When I leveled to 70 on beta I thought to myself I can’t be bothered with dragon riding and will just use my ground mount but I quickly changed my mind when I leveled up and quests would lead you to learning it and then started using it. It’s very convenient and you can travel way faster between quests or when you have to travel a large distance to continue campaign quests or to new zone. I did the bare minimum with the upgrades and found by the time you completed a quest that there was enough recharge to get to where your next quest might be. If there’s not much distance between quests I just used the Dragon mount as a normal ground mount while conveniently recharging dragon riding. I’m also one of those players that hate the struggle of not having flying at the start of an expansion and never happy about the time gating for it as well. At least with Dragon Riding we do have access to some flying at the start of the expansion and it does speed up leveling. The animation of it looks good as well.
I really love that the pre-order mount can’t even be used for DR. If that’s not trolling i don’t know what is. “We can’t even bother to make the animation work for the new flying, but here you go…”
Ion throws a broken dragon toy at you from across the table
“Happy xmas.”
With dragonriding once you unlock it it and the mounts are account wide. Only have to do it once with the dragons.
Because people always want to complain about something.
Even if this game were perfect, people would find something to complain about.
So, after way too many unsuccessful attempts to get just the first glyph quest done, I feel pretty comfortable saying I’m not a fan.
But hey, at least I got in and can play!
I wouldn’t mind. yeah.
If I wana glide more I’d just play Spyro again.
True, true.
If there are advantages to it, then it shouldn’t be a problem to have both available and let players choose which to use, right?
That’s kinda the point, though. Blizzard is forcing everyone to move to this new system rather than having both as options and letting people choose.
I’d argue hitting 1 and 2 or just letting it keep going without having to do all that is the same. Nice try, though.
Funny because for launch 50% of players have been stuck on a loading screen.
Not really. I’d rather spend more time playing my character, not riding around or trying to get to specific areas while I get motion sickness from the new oh so great dragon riding.
No defense for you going “Why are people suddenly crying” about it then. You were willfully blind.
If dragonriding was so good they’d allow flying from the start too, but they don’t. They know, and a ton of players know.
Other than, you know, being able to transform into the bird that you’ve trained hard to do as a core part of your class fantasy, right?
A cosmetic complaint doesn’t concern me, I’m afraid.
So then this isn’t about objectivity: you just think your opinion is the only correct one.
Cool, cool.
Well, it is objective. If you go into flight form and I go into base riding, you’ll be eating my dust every step of the way.
It doesn’t look fun to me but then again, I’m still bent about losing flight form.
I’ve tried dragonriding on and off for about two hours now and it’s making me nauseous and dizzy after five minutes. I have motion sickness settings on too, fun.
Sorry to hear that.
Hopefully BlizZard comes out with an opt out feature at some point.
But that doesn’t objectively make it better.
It means you prefer speed over other things.
Some of us, in fact, prefer class fantasy and our hundreds of collected mounts that we’ve spent years acquiring to a little bit of speed.
The issue is you keep telling us we’re wrong.
I’m still uncertain why we can’t have both regular riding and dragonriding, and let people choose what they want to use when… If dragonriding is truly objectively better, then people would always choose it, right? So why do the devs feel like the need to force it?
Faster does not necessarily equal better.
TBC Flight is pinpoint, infinite, hassle-free, and available across every mount capable of flight. Dragonriding is fast, and you can do neat tricks, but landing on precise areas is painful, the constant wobbling and swerving is nauseating, and you’re limited to a heavily-restricted roster of DR-approved fliers.
If you want to audition for Red Bull, sure, Dragonride your heart out, but the option should be present for TBC fliers and even dedicated ground-pounders to explore every part of the expansion.
I must have dragonmaw blood in me, if you’re having difficulty controlling the new one.