Right, exactly. While that may be OK for cosmetic rewards such as mounts, a lot of reputations have tied to them one or more items that are actually impactful in terms of player progression.
Part of the point of rep grinding (much as I hate to say it because I hate rep grinds with a burning passion) is to make you truly “earn” it. Giving someone with multiple characters a leg up in reputation is not a good idea specifically because of the player power items that may be associated to them.
If you then go “oh it only applies to X rep because they’re cosmetic only items”, then it becomes unnecessarily complicated to manage which reps do and don’t share. (Kind of like how tracking old raid lockouts work, holy potatoes. It depends on the xpac and especially in xpacs like Wrath and Cata where they tried different lockout systems and ugh, but TANGENT TIME IS OVER!)
Even applying a rep cap (not to mention I can hear the screams of ‘timegating!’ from here) doesn’t really resolve the issue because that player with multiple alts still has an advantage in terms of earning rep. If you make the rep cap small enough that the advantage is not significant, then you:
a) lose part of the point of adding account-wide rep; and
b) force the developers to take away development time from systems that need more attention to this practically-no-benefit situation.
It’s really just not worth it even though it would be convenient.
To add to that, you also gotta consider that many rares requires a group if you’re not a tank. If rep was accountwide, the new guy coming in would have it significantly more difficult.
I find it interesting that nobody was looking at the bigger picture:
Why do we need/want Account Wide Reps?
Because we have multiple characters
Why do we have multiple characters?
Because of:
mulit-class restrictions
role playing reasons
Do multi class restrictions make sense from a role playing or gameplay perspective?
Not really. People can learn multiple skills if they put the work into it. As long as the character meets the per-requisites they should be to learn new skills
Why are we restricted from learning new skills?
Because it would reduce time played in the game if players could learn multiple skills and thus wouldn't have to create multiple characters
So long story short IMO this is solving the wrong issue, we only need account wide reps because we must needs alts in the first place. Alts should be a role playing thing not a game play thing IMO.
Those things were amazing. Anything is better then the drivel of grinding reputations on alts just to be able to play them.
Reputations, especially those tied to current expansions/patch just punishes players who decide they want to play alts and have fun. Instead, we get more of the same. You want to play an alt? Grind this rep again over the course of weeks.
To all those saying “we are playing an RPG” as a response to why not, is not much of an argument for keeping it. The players stand to gain more then lose with account bound reputations or much faster catchup mechanics for alts. Don’t punish me with more “time grind” just because I want to play something other then my main.
So just implement it in a way where having an alt wouldn’t (WOULD NOT) increase your potential rep gain over someone with just one character? Add so many things to do in the new zone that there is no reason to ever log out if you dont want to so that their precious playtime metrics dont tank? (But don’t tie these things to player power in instanced combat) I promise if the game is fun to play, people will play it more.
The reason I want account bound reps is so that I can play the game more instead of feeling so behind on my alt that I just don’t bother with it. The amount of hours required to catch a character up to date and be competitive is BONKERS. Trying to start something new during the middle of a patch is the most demoralizing experience of all time.
I wish I could play something other than my main every once in a while without feeling like its a complete waste of time or feeling so detached from my character that its simply just NOT FUN.
I used to grind reps all the time and go back and get exalted with old factions during my free time. Then I switched my main for PvP and when I’m not in the arena I just log out because going back and trying to achieve all the old reps etc that I used to have would take thousands of hours of gameplay doing something that I’ve already done before (and thus not fun for me).
When I beat cyberpunk 2077 (an amazing game that I love) I had 0 interest in going back and starting over from the beginning even though it was one of my favorite games to ever play. I’m not going to go back and play breath of the wild a second time either although I absolutely love it. Korthia wasn’t even fun the first time and I have to do it MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY if I want to be competitive on multiple characters. I’m having more fun in Zenith Mortis but I STILL DONT WANT TO GO BACK AND DO IT TWICE ON ANOTHER CHARCTER. Please let me have fun!!! At the very least if you really dont want me to ever feel good about my alternate characters, dont force character power in these rep based zones!
This is why I loved original Ever Quest because you could play one character and get all the professions on that one character. A lot of the time I make alternate characters is for the professions. While I do like having a tank and a healer at my disposable, I still mostly want the professions. Not many games these days go with that model but I know there are some games that have made it so characters can easily swap between dps / healer / tank on one character. Besides I prefer playing one character as that is the one, I want people to know me by.
In fairness, I think when most people ask for account-wide rep, they don’t necessarily mean account-wide progress on a rep. They’re mostly asking for a scenario where once one character becomes honored or revered or exalted, all those benefits become accessible to alts without having to re-grind the rep separately on each character.
Account-wide progress on reps is problematic and can’t happen for all the reasons you mentioned. Account-wide unlocks on reputation perks once one character has unlocked them, however, is a different story and much more reasonable.
Problem is, there is a point of diminishing returns where too much grind (and especially repetitive grinds that took long enough the first time), actually result in less time played.
For example, if all my alts could have bought the equipment upgrades from Roh-Suir without each having to grind it themselves from the beginning, I would have been more motivated to earn Tier 6 faster on my main, and played more on my alts to collect the research for upgrades. As it was, I just got them all to 220 and tier 2/3 and then decided that was good enough and stopped.
Yea they keep having alt killer expacs and Legion went one step further to be a spec killer expac to where your artifact was only good for one spec and if you switched specs you had to grind it all over again. DH had it the easiest. Druids had it the hardest.
So basically if you are a casual player, our not going to be liking the game that much and you will quit. So glad they took out the original Honor level system. The Prestige levels and then having a player with a way higher prestige than someone else with powerful abilities was really causing lots of people to win trade and exploit to get their prestige levels up faster. Thankfully now if you have a super high honor level it will not make you more powerful than someone who does not.
So that system was account wide. I DO NOT want my reps to be account wide.
I spent so much time farming for those reps on multiple toons. I hate it when good systems are added, then removed. Wanna talk about how many players unsbubbed after Legion, citing artifact removal as being one of the top reasons why so many left.
Why give us all these super cool artifacts, Hati and stuff like that. Then REMOVE them to where no one can ever get them again. Not even a new or returning player can get those now and have them work.
So if we earn something we should be able to keep it. And also I do not want reps to be account wide because for BGs in PvP I have done the BG rep grind on over 10 toons for all 3 to exalted. I have gone exalted and hated with Booty Bay a total of 8 times on this toon alone. Im grinding out feat of Strength reps right now which is basically going exalted, then hated, then exalted with a lot of factions out there and even getting some at the same time. I have done those TOON BY TOON. I do not want to have all that work be for nothing now and having it all be account bound.
I dont want account bound rep. That is for lazy people. I had 8 level 120s last epxac and did rep grinding on all 8 of them. So now it would mean that 7 of them would have been wasted. And it also discourages players from having alts. Like why have an alt if it will all be shared across the entire account anyway?
And why farm out a cool system on all your alts when it gets removed. Things were really going uphill with legion. Players were coming back… But now…Blizzard removed all our hard work and made it all for nothing. So now… if this pattern continues… 10.0 or even the prepatch…our gear will be nerfed, our covenants will be removed and made unobtainable for new and returning players and a bunch of people will unsub.
That is the pattern now. All our fun stuff from this expac will be removed and 10.0 is going to start off on a bad foot, get bad publicity and will be even worse than this epxac has been. Because they do stuff like remove systems and making stuff account bound.