Why are people so upset at new ah mount?

Well it’s kind of hard to even respond to you when the link between being left out, being a new player, and being surrounded by people you can’t even compare yourself to was disgustingly obvious.

I am just trying to find out the connection between being 2800 io and having this mount. And how that creates a “keeping up with the joneses” scenario.

Because otherwise, it sounds like a bunch of hogwash.

Not supposed to change anything I’m just hoping you’ll stop tossing around buzzwords because you’re using them incorrectly.

Sorry it’s just a pet peeve of mine but anyway I do get what you’re trying to say. Basically what you were trying to get at is that you were afraid blizzard will add all the cool mounts to the store and not have anything worth a flip dropping game anymore and that’s a completely different subject entirely.

And if that starts to happen the game will truly be on its way out the door and on its way to maintenance mode. I do agree that it is a bit scary though because it seems blizzard has started to ask themselves what quality of life changes for the game or people really willing to spend real money on. That’s a pretty deep ocean to swim in and a scary one. Scary for the games Future is what I mean

I refer you to the prior post where you can read it in its entirety, but more slowly this time. Don’t skip words there’s no rush <3

Folks are just paying $90 to be “noticed”. In an online game.

That’s it.

You can use the AH and mailbox like a normal person, you don’t need this mount in any capacity.

No different than the $250 Ahri skin.

It’s stupid, yes.

People are hopelessly addicted and think this will make them happy, maybe for a few minutes it will.

But an actually good game would probably be better lmao. One that isn’t broken every other week.

There’s much more productive things to spend that money on.

At the end of the day, mounts dont do much, like skins.


I think the general sentiment leans more toward a ‘There’s a sucker born every minute’ attitude from Blizzard’s marketing department.


Part of the outrage could be because it’s sort of predatory in a manner. Kind of like someone “innocently” putting a drink in front of a known alcoholic.

Blizz knows people are addicted to this game to varying degrees. And those people might very well give in and buy it just because it exists.

It’s a stretch but that could be part of the outrage.

I just think it’s funny that after so many terrible nerfs and seemingly misinformed changes, that they’re like hey hey hey how about a 100 dollar mount to take your mind off of that!

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So many jelly beans.

We could open a candy store.


Mainly people think with the game in such buggy state, that the devs are responsible for this, when it’s just marketing.


I miss the good ole days when Blizz actually made good content and didn’t worry about money.


Pretty much.

I still remember the day they started selling cosmetics in-game. Totalbiscuit warned us it would only get worse. Dude has never been more right.

If you want to continue telling yourself this is all subjective because you’re finding it increasingly difficult to accept the possibility that you were actually ripped off, then it’s no skin off my back. It’s not my money you wasted, so more power to you, my friend.


I do not remember any day they didnt care about money.

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Reminder that old Blizz delayed TBC because it wasn’t ready.

Modern Blizz, early-access where things are clearly not working properly.

It’s always been about money, but quality is another story.


Back before they did all this crap in the in-game store.

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I remember my first beer

Jokes aside, I’ve read that the first in game shop mount wow released made more money than StarCraft 2 in its entirety so, I’d say from that point on it was a lost cause. I mean, blizzard as a whole has a pretty long track record of how they’ve treated “the consumer”

Not really. I remember it being released not well.

We have one of the smallest in game stores anywhere.

And before then, they still cared about money.

Yeah this never happened if it ever truly had happened blizzard would no longer be in business.

No company in history that makes a product has ever made a product just to make a product they all care about turning a profit. Turning said profit is also the only way they can keep making a product, improve upon it or make secondary products

You were just so blinded by the love for the game at one point that you didn’t notice and now that your love for the game is starting to fade the Shroud is falling and you are noticing more.

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It was, I remember it fondly lol, because I was a peeved kid at the time.

It was announced late that year, in Oct or something, and was delayed until January.

To this day, it’s the only WoW expansion that released that early into a new year.

Pretty much all WoW expansions come between August, October, November, and December. It’s what they aim for.

Anyways, this game is old and the quality’s slipping.


because they will go a mile with this, it’s already being shown here with a now $90 mount. people can cope and say what they want but it’s ridiculous lol. and people eat it up everytime.


To be fair they always cared about money but yeah, I miss the version of Blizzard where basically everything they touched turned to gold.

Though as much as I loved WoW from the start, I’d argue that particular era of Blizzard was over when WoW began.

They went from a company that released banger after banger to one that focused solely on their big money maker MMO.