, and laughed when most normal people with lives who want an actual online RPG and not an esports emporium complained about it.

So yeah, not really feeling to bad for you at the moment. I am sure you will still be fine and get to experience 100% of the game on my dime while I get thrown a bone. I just enjoy it when people who are so obsessed with being the best a a 15 year old videogame eat themselves alive at something as trivial and ridiculous as this.

We have suffered your obsession for years, so its good you get a taste of your own medicine.


It’s not really a meme, dunno why you’d call it that.

But anyway I for one live purely off spite so that might have something to do with it.


I think for some people they really think it’s worth it. There’s a lot of resentment towards the 1% for whatever reason.


I’m not happy people are upset about covenants, I just don’t think their opinion on the issue is valid considering everything we know about SL. It’ll be easy to level alts and people who insist on only specific builds participating in their groups are complete hosers, anyway.

You think it’s karma in your favor that you will both perform worse and get into less groups than the people you are trying to spite?

Because those people aren’t going to miss out on anything. They’ll do what they have to like they always do. The game doesn’t change much for them. It’s the people in the middle that are going to suffer.


People on the interwebs tend to be extra douchy because they can’t get punched in the mouth.


The higher the cost the less likely I will be to try out different ideas. For example, many (not all) dk’s wanted 2h frost back. They’re putting it back in, but whether I go frost or unholy will depend on how everything all works out. High costs might make it unlikely that people try out new things.

Since SL isn’t out yet, I’m not ready to get my pitchfork out of the shed. I will play the heck out of the first two months or so. I’ll know by then whether it will work out for me or not.


Becuase these people suck at wow and dont even play. and are just happy to “stick it” to the “1%”

just clowns. Don’t try to reason with them, dont try to explain to them why this is a problem. They dont care, they dont wanna understand, they just wanna “stick it” to the “1%”

SO the best thing to do is just look at their armory and tell them they dont have the exp to comprehend why this is a issue. and if they are using forums alts just tell them they dont have the exp to comprehend cuz they havent even played BFA yet.

That is the only language they understand that. Just remind them that they suck at the game and will continue sucking at the game in shadowlands regardless of how covenants turn out.


screenshotting this


Exactly. IF you’re happy others are upset … there’s something wrong with you.

It’s ok to disagree on how to execute Covenants. So long as you’re polite and civil in doing so.

But when you start mocking the other side and say you’re glad they’re suffering … there’s a term for that.


Ok, most people probably do NOT know that word. You however probably DO know the german word.


EDIT: I was curious one day and looked up the English word. Same meaning. I’ve never seen it used, truth be told.


I couldn’t care less if you or 90% are locked out. Doesn’t make me happy. I just look at what I FIND ENJOYABLE.

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If you found one covenant enjoyable, why does everyone else have to be locked out of the others that they didn’t pick for you to still find that enjoyable?

Because Ion confirmed the game is not made for hardcores who want to compete for max dps in warcraft logs in the world.