Why are people so upset at new ah mount?

If you can’t reach the conclusion on your own, I doubt God himself could guide you to it by hand.
And it’s not worth my time anyway, you’ve clearly made up your mind on the issue and will actually hear nothing else. So have a good one.

Nah you just cant explain yourself. Thanks for making it easy. The fights are over and im off today. I got all day to clown on $90 mount doomers.

That would be context, not semantics. The prior establishment of ‘blue hair’ gives your following statement ‘blue cats’ context, which would infer blue haired cats.

But you’re getting there!

yeah, if you feel uncomfortable with it, dont do it.
Its nice to have and all but its not really gonna make or break your game either way :+1:

Like i stated easily inferred. Didnt need the context.

I think im actually gonna buy the mount now, and when i see people try to use my AH im going to dismount just to be a dick

If that’s true and it’s easily inferred ‘blue cat’ as a google search should provide a blue cartoon colored cat, not a grey furred one or a russian blue. Because search engines don’t need context.

Google up blue cat for me forum goers. Whatcha get?

We’re testing this for science.


  1. I have no shame. Im 59 years old this month. There is LITERALLY NOTHING you or anyone else on this planet could say or do to make me feel shame. lmao. IF that is your goal, youre wasting precious moments of your life you’ll never get back…
  2. NOONE needs anything in this game, including the game itself. I think we ALL understand that fact. Its not about ‘need’ its about ‘want’. Given how much money I blow on all my hobbies, 90 bucks isnt even the lint in my pocket. lol

lol…that joke logic would apply to ANY hobby I’ll tire of some day. So according to your logic I should get rid of my golf clubs, all my wood working equipment, my entire coin collection, etc, etc, etc because SOME day I may not be interested in them anymore.

you DO realize how asinine that sounds correct?
Hobbies are about HERE and NOW today and enjoying them…not worrying that you’ll find some shiny new toy in 10 years and forget them lol

Do better next time :+1: :+1:

so this got me curious.
I know which hobby I spend the most money and time with…so browsed over digital and scanned receipts. This year alone spent over $15,000 on that particular hobby.
Why? Because I WANTED to. Not because I NEEDED to, lol.
other than maybe some of our disabled brethren in here who do need this game or something else to spend their time with, none of us NEED the game or anything to do with it.
Its a HOBBY. Its designed to blow money and time on…and THATS why we do it.
And you laughably trying to shame anyone…especially me…just gives me uncontrollable giggles, lol

maybe you should worry about YOUR game and leave others to play theirs.

Thats not why they are mad, have you logged on since the patch? Its a dumpster fire, filled with bugs, bad class nerfs and some classes being just off the walls broke with changes. Then the next day instead of fixing the issues first, they click a button and say hey guys give us 90 dollars. Thats why people are mad, id biy the mount if i had an extra 90 laying around because who doesnt want an auction house with a mailbox at all times. It was just very poor timing for blizzard to release thus before fixing more pressing issues first.

Lmao then why you crying about it on here. 59 and running to the internet to cry over a game. You should be ashamed.

Its all virtual. Now youre comparing your real life to it. Its actually nutty that your 59 and cant seperate these things. Yes i got tired of golf and sold my clubs. You are exactly right thats what you do.

lmao…you ran your mouth, son…I responded.

Now that I see youre just a troll…perma blocked. :wave: :wave:

dude in here whining about 90 bucks…lmao…accusing those who had the 90 bucks of crying :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well, at least this one has its own postal service which means there’s less chance of them setting up outside the Auction House like the other Brutosaurs do!
Still wouldn’t pay $120 AU for it though.

It sets a precedent for the shareholders. Blizzard makes an ungodly amount of money off this, next month there two new versions of this mount, maybe with repairs on one, transmog on the other, each costing 300. Then a month later all 4 types of vendors for 500. Whales will whale, people who dont want it wont get it, but when blizzard runs out of variations for this trash…well. they’ll have to add something else in. An AH mount already presents a very good advantage. And because it presents an advantage, they’ll be tempted to, and pressured to, create more MTX that sell just as well. Because shareholders EXPECT a profit streak to keep on gaining. Not just profits, but a percentile increase. So for a short term profit jump, they’ll look good one quarter. And they’ll need to not only replicate, but out do that profit jump from now on.

People will only buy so many types of sparkle ponies. And when you jump to in game advantages, you are asking for trouble. Customers will expect advantages. Shareholders will expect profits.

And four months from now, they’ll be forced to figure out something to tap the whales again. And there isn’t much left thay still amounts to a small advantage.

The market is what people are willing to pay.

I really think we need to retire the term micro-transaction if a digital mount that can only be used in a subscription-based video game cost 90usd.

We could just call it macro-transaction or Mega-Digit Transaction for a purchase for additional content that costs more than 50usd to be used in a video game.

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It’s strange that you can’t understand how this is a manipulative greedy move. Introducing a fomo mount like this which is the equivalent of a weeks worth of groceries for my family…lol
We know we don’t “have” to buy it. Too bad it is the only one of it’s kind. So plz, pay $90 for this single digital asset. It’s over priced, it’s unreasonable.
No one is whining bud, people are making statements. If this was whining, then you would be whining about people whining.

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I couldn’t be happier. Today I was in an epic BG that was a completely lost cause, so I popped my mount and bought 40 jackolanterns and turned the whole team into Dulahans.

“Hey Fellow Gamers! We invite you to celebrate our 20th anniversary by giving us another $90! We need your $90 to have more parties on our yachts!”
Seriously f Blizzard for this.

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