Why are people voting for Grimrail Depot?

Choo-choo :steam_locomotive:


I’m thinking the same thing, not many other explanations :laughing:

When you compare and contrast the larger WoW-verse/wider internet (reddit, wowhead comments, MMO-C, twitch, Youtube, etc) with this board
 the wider internet seems to hate Grimrail Depot :joy:

(speculation incoming)

I suspect what’s really happening here is the anti-M+ GD’ers that make complain threads about M+ leavers, or complain about not getting invites to M+, are mass-voting for the unpopular dungeons (
like Grimrail Depot) out of spite - perhaps even cycling thru forum alts to “pad” the vote count in their favor.

In other words, they’re deliberately voting for the bad dungeons as a way to “get back” at those “big meanie” elitists that won’t invite their 220 character to a +15 for a free carry, or the M+ “elitists” that decide to leave after 4-5 trash wipes happen before even making it to the first boss.

Remember, many of these same GD’ers mentioned don’t even do M+ regularly, so the explanation does makes a lot of sense in a way.

/tinfoil hat off

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Nah, that’s too big brain. Haters typically have smooth grey matter. Occams Razor IMO - they voted Grimrail cuz train go choo choo :steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive:.


This is an internet vote.
There are no consequences, and it’s more or less anonymous.
Consider also that people are terrible.

Mountain Dew let internet people vote for the name of their new flavor once, and only once, because the winner was “Hitler did nothing wrong” by a landslide, followed by a lot of references to grandmothers and bodily fluids.

Votes are not the best way to choose something like this because many people will vote to troll, without consequences, because it’s funny to them.

I voted for because it won’t be my problem in Mythic Plus

imo the two dungeons that make sense to put on M+ are the two that aren’t included in Timewalking, Iron Docks and Upper Blackrock Spires. Mainly due to the layout of these dungeons and the boss encounters, they both just scream perfect for M+

If you use Silver as a benchmark for what the “one chest” timer ought to be, UBRS would be one of the longest all-time dungeons for M+. Do we really want that?

The pool for S4 already has some long dungeons TBH. I’m glad we’re not going too overboard with that.

Iron Docks is definitely a healthy medium and a good fit, but UBRS is a no. If it is UBRS vs Grimrail, I choose Grimrail TBH.

At least ubrs hasn’t been too 2. I will not run that on mythic+. I already have to run top which is awful.

To be honest, there’s really no wod dungeons I’d care to do on mythic+. I’d rather other expansion dungeons

I voted Grimrail because I enjoyed the dungeon, but there was a genuine thread last week telling people to vote for Docks to spite M+ players lol

Not saying Iron Docks is hard, but it is the most ungodly boring dungeon I have ever played

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Docks to spite M+ players?

Docks is bland and unappealing for casual play (regular Orcs in a regular ol’ Dock) but it seems perfect for M+. That makes no sense to me.

The only dungeon that seems spiteful to M+ is UBRS, because it’s just so long. Also it has forced waits which M+ players HATE.


Honestly, docks is probably one of the best options for M+.

It has a pretty well-defined route, you can’t stray from it much, and it’s pretty straightforward with mechanics that could be quite punishing.

I agree that UBRS would be far worse, but I think Iron Docks is my least favorite dungeon ever made. It is the most bland, uninspired dungeon there is. It is so ungodly boring and I don’t think M+ affixes will change that for me


I’ve heard multiple people say they don’t play M+ and they’re only voting either because A: Is pretty or B: To spite people who play M+


I will take Docks and the Train as long as we don’t have UBRS.

Choo Choo cause it ain’t lightning boss and it’s not that god Offal last boss on a small platform people are easily knocked off.

I agree not too many people actually do M+ , and yet we have the whole community voting lol ?

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Grimrail Depot would be a good M+ dungeon. It will be difficult and intense.


“something’s not quite right
/Nightborne voice

Ahh yes the dungeon that makes me carsick

Yea, honestly UBRS would be a horrid pick - if you all wanna spite the Mythic+'ers, pick Iron Docks.

OR, be original and pick Slag Mines. Nothing says annoying than having to backtrack just to kill the other boss cuz’ you might wanna avoid adds. Plus it’s not a very long dungeon either.
Everbloom ain’t a very good choice, especially since folk may figure out how to do the Wall Skip. Grimrail we all know will bite our butts but I don’t mind the difficulty there - I just wouldn’t like it on Necrotic or Volcanic - since there’s not a lot of wiggle room for trash. Really Iron Docks is one of the better choices.

Though Skyreach is also a fair contender, but eh it’s kinda a meh dungeon to be frank, plus the trash is deadlier than the bosses. If you do timewalking, you’ve certainly seen people die more to the adds than to the bosses - with a close contender being the third boss due to not taking cover for Quills.