Why are people so upset at new ah mount?

Quick and cheap cash grab. What they could have done, is given a semi-long quest chain that revolved around the anniversary, took you through the history of the game, given it some interesting events / fights , and at the end you get a dinosaur mount. Voila, thanks for 20 years!

Instead, blizzard just wants more money.

I could care less about having a dinosaur mount if they’re going to make you pay for it, but don’t be naive and think this is anything other than Blizzard milking its customers for more $$$.


$120 Down Under

Arent there other quests this patch that do exactly that and they arent paywalled?

Wrong, so wrong. However, this post says more about you than anything else.

  1. I can afford it and wouldn’t waste that much money on pixels.
  2. Didn’t bother with the OG either.
  3. See #2.
    TY for your participation.
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Then it sounds like I was completely right actually and it also sounds that you’re not one of those people who are mad others are buying it so you don’t fall into that category my friend.

You’re one of the few who just look at it and say yeah that’s not worth 90$ it to me. They also there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

There are many items for sale in the world and what’s not worth it for some that same item is totally worth it to someone else. You know I may look at a Mustang Cobra for 66k and say I’d never buy that it’s not worth it. But then somebody else goes 66k my God they retail for 70k good deal

Value being subjective doesn’t mean people still can’t be ripped off.

Furthermore, few people are likely looking at the brutosaurus mount thinking “that’s a good deal!” Chances are most are being driven by other reasons for purchasing it rather than it being a bargain.

Because it’s not a bargain. It’s the most expensive mount they’ve ever listed on the shop.

ill just use the ones that the suckers bought lol


Actually that in itself is subjective. What’s a rip off to you is not to someone else

None of your argument holds any water all your argument does is support what I said and make it more true.

I’m starting to wonder if you actually thought this through before replying :thinking: :rofl:

I’m not upset about the mount, although I do think it’s ridiculous to pay that much for it. What I am still upset about is Blizzard robbing my Guild Bank and leaving me without any compensation or recourse, then putting out one of the buggiest patches I have ever tried to play through, then having the audacity to charge $90 bucks for a mount. In that order.


No, by all means.

Sometimes it’s warranted.

Woah what if they said “jk we actually can fix it” and put a $90 Guild Bank Restore service in the store

A grain of truth there, if subject to complications in this particular case.

Lego and other pieces of overpriced plastic hobbies are definitely out there, but at least you’re getting something physical you can use. Or rebuild into something else if you want.

But when the cost of a microtransaction within a game starts exceeding the standard price of a whole game?

The line has been crossed.
And it doesn’t bode well for the future.


It is what it is… Next month there will be some new catastrophe that spells out the end of times.

I’m definitely not mad about it. I think it’s ridiculous and brazen corporate greed but there’s no power tied to the mount and it can’t even fly. Charge $500 for it for all I care.

Funny how updates always break the game but the cash shop never has problems. That always works perfectly. Weird…


I don’t know wow has survived “the end of times” for 20 years now, the next one may truly end it…

If you bought a fan for $30 and you come to find out later that the same fan could have been purchased for $20, even if you feel that the fan had a value of $30, you still would have been ripped off.

A ripoff is the act of charging for something that doesn’t warrant the price tag and/or could have been charged for cheaper. It’s not a feeling you have. It’s creating something and then selling it at exorbitantly higher rates than what would be considered a fair trade.

I sincerely doubt the anniversary mount cost anywhere near $90 to make. The reason why skins are so popular for publishers nowadays is precisely because the profit margins are too large to ignore. It’s low investment for high returns. Blizzard could probably charge the mount at $45 and still make a return on investment. $90 asking price is a clear ploy on Blizzard’s part to maximize as much profit as they reasonably can without burning themselves too much, and they know it’ll sell because FOMO is a real thing that developers and publishers utilize to keep people playing their games and/or spending money in them.

So you can sit here all you want, feeling confident in your purchase. Indulge in it even, if it makes you feel better and justifies your decisions. None of that really changes the fact that Blizzard ripped you off.


You are still supporting my original statement Look up the definition of the word value dude. It’s subjective. End of story

The word value is subjective and what’s valuable to you maybe meaningless to me. The value of an item like a fan as you so called it is decided by the people buying the item.

So yes the word value is highly subjective. This is also why prices go up on items because more people want the said item. :exploding_head:

Because a fool and their money are easily parted. And this signifies to Blizzard they can turn WoW into a thousand dollar a year luxury experience that others have to participate in order to keep up with the Joneses or feel permanently left out while playing a massively multiplayer game.

why cause you need alot of gold for other or 90 bucks