It would mean that all of your characters could benefit from the human rep racial too… how much you want to bet that even die-hard horde would suddenly have human rep mules?
Are you kidding?
I can hear the screeching already. “TIME-GATING! TIME-GATING!!!”
People aren’t even asking for what they want.
What everyone actually WANTS (I think…) is to not have to get Exalted with reps on multiple characters.
And THAT is easy. We know that Blizzard can tie vendor items to achievements. So whenever something “Requires Exalted with ______”, just change it to “Requires Achivement: Exalted - ________”.
That’s what people should be asking for.
That right there is why account bound reps should never happen.
I would like to see more waring factions where you must choose a side as
we have had in the past. Account bound reps would make it not possible.
Also due to how easy it would be to cheese it as listed above.
Which is a terrible excuse to have horrible game mechanics. If you want to take the “but it is an RPG!” argument to the end, pretty much most of WoW is extremely un-RPG like. If WoW wanted to be a good RPG, the level cap would have always been 60 and new content would supplement existing content rather than replacing it.
Warring factions could be an exception to the account bound rule easily.
Why do all of your characters learn to fly when you likely unlocked it on your main? Cause account wide progression. They should either make rep account wide up till exalted so you can’t account wide paragon boxes or allow all reputation vendor rewards be BOA.
Should everything be account wide?
Why not levels and gear too?
I have about 110 exalted reps or more on this character alone, I’m even advocating for it. Bit weird to bring up levels when you can literally purchase that with money but can’t do it for reps? Besides is it really so outlandish for somebody who is exalted to be like “this is my friend here (alt) I vouch for him “ then they be like yes sure here you go exalted one’s friend…
No, it isn’t.
The problem is you shouldn’t be exalted just because your “friend” is exalted. You can vouch for people, to a CERTAIN EXTENT.
That’s why 50% bonus reputation tokens unlocked at Exalted work… and why fully operational account wide reputations wont.
I feel like they can easily be fixed by saying it doesn’t become account wide till you hit exalted and also paragon chests are not shared between characters?
This would be me going into booty bay.
The mechanic works fine for one character, reps usually have very little to do with power progression it’s usually cosmetic or collections. So why are we sticking to this ancient design? I don’t want to redo the same task over and over it’s busy work. It’s not like a dungeon or raid where they are actually fun past the first time doing it.
Because how is the Wild Hunt supposed to know that this void elf warlock and zandalari troll druid are actually the same person?
So then don’t.
How about once you get exalted you’re able to buy a “Decree of recommendation” (or some kind of name) that you can then mail to a character? It gives that character exalted status but you still gotta earn it on one first and it’s gotten from a quarter master of that faction.
“Decree of the tortollains”
“Decree of Ardenwield”
Things like that. Faction specific ones would be “BOA - Horde” or “BOA - Alliance” something like that (work that out later idk).
This would fix that cause then they turn in the Decree and lorewise the tortollians see the name of the Void elf recommending the Zandalari to that effort.
We are having cross faction stuff soon and there has been some lore stuff with us going cross faction. Wouldn’t be out of the story to have that.
TLDR: item to mail to alts after being exalted that’s BOA.
I’m just mad that I used the skip on this alt, not knowing I’d be losing out on 2100 reputation and essentially screwing myself from buying my conduits from the vendor…
Kind of a major slap in the face. Skipping should be a way to ease your frustration, not increase it.
Because account wide rep would be a terrible idea.
This game is about the progression of an individual character, not the account.
Yeah, next thing you know people will be asking for account wide achievements.
People are ridiculous Hellasha.
Sarcasm off
It would make sense for me having fun and enjoying playing the game more on many different classes. Kinda the same way that I can soul bind with all 3 binds on my alts when I finish a covenant campaign on my main.
Give me a reason to go there other than a time-gated & boring rep grind that I can’t even grind? I literally want to spend more time in this zone doing stuff, it looks beautiful, but there is nothing of value to kill and nothing to do outside of dailies. (I thought we were supposed to grind in MMOs, everything is just a daily/weekly chore now?)
If I could hang out doing cool stuff with pococococo all day, I would x99999 but the thought of going and doing the same quests I’ve already done on another character makes me have to put a mask on
Make the content fun and people will play all day every day.
- Imagine if you could kill mobs in an area for 2 rep a kill.
- And there is an area that has warmode always on or even FFA during some parts of the day and your character could increase in size the longer you survive in the area and if you get big enough you get a grey item that just indicates to other players that you did it and you’re sick
- and there are PvP vendors right next to the above zone and a spot right next to the vendors that is a sanctuary but dueling is allowed
- And the reputation rewards weren’t related to power past friendly so no one felt required to grind it.
- But there was like a new spell color variation reward for exalted maybe for your covenant ability or some other cool class ability or something.
- And a new +1 permanent bag slot at revered.
- And there were 1000x more rare caches all around the zone but not labeled on the map.
- and the rare caches had a potential item drop that acts as a sort of currency that you can trade in for consumables and transmog items
- and you could get a special gulper mount from doing a unique quest chain that is simple but fun and can be completed at anytime or not at all
- and you could find different items around the zone from different random drops or specific events that you could modify your gulper mount with so everyones mount was slightly unique kinda like how you can dress up pocococopokepco
Like why is the only way to keep people active in the world or content alive to have some time gated daily rep grind? Like what happened to putting the gameplay first anyway?
Nah cause actually the whole time I was doin it on my main, I was hyping up my alt like crazy and everyone was so excited to meet them by that point that they were nearly more famous and revered than my main.
Or we could just keep it at 1% but shared across the account and not time-locked.
Cool, add a toggle to turn it off like with achievements.
They did their math wrong when they lost players during a time when the rest of the video game industry was retaining and getting new players like crazy
Just don’t make it work like that? Have those kinds of quests grant rep only once to the account?
I’d have a lot of fun if I could play any character I wanted that day and feel like I’m progressing instead of doin homework
That’s the problem, I’m not.

This game is about the progression of an individual character, not the account.
Then why did glad mounts and titles go account wide? What if we just made this game about having fun instead?