Why are reputations not account bound?

I’d like it if when you gained rep with any faction your alts all gained a percentage of that rep. Kind of how if someone in your family is well thought of, the rest of the family tends to benefit from association.

I used to believe that it was illogical for a new character to be exalted by a faction that had never met him or her, but Im getting to the point now where I dont care for that anymore. If the game devs dont care about lore and story logic, why should I?

Put some form of ability in the game to share each reputation account wide. Make it an aspect of gaining that reputation the first time, just as is done with Pathfinder. Then let us just get on with playing the game.

Wow, you came a long way. Sokath, his eyes opened!

account wide rep wouldn’t stop the crying. people essentially want to be able to fotm switch mains without any effort. i saw posts at the start of the expansion that said you should only ever have to level once and then all your alts should automatically be max level. plus the people who want raid gear to be BoA. etc. once you really start to go down this path with player power there is no end to it. it’s not the same as all your toons being able to use your sparkle pony.

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They want to slow you down. If you have to grind reps on more than one toon then that keeps you logging in. Mounts, pets, titles, armor, weapons and sometimes skips are all account wide so there’s zero to keep reps character specific.

I’m hoping Microsoft will crack down on this old way of thinking and get rid of crap like this.

This is what SWTOR does and it’s pretty nice. They still make people level their alts like WoW though, which is fine. There’s an option to be insta-max level through the shop.

because your alts didnt earn them . want something on a toon , earn it on that toon

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The problem with that stance is I can take a fresh level 30 I made a few hours ago and go stand in front of a Shado-Pan NPC wearing the exalted only hat and tabard plus using the exalted only tiger as my ground mount and achievement only wind serpent as my flying mount. And let’s not forget that this alt is flying the achievement and exalted title “Shado Master.”

This fresh level 30 is wearing and using all their prized positions that they only give to their most trusted friends and my rep is zero with them. So the only thing Blizzard is doing is making me waste my time or Timewalking badges to get exalted so my alt can buy an enchanting pattern that’s now completely out of date.

It would be nice if there was a compromise like… maybe current content the reps aren’t account bound but SL and older are (because they wouldn’t do something like this until at least 10.0.)

Why grind rep on an alt if you don’t want to?

For what purpose? The Legendary memory unlock is account wide. Something else you’re concerned about earning in ZM?

It shouldn’t, as you didn’t actually earn it on said character. That is the problem with having achievement rewards account wide.

Dude. Are freaking kidding me? Lost Ark has everything as account wide and it works perfectly because your alts log in to play the game, that be in the housing, islands, adventures tomes, dungeons and raids.

Why do I need to grind reputation again and again on an alt? How is that any fun at all?

Blizzard follows this mentality, and this game won’t survive another 4 years, nobody has time for this kind of BS. Look at other games evolving, WoW needs to do the same.

Playing an alt should be like playing your main, aside from gearing up, there shouldn’t be another progression

if you prefer another game then play it. nothing is tying anyone to this one, or any other, permanently. if you get sick of one then play another. no one married wow. it’s okay to see other games.

sunk cost is a fallacy

while i have been lobbying for this for a long time as well as many others. i still agreed rep should be account bound with some limitations.

as a completitionist who is rank 4 on illidan for recipes i feel that stuff such as recipes and so on should be locked. where if you want those things you need to change professions or grind them out on an alt. otherwise account wide rep should be ok then. it just would not be fair to people such as myself who have been grinding out rep as a completionist to attain this recipes and so on.

Exactly --nothing should be account wide

They could make both sides happy by making account wide rep optional like they do achieves now. I wish they would.

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You can say shoulda coulda woulda all day but the fact is they are account wide and they’re not going to reverse it.

So they might as well take that last step.

i think its important to understand the difference between 0 effort and literally hundreds if not thousands of hours of effort for some people.

It keeps me logged out and playing other games.

I literally did earn it tho

Conduit upgrades

I think my main point here is that no matter if it “makes sense” or “fits the lore” or whatever, its SUPER FUN. like, the most fun i’ve had with a game in a LONG time. It feels incredible to have a lil island that all my characters share and i can feel immersed in no matter what im doing or what character im on. its simply just FUN and it feels so good

Yeah, thats what im doing but I wish I wasn’t because i’d rather be playing wow but there is simply just too many hours of content that is not fun for me to do a second (or third, or fourth) time before I can get to the fun parts.

Exactly. Never understand this argument. My alts are pixels. They’re not going to do anything without me guiding them.

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I wonder if all these “you’re playing a character, not an account” people ever complained about MOP’s whole get exalted and get doubleXP rep for all alts. My guess? Naaaaaaaah.

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players like you i understand and i support yall getting a break here and there. but honestly some of the insane things i’ve seen where people just want a collection of highly geared alts without actually playing them? get the heck out. and that applies to casuals who want gear to be mailed to them as well. you should be able to get your alt straight into doing the content that you want it to do but not bypass having to actually play it, imo.