Why are so many people happy that people will be upset with locked covenants?

Who was it made for then? Casuals who can’t try out the different covenant abilities unless they have 4 characters and a plethora of time to grind up the soulbinds for each one?

yes it will, It would maybe teach the community to stop being tools and adjust to the game. Instead of trying to force everyone to be good at everything.

I doubt it will work, but hey Blizzard is trying, and if it makes the game tougher for ya. So be it.

This is a new wow. Adjust or don’t.

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Welcome to WoW. If you want to try out a fire mage, level it, buy a mount, and get the relevant set bonus.

Want to switch to warlock? Do it all over. This was the game as originally billed. It has gotten worse the harder it has tried to be an esport.

Whoa, you went an entire thread without humble bragging how awesome your IO score is. But, you did put everyone down that does not have the time to play the game ceaselessly like you.

Have you logged out of the game since May?

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Covenants aren’t classes though. If I made my covenant at character select and it stayed with me for more than an xpac (wasn’t borrowed power), I think you’d have a leg to stand on.


Ion confirmed that the game is not about huge skill because non skill elements will always affect our performance since that is the HALLMARK OF RPGS.


You also arent supposed to be good at everything.

So feel free to quit : )

I’m not happy that anybody will be upset, but I also don’t see a way to make “both sides” (which is a dubious term, I don’t believe the groups are as clean cut as they’re laid out to be) happy without doing away with the notion that there’s a “correct” way to play.

In other words, what I’m happy to see is experiments to try to get the game where when you’re going into a raid, your character is built to suit you. Not icy veins, not raidbots, not your raid leader, but you, because that’s the playstyle you enjoy, with the numbers working themselves out well enough to not be of too much concern, so long as you can master your rotation.

Will this attempt fail? It’s likely, but I’d rather them at least try than just give up.

Keyboard warrior who has likely punched nothing except a time card.


If you look at the trend data, the decline in subs started with the simplification of talents and specs, around the end of CATA / beginning of MoP, and the decline was steady after that, despite increasing simplification and homogenization of specs.

They are an extension of you class. There are dozens of talents, abilities, and systems that have been removed. It has always been that way.

Or are you telling me that shadowform was borrowed power?

Now you’re moving the goalposts. We were talking about classes as a whole and comparing them to covenants. Now you’re talking about individual class abilities and talents and comparing them to whole covenants.

Is ranged surv or combat borrowed power?

Covenants are a further customization on your class. A Human Night Fae SMF Warrior will and should play differently than a Tauren Necro TG Warrior.

The end result of participation trophies… That’s how you end up with the logic they use. “We don’t wanna put in the work but still have hear handed to us. Raids shouldn’t be the best gear in the game” as a millennial I apologise for my garbage generation.


I think the reason that this game is bleeding is because choices dont really matter. Nothing has any meaning. Talents can be changed on a whim, WM toggled at any time for free, or even spec. It has left everything feeling hollow and pointless.

Players don’t even have real “mains” anymore. Warrior is just the 3rd char on your selection screen. Thats all. Everyone has multiple chars because they are really shopping around for a class they “feel”. They don’t even realize they are doing it.

If players are required to make impactful, lasting (not deleted every xpac) choices that are important to that characters development, they will feel a far greater bond with that character. It sounds nerdy but im sure you know what i mean.

In the long run you end up with players that are eager to log on and play around, create their own fun and just hang with friends. Instead of thinking “man I gotta do my +12 on 6 toons then get nzoth on my Pala and druid. Oh and do visions on all of them too.”. Its exhausting and really sucks the life out of this game.

Picking Horde or Alliance has meaning and Alliance participation in end game content has been decimated because of it. This system is only going to make that worse.

Player problem. Not a game problem.

Alliance has better pvp races but horde still has more pvp because that’s where everyone else is. Not because of game systems.

Is this supposed to be an argument for or against covenants? Can’t really tell.

This is an MMORPG. Those things are one in the same.

Naw. People play where their friends are or can find arena teams etc far more than because of racials or w/e

You brought up racials as an example. Racials have nothing to do with what I am talking about. Why are you countering your own argument lmao