And the crazy thing is you don’t have to grind out most of the reps because you can just buy rep tokens from the TW vendor so why have that extra unneeded step?
If I’m not going to ACTUALLY do the “work” then they want us to have a… TW badge sink? I guess?
Except they’ve had NUMEROUS tokens that just point blank increase rep… the WoD tanaris tokens that dropped from the four rares or mission tables, the MoP tokens that dropped from war bringers, heck you could earn rep from mission tables in legion too… I guess what i’m saying is if your argument is immersion - well they’ve broken it several times over already. They also sell timewalking tokens for reputation (granted this is older content) but the point still stands, I could be exalted and have never even been to the city/quest giver thus what’s the RPG / Immersion defense to those scenarios?
Why, because I pointed out you are trying to use a system that was added to help speed up reputation gains as justification for account wide?!? Sorry if you disagree with me, just then ignore me. It’s like I will miss you
These items weren’t a reaction from player outcry - they were in the game upon each iterations inception and provided without request… Warbringers ALWAYS dropped reputation tokens that were BOA, legion class hall tables ALWAYS had missions that gave exp… The tokens in WOD dropped from day one.
So you are saying the devs KNEW it would be a good idea to provide players easier methods to grind rep that required no immersion, no RPG elements?? Then you are agreeing with me
The only one that was added AFTER the fact was the timewalking tokens and no where did I ever read players cry out about old reputations, no where did I hear in the many interviews that’s why they were adding them… It was added to provide more reasons to do timewalking, if anything.
You still haven’t rebutled my initial response, those tokens/table missions break immersion… For the record, I never said I was for against account wide rep and I do appreciate you missing me
New reps will be old rep eventually. So it will be account bound for current content and not later?
So from Shadowlands and onward everyone will have exhalted for every faction across all characters but prior expansions will be manual grind out?
This appears to just be about current content and making it easier/faster for players. I do understand but…
Maybe the issue is the system in place for doing the rep grind through dailies and stuff…
What if you got rep from dungeons? Or tabards you could throw on when you do certain dungeons like we used to have? Rep tokens…
I think at least a 50% increase to rep gains after you hit exhalted once is pretty reasonable, combined with a little extra from dungeons and tabards. Many ways to make the process smoother for alts without just handing it out while also not making it feel rough.
Rep gain in its current iteration is fairly rough and I dont enjoy it either. If the process were even at least more enjoyable maybe more people wouldnt really care if its a grind since they actually enjoy the process?
I think the easiest way to do it dev wise is to tie it to cheives and toys. So say you get exalted with Stormwind. This grants you a cheive that also awards a toy. The toy when used grants exalted rep on any character that uses it.
This way you cant double dip on rep while grinding it on multiple toons. There’s not a lot of extra coding, and if you want toe “keep a pure experience” by not having it account wide you can do so.
Conduit upgrades come from more than just ZM, right? Like PvP, M+, Raiding ect.
I don’t really think the rep is required to upgrade conduits in 9.2 or am I wrong?
Reputations have NEVER been account bound. Grind away if you want the rep. If you don’t, don’t. Simple. Same as loot. It’s not account bound. Each character gets to do his/her own progression.
The OP wasn’t saying they ever were. He’s suggesting they should be.
Except we don’t have to do that anymore for a lot of reps which makes me scratch my head. They keep putting in ways to avoid the grind except the path a lot of people want (account bound.)
What “work” are you doing wasting TW badges to get exalted with Suramar?
I am not a big fan of account bound systems because I firmly believe that Blizzard will make getting things harder based on the assumption that people will do the content on multiple characters. Now that that is out of the way, having an optional item that people can buy to get a character to max level or even just double rep gains would be great. This way people have a choice of doing the rep grind or bypassing it.
When talking about rep in the past, it really was mostly optional. You would grind the rep you wanted based on if you wanted the reward or not. Starting with WoD it became you had to get that rep and it became worst from there. With changes like that a little help would be welcome or they could go back to the MoP rep system which was pretty good. The double rep and rep tokens you could send to alts.
We didn’t always have 5 new mounts attached to a rep grind to exalted we never wanted to do in the first place. You may have had to get revered for an attunement in rare cases, but we rarely ever had or were forced to get exalted. It’s no coincidence that gates like honored are significantly easier.
So why do it? For 140 exalted achievement count? Nothing better to do? You really like alts? Honestly, the reasons don’t seem interesting to me; everyone plays for some reason.
People think that exalted rep is the problem? That’s certainly not how I see it. Give me reputations that I can ignore (and do!), and it feels like a bigger win than sharing reputation gains across accounts.
When I quit wow in 2008 (minus a trial stay in Cataclysm), we didn’t have achievements at all. Should I be worried about grinding exalted, when I see people with 30K achievement points? Nope, it’s a pretty simple grind construct. Blizzard has been kind enough to give everyone a pretty good plan to grind it too … ever since Quel’Danas it seems like they don’t put the rep grind in unless they make it time gated and streamlined. Like they know exactly how long it will take you.
But is it fun? Of course not.
At this point, there is no longer a chance to call this a design oversight. It’s integral to the game.
Let’s not bring “sense” into this. No matter how much I accomplish, which gods I slay or worlds I save, the next rep in line always has me gathering boar giblets and cleaning the latrines to prove my worth to them.
Have you SEEN my resume? I’m overqualified for 90% of what I do in game. I should be exalted by default and only decrease in rep if I do something bad.