Not even the meta tank for M+ or Raid, yet we are getting slaughtered with the nerf bat again (just like DF S2).
Wth is going on at Blizzard, why do we need to get destroyed like this. We spent all of Dragonflight after S1 getting dripfeed pitifuls buffs because they mongo-smashed us with a extreme nerf come S2.
I mean you are the 2nd best tank overall
Just really weird to see prot paladin and brewmaster to be untouched
Game Devs want you to reroll so you can play the game for another 2 months.
Yeah, full essays on some specs and then prot paladin is like a single point. Then again, I’d rather no change than be nerfed to the ground.
If you are not used to getting prot Warrior nerfed every second season with every expansion pack since the burning crusades, can you really call yourself a warrior main?
My suggestion is stop doing mythic dungeons and literally all nerfs are null and void.
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Why are we getting nerfed then, is the question. We were not overperforming by a large margin.
This nerf is way over the line and destroys us in a way like S2 DF and the entire Shadowlands expansion. Which means they will be slowly buffing us the rest of the expansion because they have no clue what they are doing.
As far as I understand they’re nerfing the rage economy which was more than plenty.
So we can be rage starved like Shadowlands? They have proven they have no clue how to balance warrior properly.
If you are rage starved switch off colossus.
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I don’t know if this means you’ll be rage starved but they want offensive options to be more costly for prot warriors.
You’ll offset some of those nerfs by simply getting more haste which might also be what they’re thinking.
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Assuming that the changes result in a net neutral tankiness/DPS changes… then nerfing rage generation does nothing but nerf fun for warrior.
which is an even weirder thing to do, especially on the least popular role because of how frustrating tanking is.
They’ve done this type of change even for dps specs this expansion, they want more slower specs as that makes it so you have to make bigger decisions which I think some people might prefer. Considering SL banner prot warrior as the extreme I think it’s fine to try to slow down things if they go too fast.
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If a tank player want a slower, more methodical tank we have BDKs.
Slowing down rage generation doesn’t bring more decision ; all your rage is still going into ignore pain / shield block with revenge being at the absolute bottom prio-wise, at any level where properly playing matter.
This is just nerfing fun… and unlike DPS, tanks simply seem to get hammered again and again this expac : DPS trinket are nerfed for healers and tank, Tank DPS abilities (avatar, weapon of order) no longer affect trinket ( but stuff like hunter crit damage bonus do), tanks were made to be more dependant on healer which is the last thing any tank or healer player want, we have quite possibly the hardest and most punishing dungeon pool ever when it come to tank buster and it took you 4 months to adress 1/3rd of the offending abilities while ignoring the worst one : the insta recast on tank buster in grim batol, raid tanking is still a snoozefest revolving around taunt swapping at X stack and moving the boss to a particular pixel, tank have received basically no change despite atrocities like Zen meditation still existing after many years… but we are on the 3rd full rework for hunters and shaman?
Who asked for a slower Pwar? Is this person actual real? Does this person opinion outweigh every other tank? Why do you guys hate tanks so much? You realize there’s no PVE in this game without a healthy tank population, right?
Warriors complaining on a forum Brewmasters can read:
What are the changes? And if so glad I play bdk
huh I would disagree with that. Current blood dk isn’t really slow.
You’re kinda making my point, if you can sustain ignore pain and shield block so easily then it’s not a choice.
Disagree with what? BDK being slower? what is there to disagree here? BDK has alway been the slow methodical tank where every GCD matter while Pwar is the high octane tank with the highest APM. Use APM, use haste%, use the impact of a single GCD, use wathever metric you want…
The rage spending question is between ignore pain and revenge. Never between ignore pain and shield block.
Have you played those classes? Or am I talking with another Celestalon representing a spec he has absolutely no clue about?
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I have more apm as a San’layn blood dk than prot war.
It’s exactly because I play the class that I know.
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just reduce prot paladin damage to be the lowest again and the brewmasters will be happy.
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