Why are people so upset at new ah mount?

It’s following me around like a lost puppy now.

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I remember getting the original Modern Warfare for free and thinking I preferred Counter-Strike, so I stuck to that.

I did play Warzone for a brief moment. It was alright playing the game mode where you escorted 2 payloads, but they kept rotating it out of the available modes.

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lord…my mom wouldnt stock up on ANYTHING even if she had gone thru the great depression. lol.
She’ll be first one calling us for food and TP the second the crap hits the fan.

Ive already given my family maybe $1000 worth of crap we had stocked…food stuff mostly…because theyre totally irresponsible lol

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My mom lived through the Great Depression. It turned her into quite the packrat.


The $$$ price is very much a legit complaint. No one should be shaming in here because someone else doesnt have the ability to spend that all at once and is irritated over the price.

A LOT of provoking going on in here by both sides over a stupid mount that only exists in a video game.

Moderation probably should make a mega thread of this, 404 any new ones and suspend anyone insulting anyone over buying it or not…


Keeping the forum flooded with threads is their marketing strategy.

I love how people act so sanctimonious- like not buying a mount makes the game better, and buying it makes one complicit in genocide, or something.

Seeing people get their panties in a twist over how other people live their lives is fun.

“You bought a store mount you made the game bad I hate you REEEE!!”

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I got mad just reading this! For free!

That is insane! They’re adults for crying out loud! Let them get their own families! I hope you and your wife explained the entire ‘where babies come from’ thing. Also, is Jimmy John’s any good?

Explain that in a way that makes sense. Specifically, what you think a cash grab is and what defines a person as having low impulse control. Then put that into some sort of reasonable chain of events that would allow for this project to be put into motion.
That would be nice.

You bet. And look at all the FREE forum content it’s generating!

If I keep seeing you talking sense I’m going to have a sad face.

I’m not sure. I do see a fair amount of people on both sides of the ‘buy/don’t buy’ issue focusing on other people’s decision-making process, or lack thereof. There’s some name calling and pointing and laughing going on. Or there will be. It’s been promised.

I don’t see any rational discussion on business practice at all. Rhetoric and talking points for sure. Nothing of substance. What are the concerns here? Is it ethics? Morality? Are we worried that this would bring on the decline of what some believe to be quality gaming? And by that, I mean are we going to see a transition from chess, to checkers, to mumbly-peg?

Darn good forum fodder though. Give it that.

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WoW’s sub price hasn’t increased in 20 years and that comes at a cost, mounts like this are why they can justify not raising it

I’d say we’re looking up from the bottom of a long slope at all of the ways that has already happened.

Watching gamers cannibalize each other for the right to spend $90 on pixels is just one thing that evidences that. Criticism of this item has been so internalized to the point that insulting it is apparently akin to calling someone’s mother out.

A lot of bad takes on all sides of this one though, that’s for sure.


If it seems insane (I agree) don’t buy it. Literally the same as any other product or service you think is overpriced. As long as it’s not P2W, who cares?

if theyd leave the insults and name calling out of it…one side can voice their disdain for a $90 mount, which is their RIGHT as consumers buying a product.
and those buying the mount can do so because they feel its worth the cost for them personally.

Myself, I wish this version had been the first because Ive spent sooooo much frikking gold on garrison AHs for alts over the years lol.
This mount, for me, means no more garrison AHs at 40k - 80k a pop, so for me personally its well worth it given how many alts I end up rolling and often deleting lol.

This rancid behavior from either side needs to stop.

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I’ve tried. You’ve seen the pecking being done to try to change that though.

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Where have you been. It’s been ptw since the token launched.

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I’m just upset because I want it, but $90 for a premium mount verges uncomfortably into “I Have A Problem” territory for me lol

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The price is just too high. Given, I don’t play retail as much, if at all. But $90 is just asking too much for a mount. For what it does, I’d be willing to shell out maybe $50 or 60 for it, but 90? No thanks.

And at that price you’d still be giving them far more profit than they even get from a full expansion launch. Pretty crazy when you think about it. We’re talking spending $60 for what took the entire development team to produce versus spending $60 for a recolor someone produced between projects.

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For me it feels different because a version already existed, was removed, added to the BMAH and now just straight up being sold on the shop. It would have continued to be a rather sizeable gold sink for the game for a lot of players, kept them logging in and providing a small but probably ever lasting reason to talk about BFA.

I’ve never really had a big issue with store mounts but again this one just feels different.

Yeah. The best solution would be to put it in-game as a massive gold sink. But if they aren’t willing to do that, I’d still probably spend a good $50 on it, just for the AH. Even then though, I’d still be hesitant to spend that much. I think $90 is highway robbery.

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It obviously is. :stuck_out_tongue:

But I want to watch the world burn so I’m going to pay it, signal it on the forums, and then go back to being a nobody IRL.