you did your part… voicing your personal opinion instead of the community you are supposed to represent? with your opinion definately clashing with the broader community opinion? ( see the BFA reference about making classes slower)
how is Pwar OP? in any content? Ppal dominate all of M+, Pwar was the only tank not represented by the top-end raiding guild in nerub palace… where does this OP comment comes from? And why is it relevant when this change, per dev note, is supposed to be net-neutral in term of tankiness and DPS ( meaning they’ll still be OP after).
How is “fixing” Pwar nonsensical OPness a priority when there’s 2000 different thing blizz could do to make tank, the least played role currently in a drastic shortage, more fun in an expac that has done nothing but make tank lives worse so far?
what the F is the point of the community council ?
I’m hoping prot pal is the next door they will knock if that’s where you want to go. If they won’t buff other tanks then that’s the logical conclusion.
Can’t represent everyone, it’s not like we have also a crystal ball with what everyone want. We both can’t claim to know what the broader community want. I know myself and the people I play with it and I use the forums a lot trying to understand more people.
Tanks being better balanced normally leads to more tank playing, not everyone want to reroll.
That’s a good question as there hasn’t been much done around it for a good time. xd There’s even a post asking about it in the forum section.
did I not say the word “fun” often enough to make the point clear?
Can’t represent everyone
you are kind of supposed to do that yes.
it’s not like we have also a crystal ball with what everyone want
no, you can’t get everything right… but some of that stuff is definately easy. Again, see that dreaded BFA patch.
Tanks being better balanced normally leads to more tank playing, not everyone want to reroll.
and how is making Pwar less fun supposed to bring balance? Brewmasters and VDH don’t have fun, therefor Pwar shouldn’t have fun either? Balancing fun level across all tanks to the lowest common denominator?
Remember, per dev note this change is supposed to be net neutral in term of tankiness / dps.
That’s a good question as there hasn’t been much done around it for a good time. xd There’s even a post asking about it in the forum section.
I would wager that most of that 6% come from people playing Pwar before the Pal changes and the +15/16 they’ve timed 3 months ago still count in the data
I think Brewmaster and vdh are fun to play, but they can’t get much playtime at higher level when they aren’t that great in comparison.
As for the rest I think we went over those points so I guess we will have to disagree.
I mean if it is then I guess it’s not a nerf which many people claim it is, but I’m gonna work with you a bit there it’s most likely a small nerf. You can’t trust 100% what devs say as there’s often some loss in theory vs practical.
I’m definately past the point of broken record now, but so far since TWW tank had : broad nerf to all damage-related trinket cause tanks cant do damage, not a single interesting tank trinket, not even the baseline cheat death / absorb shield one, being more dependant on healer which is something no tank want, the most punishing dungeon pool, boring AF raid fight, some of the most uninspired and boring hero talent like shado-pan ( 100% passive tree)… and a change that nobody asked for , which if done properly won’t achieve anything other than nerfing fun for Pwar.
And let’s not get started on the RNG defensive portion of the upcoming tier set… It’s not their best idea for sure.
Please, come back with a blue post explaining why any of this make sense.
Tank damage is the thing I will most agree on, for me tanks should do up to 75% of a dps. Nerfing trinkets while not buffing our scaling much only make tanks feel worse. And they’re going the other way by giving us more threat next patch instead of damage.
I think tank damage is a big part of the modern tank gameplay and fun, but you’ll also get people that disagree with this. And dps players hate when tanks can do good damage.
I don’t think making tanks having to rely on healers a bit more was a bad move, but I don’t think they should have nerfed mitigations. Pressing cooldowns should be a bigger tank moment.
As for hero talent trees those are simply hit or miss, I’m happy with dks as we got some of the more interesting ones.
Monk is one of the least played classes, isn’t it? Maybe they’re just happy some people are playing it and don’t want to rock the boat. OTOH lots and lots of poeple play Paladin, so maybe “too big to fail”
Maybe, but isn’t Brewmaster considered the most complicated tank to play? You have to be good to do good numbers on it. OP nerfs are usually for face-roll classes.
They nerfed them after the tier when they were obviously broken, they wait too long on this. Same as dh in last expansion.
Also mark of ursol was pretty broken, while it could have been balanced I guess they’d rather remove it. It was the only tank being able to solo some bosses, for me that’s nerf territory.
What if I want to play Colossus? I pay for my account so why should I have to play the same boring cookie cutter spec they claim is BIS. I just want to have fun playing whatever spec I enjoy and right now that is both arms and prot as Colossus. I’ll with hold judgment till we see how much this nerfs prot but we will see.
Pwar aren’t spamming revenge right now. maintain 100% shield block is not a choice it’s mandatory and IP VS revenge is still not a choice. one take clear priority over the other unless the tank is in no danger which… why are we even talking about situation where the tank isn’t worried about his tankiness.
Again, I’m not sure why anyone think slowing rage generation will make warrior think more carefully before spending it on shield block / IP / revenge… it will make them push those button less often, it will not add a layer of decision making.
Garm, Star augur was also problematic. Pretty sure the amount of dks that solo’d star augur was pretty minimal and if it was then it was much much easier on a bear.