Why are reputations not account bound?

Asmongold made this a hot topic! I am a fan of some of his content, but it’s clear he’s has way less time to dedicate to WoW on its own. so I can see why he fights for it to be easier and more in line with his multiple time restraints and commitments. (Just my opinion, idk him, so hopefully his minions don’t attack me for my observations) :skull_and_crossbones:

My opinion is that Reputations shouldn’t be account wide at all, for some of the same reasons mentioned above.

I am okay with being able to grind or purchase a certain amount of tokens that can boost an alt’s rep up to a certain point though (which is a system they have used in the past). maybe they could make this a new perk to timewalking weeks

But some of these features the altaholics are asking for are way too extreme…I’ve seen requests from account wide rep to also having the same exact ilvl gear as a main…def not on board with that :-1: and would lead to wayyy more headaches in LFG due to poor player skill across the board.

Because their cosmetic, unlike rep which often comes with some form of character progression. Whether that is gear or recipes, if you want those on your alts go play that alt and earn them.

The game is fun, I find it more enjoyable when my characters are earning their rewards rather then being handed to them. The game has all the account wide systems it needs.


The same way they can differentiate me being the true Maw Walker.

They cant and it doesnt matter.

Yes for account wide rep. So what if I want to grind rep on 15 shared alts, Ill be playing way more time than the raid logger who plays 1 main and does his dailies only once.

Give it to me blizzard, I am worth a lot more engagement metrics than these “main casuals”.


Reputations are the entire reason I can’t change mains.

Maizou has every reputation in the game at Exalted. (Well, that is possible, there’s some you are stuck at Hated with for being Exalted with the other, and I don’t have the 2 removed reps either but shrug) It would feel horrible to switch mains and suddenly be back at square one.

Honestly, I wouldn’t even mind if they just made it so reputations from the last expansion and below become account-wide, and leave current reputations as per-character.

That solves the problem of exploiting paragon chests or bypassing rep gates for current content and such.


By that logic, why do these NPCs refer to all 3 of my hunters as the Huntmaster, and my hunters all somehow have Alleria’s bow?

Because it’s a game.


Just let people have the choice then. Easy solution. Click a dialogue option on an alt to share rep with your main or avoid it to grind rep because you want to.

Like if that’s your main argument against a change, its one thats easier to fix than the whole " its an rpg". Which is defeated by making a lore connection between your characters so that they are viewed similarly.


Other RPGs have account-wide rep and do just fine.


Because it would essentially force people to play multiple toons to gain rep, which is a terrible idea. That said, if once you’ve hit Exalted, items from the quartermaster unlocked account wide, that would be helpful.


This right here is probably the most compelling argument against account-wide rep IMO. Can you imagine feeling obligated to roll multiple characters, max level them, and get them running current content to feel like you even have a hope of catching up to others that are already way ahead in rep even though you are doing everything “right” just because they have more chars to leverage?

Imagine how much further ahead people with multiple max-level chars could get just by virtue of having said characters to run the content with, even and especially since the amount of rep-gaining quests are finite?

Imagine being able to unlock actual useful items (not cosmetics) such as the Crafter’s Mark of the First Ones and Memory of Unity in less than a week by virtue of this rep-sharing system?

How is that fair to people that can only play one character?

Yes, rep sharing is convenient and occasionally I wish for it too, but overall the damage it can do is worse than the payoff.


The system could just be designed so that this couldn’t happen and having multiple characters did not offer an advantage to how quickly you could earn reputation. As long as you can only log in to one character at a time, the amount of rep you could gain would be the same on any of the characters you’re logged into.

If there is some super quest that gives 2000 rep and you could only do it once, it could just only give the rep to your account one time and after that it could give a normal amount or none at all depending on the quest.

I’ve always felt the same. But if they’re after numbers and profits, in guessing they have to be right, otherwise they’d be out of a job by now.

The one version of account wide reps I’ve seen where multiple toons isn’t that big of an advantage is to have a hard cap on weekly rep earning for the account.

I get bored playing one toon. So I like options and play alts to learn my opponents better to anticipate, the whole keeping rep on one toon is definitely draining and demoralizing

That would just cause people to qq more about time gating. I wonder how those people would have responded to the caps on badges/jp/cp ect.

It’s why I unsubbed today. 9.2 is the same ol crap… just can’t bring myself to do it anymore

I’m not saying that it’s what wow should do, I’m just saying that it’s the only way I’ve seen to give true account wide rep without creating a massive incentive to have multiple toons.

True, they would also need to take the human racial into consideration. The only system that we’ve had that might work are the rep accommodations from Mist. Though most reps take 2 weeks at most to reach exalted now and with contracts I feel accommodations would be fairly pointless.

Regardless of what they do though, people will still qq about something regarding rep.

Agreed, No matter what the change is, someone’s going to complain about it.
Example: https://xkcd.com/1172/

And account wide mounts!

And then cry how they “need” to meatgrind 50 alts a day to the same mount chance.


We know how this plays out just by looking how people chase mounts after they went account wide.

Make as many alts as possible to chain run things.