would those same people enjoy the collection tab being deleted and mounts/mogs being character locked like they used to be?
I don’t personally see how account wide rep unlocks is immersion breaking when alts that aren’t exalted and haven’t learned to ride special mounts can magically ride them and use weapons from raid bosses they’ve never personally defeated, and wear tabards to represent reps they’ve never encountered
it’s definitely a massive turn off having to get rep on every single alt for conduits because pvp doesn’t provide any
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it should be account wide with only the highest rep character can gain rep while alts cant gain rep
How about your acc can only get rep once per quest?
RPG was always more important than people having 5 characters. That is why blizzard went with character based rather than account based. If you find account based progression more fun FF is that way ------------->
Show me those kind of people… you’re full of it and you know it. If you were presented the option to skip rep grinding you would in an instant.
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If they can’t make reps account wide then they should make all rep rewards BoA (and rep related unlocks account wide)
So many of us have ground out our reps on multiple toons. True rep farmers dont want them to be account wide.
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cause it dont make sense from a Roleplaying angle, you and your characters are not the same.
this i would be fine with, as that would make sense.
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i cant understand what this cow is saying other than “MOO”.
Those I RP with. we have it to where are MAIN is NOT are best toon… it is a favorite toon.
This toon is no where near my best. From RP than this is me. My other toons just know who I am. And in Classic my rogue is me. The other toons know who I am and are friends of me if that makes sense.
And back when I really used to RP my warrior was around from the beginning, then a few xpacs later, dks came around, so my warrior turned into a DK. Then I made this paladin the same expac… Wrath and this became the new me.
From RP this toon is now me,. My warrior died and became a DK. I actually had this pally as a super powered level 60 twink… could solo AV and could gank some level 80s. And this toon used to be on a 60 capped account. had my friend log into my dk we fought to the death and this toon one. Killed my Dk and became my new main. Nowhere near my best toon but been my fav since WoTLK when I made it. So many PvP and PvE feats of strength that my warrior has that this toon does not have is the only reason why I have not deleted my warrior yet. Then I moved this toon over to my main account (this one) and leveled it to level cap. Stil have the level 60 twink gear lots of it is unobtainable now even with BMAH.
Warrior main has some 259 gear this toon only has 240 item level.
So as RP goes this is my main. As reality goes this is nowhere near my main as my warrior, dk and warlock are all better.
AND as for Classic. My rogue is my main.
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for players that want this experience, they should be able to toggle shared reputation off, just like achievements
i’d be ok with it being an option, immersion is different for everybody, though i wouldnt get the point of alts if there was nothing that you could do with them.
Because you are playing a character, not an account.
Because some of us like playing the game.
Because some of us like the content to last longer than one run.
Because some of us enjoy experiencing the content for more than one run.
Because some of us like to build our characters so we only want them to be exalted with certain groups.
Because some of us enjoy the satisfaction of working towards various rewards instead of having them handed to us.
Because some of us enjoy the sense of accomplishment from achieving goals instead of having them handed to us.
I cannot believe the amount of people on this board whining to be exempt from playing the game. If you don’t want to play the game, don’t play the game, but quit trying to reduce my content because you are too freaking lazy to put time and effort into playing the game!
you literally didnt read the post
Yes, I did.
But I didn’t need to because it is the same cry for shortcuts and skips and account-wide crap that has permeated this board since the final patch dropped and players realized they actually had to put time and effort into playing again in order to get the latest rewards.
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What difference would it make at this point? And again, if making rep account wide is too big an ask, making the rep reward items BoA should be simple enough to do since they have done it in the past.
I never minded having to get reps on all toons. However, this current rep is a pain to get, so the alts won’t be getting it.
i literally never said anything about a shortcut or less effort