Why are people suddenly crying about Dragonriding?

Ooo I didn’t know that, I’m a fan of this.
I just meant doing that while dragon riding will be tough cause you carry momentum.

Nye, if you’re making the implication that people who hate it, only never tried it, and people who liked it, only tried it, that is faulty thinking there. Not only not everybody is on the beta, but this is working under the assumption that they will instantly like it the moment they try it out for more then 5 minutes. (Or like some people, they will set the goal posts to 10 to 100 hours or basically any time to essentially silence any criticisms, whether it be 100 hours in or not, but allow any praises 5 minutes more or even less, though, showing their own bias)

Also, this “we can’t criticize it because we haven’t tried it” implication works both ways, not just against negative feedback. You’re also implying “we can’t praise it because we haven’t tried it”.

Besides, this is the internet. People gather things on the internet and put them there. Beta included. Especially helpful since people don’t often have access to beta. (Meaning they can’t try it)

This also applies to people saying it’s fun as well. Just putting that out there.

…I mean it also applies to rest of the comment you said since you kind of said all that without any sources to back up here, but i’l digress on that.

…Can i ask why you play without a mouse? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


People are complaining because it’s new, and new is different, scary and uncomfortable.

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Why I don’t use a mouse? I’ve always played on laptops and never sitting at a desk where a mouse would be usable.

0/10 don’t recommend but I’m used to it and I can play in the room with Mrs. Sarama this way so we can still hang out.

One word explains this reason ,freedom. It that not a good reason for flying then I really dk.

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Get a lap desk, it will change your life

You’re probably right but I can’t imagine trying to learn how to play all over again lol


Tell me you’ve never heard of argumentum ad novitatem, without telling me you’ve never heard of argumentum ad novitatem.


Yeah, it’s kind of a reason why i swapped from Laptops to Desktops. Not really fan of the mouse pad that i had to sort of hover my hands over the laptop frame (because there’s where all the stuff is). And always used an external mouse.

And before anybody says it, i just found laptops to be uncomfortable personally. That and my weight of my Thor hands would crush it from just resting on top of it.

That and i rather not turn my computer into a bomb for how AWFUL the cooling for those laptops are. I can go to Antaratica and that laptop will by my campfire essentially. There it is, that’s my igloo. My overheating laptop. :laughing:

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What I was trying to say was try it before deciding if you like it or not. Everyone has their right to an opinion, but the opinion SHOULD be based on their actual experiences, not what they read in GD.


My cat loves when I’m playing, free heater for his nap :smiley_cat:

The problem here is most people have to buy the expansion to do that, and there’s not really much new besides DR so if you really hate it you just wasted 50 bucks.


When you are dragon riding a new action bar comes up, that automatically populates with the controls. No, you don’t need a mouse, they default to 1 through 4. You can change what goes where so very simple to use. I had mine set up to where 1 shoots you forward, 2 boosts up up, and three was the major speed boost. I had 4 set up as the bronze ability that allows you to “mark” a spot.

Dragon riding is fun.

Soar on the other hand is completely useless.

Also, i do want regular flying in the Dragon Isles. Sometimes you need to just press numlock and go grab coffee.

It’s weird people are complaining because it’s much better than being stuck to ground mounts until they decide we’re bored enough to give us regular flying.

just wait until people feel “forced” to use it exclusively

Torghast was fun…then it became effectively mandatory and it wasnt fun anymore.

now dont get me wrong, I dont mind dragonriding (other than it being a bit tedious until you collect the powers) and it is fun for the most part, but I kinda wish it was totally optional from the beginning.

Because sometimes you want to go from point “A” to point “B”* without having to hit a key along the way.

*- with point “B” sometimes being out in the middle of the ocean long beyond the fatigue zone

What’s funny is that if they want to they can walk or ground mount around but they’re going to need it for two dungeons I think.

I’m not sure how in a game that has so many addons you’d think people are flying F 22 Raptors with precision timings and instruments they all have an issue with a hovering dragon.

You mean the DR actions like do a barrel roll or whatever or the actual left-right-up-down?

Sound advice. Problem is not everybody has access to the beta.

And another is, people don’t often define what they mean by “trying”, like for instance if you play another MMO and you say you didn’t like it, the same person who told you to try it, tells you to play for 100 hours before deciding to like it or not. And let me tell ya, nobody (at least as far i’m concerned) want to put that in to see if they like something or not. If somebody didn’t like it the first 5 minutes, despite not even doing much on whatever we consider trying, it’s not their obligation to keep on going.

Not to mention, this isn’t like Steam where you can play for 90 minutes and decide if you want to keep it or refund it. Blizzard’s Refund policy is…well, if not non existent, then it’s strict and unfair in a lot of places. Such as creating characters using the new races/classes and leveling up with it to see how it plays. Or playing the new expansion for any length of time.

…Not to be that guy but… we are in GD, so that technically means 100% of the comments on this website is pretty much nulled out.

Plus, WoW Forums is just a platform to give your opinions to. Like Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, YouTube, Reddit, or whatever you fancy to “Get the truth, and wake up and”… blah, blah, blah … you get the point. So i don’t see a reason to exclude a platform like that.

left, right, up or down can be controlled with the standard keyboard layout (i.e., W, A,S,D,X.

Interesting, soar wasn’t doing that when I used it (or I was drunk and had num lock off…) so that’d be helpful if so.

Would have been cool if they had put a DR course on the PTR for everyone to be able to try even without beta.